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Status Updates posted by Ashley

  1. I know I had a Savvy and I think a phone before that, can't remember what though.


    Oh and something good is coming after the weekend ;)

  2. I know you don't use Sonys but I can't even think what to google for this.


    With my camera (Sony Alpha 350) what you view is not what is taken. Its always too high and to the right. Is there any way to adjust this? Had a look through the menu and can't even think what to google to try and find out how to change it.



  3. I learnt your real name earlier today! (and I've already forgotten it)


    Its not as cool as what I imagined your name to be. I thought it was Teddy McGee.

  4. I love your sig, and to a lesser degree your face.


    (I still have a mental image of you dancing around singing "bearpants bearpants bearpants!")

  5. I realised earlier I was making Gunter noises in public.


    Also, apparently it's your birthday. HAPPY!

  6. I still can't believe you don't watch Chuck. Its perfect for you! Spies, hot women, geekery, comedy, Yvonne Strahovski, grunting, game references, Yvonne Strahovski.




  7. I support your move to Canada (I just don't support Canada :heh:)


    Tell me more, tell me more, like...what its all about, Alfie.

  8. I think you should mostly be fine then. Alolan Persian is discussed but not shown outside of a spoiler tag. Other new Alola ones are within a spoiler tag now (someone didn't use it). Moved some move things behind a spoiler tag but others aren't as it's very much "this is what they have at the very start" so...I dunno.


    There's some vague descriptions of Pokémon (mostly what animal they look like) but no names.


    You might be fine, but it might be best if you ignore the thread? It depends on your tolerance I suppose.

  9. I think you'll also like Better Off Ted:


    Its a smart/irrelevant satire of working for a large corporation which I think you could relate to. Plus has Portia de Rossi! Starts showing on FX on the 27th or something of this month.

  10. I thought of mine myself. HOW RUDE OF YOU TO CHEAT!


    YOU'RE the Mudkipz.

  11. i wanna have your babies

    for serious like crazy


    (just don't tell / nando /)

  12. I wanna see your lady parts.


    And by that I mean your face of course.

  13. I want you inside me.



  14. I was going to text you last night until I realised I don't actually have your number. Was watching Dexter and wanted to share this quote with someone;


    "You have a family to look after, and bodies to dismember"



  15. I'll change til, granted, but I like my full stops!


    Stop being awkward *shakes fist*

  16. I'll get crazy street preacher man to fight back for me (or annoyingly atheist amigo).


    Now where's Capcom's contact details...'Preacher Fighter' sounds like a fun game.

  17. I'm just freaking out at the moment. I have suddenly realised I need a job. I had some plans but they seem to be falling through.


    Anyway I shall cross my fingers for you :)

  18. I've just seen your latest news on the site. You should just bug them and keep emailing saying "is it okay to post this?" "what about this?" "how about this?" etc. See if they give in :p


    Also I love the fact they obviously have seen your site but have no trouble about the fact you have screenshots from the Japanese anime...

  19. I've read the PMs you've been sending. Bartering sex for +reputation before realising we don't do that anymore and sleeping with them anyway.

    Shameful really.

  20. If I'd known how my so-called career would pan out I probably wouldn't have left that place...


    Umm...do steal, do dodgy deals and don't get caught?




    Nah if I think of something I'll let you know but right now my mind is E3E3E3SOMEONEDOTHENEWS!

  21. In my defence I...


    I leave Tuesday (and am busy all of tomorrow) so January some point? Earlier in the term the better before I start screaming "ARGH WORK!!!"

  22. Indeed it is. Will be nice to not to have to buy the economy versions of food and stuff I want :p

    Yup. Still going through with Disneyland. Need to make sure my mom can get the day off (in addition to her normal days off) before I book it. But as its a surprise I've asked her partner (who works with her) to sort it out weeks ago, checked with him yesterday and he hadn't ^_^ Anywho, thanks for the offer. I shall let you know :) Although it'll probably be closer to the time when I'm like "Ine what do I do? What shall I see? Where shall I go!?" :p

  23. It appears to keep sliding up the ratings although TVBytheNumbers have it sliding down their renewal index (although obviously this isn't always accurate). I suppose it depends in part what the pilots are like and they'll go from there.


    Its too early for renewals really. Although they did renew some of their comedies recently (Cougar Town, The Middle etc) but that was an unusually early event.

  24. It is amazing. She's so lovably offensive.


    Speaking of obscenities I love that when Rita found out she was pregnant she said "oh shit" and yet it was still so cute. Or at least i found it to be.

  25. It was kind of meant stylistically. The song kinda breaths it out in a sigh-like manner. And the underline is the result of it being a link unfortunately :heh:


    But cheers :)
