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Everything posted by Ealdst

  1. There's been a lot of talk about the Gamecube recently around here and it has made me go back to playing mine, and remember how great the console is. The only problem is I was never able to amass as much of a collection as I'd have liked during its lifetime so I'm looking at filling in some of the gaps, here's my collection so far: 1080: Avalanche Beyond Good and Evil Eternal Darkness F-Zero GX Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition Luigi's Mansion Mario Kart: Double Dash Mario Party 4 Metroid Prime Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Pikmin P.N.03 Prince of Persia The Sands of Time Prince of Persia Warrior Within Prince of Persia The Two Thrones Second Sight Sonic Mega Collection Soul Calibur 2 Starfox Adventures Star Wars Rogue Leader Star Wars Rebel Strike Super Mario Sunshine Wave Race: Blue Storm WWE Day of Reckoning Now given this list I know the first thing most people will suggest is Super Smash Bros Melee, so no need to suggest it! Also I have Pikmin 2 and Twilight Princess on Wii so not looking to pick those up again, but I am very interested to hear what else everyone thinks I should add to have as close to the definitive Gamecube collection as possible!
  2. I received my one yesterday so I would say expect it any day now!
  3. I've been thinking about this a bit recently since it came up in the Wii U thread, and there is part of me that wouldn't mind seeing Nintendo go second party with Sony. I do think Sony would allow them to create the games they want, without needing to resort to annual updates of the same thing as some have suggested on here. Also give Nintendo a role in developing their handheld market, so we get the best of the Playstation brand home consoles and Nintendo handhelds, all with the same Nintendo games we love, complete third party support and the need to only buy 1 home console.
  4. I hadn't heard of this game before reading this thread, but it looks a bit similar to Muramasa: The Demon Blade, enough so that I now want it.
  5. Just lost an hour to this game, thinking I'll just play a few stages before finishing up my gaming for the night. This is the first game in a while that has had that "just one more stage" factor for me, I think a Gameboy edition on 3DS would be a great fit!
  6. My girlfriend got me this for my birthday so finally I can experience what you've all been raving about! Not played too much yet (just up to world 2) but loving the little I have done. I'm gonna have this to 'look forward to' at some point in the near future. I just have a vision of my girlfriend using the cat suits diving attack to constantly dive off ledges to her death!
  7. Hehe, I did mean to mention Skyloft itself in my post (not that I didn't ramble on enough as it was), I agree it was a highlight. I particularly liked the item check girl, as it genuinely felt like you were getting her to warm to you rather than her saying the same thing constantly until you triggered plot point x to make her say something else. Also on the overworld subject, that is pretty much what I was trying to say! I feel that there is an illusion of there being more to the world than there actually is in OoT etc just by as you say being grounded in the world, I have just re-read my paragraph on this and I really did not explain my point very well!
  8. And people say Nintendo only make kids games.... :p
  9. I have mixed opinions on this one, during the journey I was mostly in love with it (in fact I put it at number 2 in my list when the n-europe top Wii games was compiled) but whenever I look back on it I don't seem to remember it so fondly. To start with the more negative things, as many have said the controls and the lack of a huge explorable world! On the controls side I wouldn't say I hated them, for the most part I liked the idea but found some things more resonsive than others - my main problem always seemed to be when needing to execute diagonal slashes it seemed quite hit and miss - however I've not had a problem with the exact same controls in the Zelda Nintendoland games so I'm not against them making a return if they can be made more reliable. I did also feel that things like the beetle did not need to be motion controlled, an option to set this to the analogue stick would have been nice. Also on a positive note, the ability to choose whether you wanted to roll or throw a bomb was great. As far as the game world is concerned, I was ok with the flying but I would have preferred a Hyrule field hub. I've often seen complaints about the sky feeling empty with not a lot to do, and to me this is just the nature of the sky theme. Hyrule field in Ocarina of Time doesn't serve much purpose beyond being the hub for all other areas of the game, but because it has various geographical features it gives the player more to do, if even just to make a slight detour to get from one side of a river to the other, or because you see an interesting looking area in the distance and want to check it out. When flying in Skyward Sword I always found myself taking the straightest route between where I started and where I wanted to be and can't remember ever having something catch my eye enough for me to detour and check it out. The only other thing I didn't like were the Silent Realm sections, but I don't think I've seen anyone else ever mention a dislike for these so I think this is unique to me! Personally I found these very annoying and actually dreaded doing them, and are the single thing that has stopped me replaying the game so far (well that and all the other games I need to play through ). So now for some positives, the art style was beautiful and I would have no objections to the series continuing with this kind of look. The upgrade system was a welcome change, although I do remember some tedious moments in Lanayru Desert waiting for tumble weed to spawn! Ghirahim and Groose, need I say more? Some great puzzles, specifically the timeshift stones come to mind. Overall, although I have focussed more on the negative in this post I still think this game is very enjoyable, but I kind of see it as a test run for future instalments - I would be a little disappointed if some of the newer mechanics didn't carry over the the next console Zelda - things like the combat being refined and the upgrade system expanded upon. Final Score: 80/100
  10. Gutted that I missed out on the flash sale/pricing error, I would've had Mario & Luigi to throw onto the pile of games I don't have time to play!
  11. I'm tempted on this but will resist and hold out for a sale. Not sure if I only want it because of nostalgia tho, many happy memories of thrashing my sister and mum on multiplayer as a kid in the original and the 'fever' theme still gets stuck in my head to this day!
  12. Good to see the Wii U version does exist! I really want this game to be good but can't help but feel that it will be heavily compromised by the lack of analogue triggers on the gamepad/pro controller.
  13. On the flip side, should it fail that soon they could become rare collectors items down the line! I wouldn't say I paid too much for it tho, even buying at launch price. I've gotten many happy hours out of it and I know I have many more to come with the games I have sitting still unplayed (including The Wonderful 101, New Super Luigi U, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and loads of VC titles). Even if the only future games that come out for it are the ones we know about that's still more than enough to keep me occupied for a good while to come.
  14. My best moment with the Wii U came just last week, finally managed to convince one of my friends to get one and me and another friend went round his place for some Nintendo Land fun. Playing Mario Chase the guy was giggling so much like a little kid when we couldn't find him, so much so that we didn't have the heart to take the gamepad away from him and let him be Mario all evening. Heading round there again tomorrow night for a repeat session with another friend joining as well.
  15. Is there anyway at all to get a Firefly without time travelling in any month other than June? An island tour or something? The only bug I have missed so far
  16. Now I have beaten the Elite 4 I am trying to sort my final squad so I can get completely trounced in online battles, was doing some training on Route 10 and the first Pokemon I encounter is....
  17. I still want Kung Fu for the NES! Infinitely better than Urban Champion!!!
  18. With this latest MM tease it would be so funny if at the end of the credits for this it just comes up "WE ARE NEVER REMAKING MAJORA'S MASK!", that said I would like the remake myself.
  19. Just finished the second gym, loving this right now! I Can't believe the variety of wild Pokemon in this game, although despite the variety available I'm still mostly favouring gen 1 pokemon.
  20. For anyone who has a download code from game, my code is now working!!!!
  21. Yeh download code was emailed yesterday but looks like it won't be downloadable until tomorrow anyway.
  22. Damn not being able to redeem my download code yet . So hyped for this!
  23. I would've been all over this if I wasn't round my girlfriends until Monday without my WiiU!!! She's working late tonight so might have to make the trip home just to download while I wait for her!!!!!
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