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Everything posted by ultrajamie

  1. I've a slightly obtuse question about led's I've just hooked up one of these: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BRAND-NEW-BLUE-3-LED-BEAM-KIT-IN-CHROME_W0QQitemZ140070219581QQihZ004QQcategoryZ75520QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting to a 500ma 12v dc transformer... to use on my aquarium so i can see my catfish at night. Anyway, i've got the transformer set to 7.5volts because 12v is too bright... anyway, the 3 leds in the array are wired in series, but i want to hook up another set at the other end of my tank... can i do this by wiring them to the same adaptor - if effect creating two parallel circuits of 3 leds in series... or should i wire them to another adaptor? thanks in advance for your help
  2. errrr WTF?
  3. and now.... prince of perisa is revealed to be a dodgey port too.... are people still thinking ubisoft is doing wii a favour. at least EA seem to be putting some effort into wii... with madden and SSX they seem to be at least doing a bit more than porting old GC games
  4. regardless... it's POOR showing from nintendos first online wii game, using one of their biggest names. Not on at all. it hardly shows the right sort of commitment/
  5. i'm interested in it... it could turn out to be wii's very own 'katamari' if you know what i mean... but if it doesn;t come till march, well, i want sonic in march.
  6. I've noticed that online previews are saying Pokemon Battle Revolution requires you to set up a game-specific friend code list AS WELL AS your console list. if this is the case for all games then nintendo really has buggered up with the online functions of wii.
  7. why a technical thread about video displays is a sticky, and one about wii friend codes is not, i'll never know... but anyway.... bump.
  8. all i can say about zelda is the attract sequence where he lifts th master sword in time to the music gives me goosebumps... every single time... and i'm nearing the end of the game. it is, in one word, amazing.
  9. i work for the company the publishes the Eastern Daily Press and East Anglian Daily Times... We had a massive rush on advertising from ipswich rugby club. Apparently, they're just desperate for hookers.
  10. agreed... what a shame that someone has such depth of understanding... and they choose to use it for nothing good what-so-ever... <checks bit torrent> *whistle*
  11. i think it's not just a matter of fit, but function... sure an epic game like zelda, heavenly sword, and gears of war needs a certain level of acomplishment... but they also need graphics that don't hinder the flow of the game - kameo falls down here... by building complex-ish scenery, but then not giving the characters the ability to navigate it with any finese. something like wii sports works because the clarity and simplicity on offer actually enhance the feedback of the game. then you have games like far cry wii... which fall down because the graphics hinder the atomosphere, feedback, and function. so, yes they do matter... but not in a bigger=better way... but in a 'you've got to think about the game's needs' way.
  12. Has anyone recieved stars for their vc purchases yet? I bought gunstar heroes and donkey kong country and haven't seen a sniff of star action... and yes, my wii shop channel and nintendo vip account are linked... humpf
  13. your address book will be full
  14. I just got a blaze one off ebay for £22 - result. sod game.
  15. ARE YOU KIDDING? This is nintendo europe we are talking about.
  16. so.... i've got loads of mii's... and loads of registered wii's.... all we need now is an online enabled game... humpf
  17. reading this... the game has jumped up my most wanted list a fair bit... probably pick this up 2nd hand in the new year
  18. BT voyager router... it's never failed me with anything.... and i've never had to configure it either.
  19. oh how boring... another graphics debate... surely by now we should be asking how well it plays on wii... not how it looks.
  20. i'm going through and adding people in phases.... I'm PM'ing everyone i've added... if you're not going to add me back... let me know... i won't be offended, just want to keep my address book tidy!!
  21. yay.... my mii parade is starting to fill up nicely... come on people keep adding those numbers....
  22. you tart.... might've known you'd show up
  23. dunno.... i've made 22 mii's... but everytime i do the parade thing it's empty... and they are all set to mingle I just sent you my Mii's via message
  24. you have to add them too don't forget!!! welcome. Will add you now... Jamie
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