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Everything posted by Melainon

  1. Can anyone recommend a site to watch Nintendos conference live? I have used Gamespots these past two years, but they have been terribly unstable. Are there any european sites hosting a live stream?
  2. Hero-of-Time: Have you looked in the options menu? There should be an option where you can set how strong motions you need to make. I believe it's called "Swing Strength" and from there you can choose from "Athletic", "Regular" and "Relaxed", with "Relaxed" needing only short, more relaxed swings.
  3. Sounds weird with that Playstation 3 bug, but it can't be a leap year bug, since 2010 is not a leap year. The next leap year is 2012.
  4. Can any of you confirm whether it runs in widescreen or progressive scan, please?
  5. Sadly, that video isn't for the Wii version. Here are some screenshots from the Wii version, just blown up to a higher resolution: More here: http://www.ene3.com/archives/020905.html And don't forget the Collector's Edition!: Contains: (Taken from this page: http://wiiz.fr/article.php?a=16693, which also states the game will be released in Europe 30th May) The Game 15cm figurine of Carnby 60 page art-book Soundtrack CD Making of the game DVD
  6. Has anyone else noticed that the WiiWare Game Mark Bozon was talking about he was making with Wayforward Games, LIT, has been officially announced? Just check the main site. For those who can't find the main page(): http://www.n-europe.com/news.php?nid=11582
  7. It seems it will be released on the Wii, 4th april in Europe, according to Gonintendo and this site: http://wiiz.fr/article.php?a=16587 Good news!
  8. Does anyone know when the Wii version will be out in Europe? The PC and Playstation 2 version is out here, but I haven't seen the Wii version anywhere.
  9. Did no one think about resurrecting my thread about this? http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14030 I feel sad. (Note: Don't take this seriously ) Anyway, it's great to hear that it's still in development.
  10. Err, I think you have misunderstood something. The 60 GB Starter pack (That is, 2 games, 1 extra controller) will continue until sold out, then it will be replaced by 60 GB Value Pack (2 games, no extra controller, lower price). The 40 GB version is just another, lower price, option. Proof here: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=29316
  11. You're right Pedro, it was just a theory I had. But I don't think that it's the exclusive story Nintendo Official Magazine where talking about. Anyway, this is great news. I really like survival horror games, and I'm intriguied to see how they will use the controller.
  12. Didn't our good friend Matt Casamassina, of IGN Wii fame, mention in one of their "Wiik in review" podcasts, that something dark and spooky, would be announced soon? This could be it. Taken from our very own thread about IGN Wiik in review: A "dark" Wii game that is kind of "spooky" (and has a resemblance to a previous game that Matt won't divulge in) [Eternal Darkness?] will be announced soon since the game recently got a publisher.
  13. Thank you kindly.
  14. Can anyone confirm whether it runs in widescreen and progressive scan, please? I know the American version does, but just to make sure.
  15. I see some of you saying that you "trust" reviews. Do you mean in regards to that they were "bribed" to give a specific game a high score, or is it something else? Can you explain that please? And why is it impossible that they think that Red Steel was worthy of 90% (Metroid Prime 3 got 1% more, so, they didn't score them the same), just because some of you didn't regard it as highly?
  16. Am I the only one thinking those graphics are amazing? So stylish, and what detail, I mean, they even modeled the cables for that N64! This is what Wii graphics should look like. I'm looking forward to this game very much, I simply loved Killer 7, and this seems to be just as weird and cool. Awesome.
  17. Screen tearing happens when the GPU renders more frames than the monitor can keep up with. Think of it like the monitor is busy displaying a frame, but the GPU has already finished processing a new frame. Then the monitor tries to keep up by displaying the new frame before it has finished the previous one, and that makes the image "tear" or ripple. There is an excellent explanation of it here: http://www.tweakguides.com/Graphics_9.html
  18. Yeah, I've seen the new trailer, and I also think it looks amazing. I will be getting this, no matter what reviews it gets (I very rarely let reviews have an impact on my game buying decisions).
  19. Yeah, in Japan the Zapper will be bundled with Umbrella Chronicles for the US equivalent of $60, according to a Gonintendo.
  20. Hey, where there any major spoilers in the review? I would really like to see it, but I'm a bit concerned about story spoilers.
  21. I have to say: OBJECTION! I think there is a clear difference, especially the textures. Look at this screen from the PSP version: Now look at a (confirmed, that is, not fake) Wii screenshot: http://media.wii.ign.com/media/947/947233/img_4843983.html First, look at his sleeve. On the PSP, it's all muddy and blurry and the button is just a splotch. On the Wii, it looks like cloth, and the button is clearly defined, and looks like a button. Also try looking at the Thompson, the concrete slabs and the sand. Also, the Wii version will run in widescreen,progressive scan and a near constant framerate of 60 fps(confirmed in the IGN preview below) http://wii.ign.com/articles/817/817116p1.html Excerpt: Medal of Honor Heroes 2 has a clean, polished look to it and the presentation is enhanced by the smooth fluidity. Obviously, it looks better than Call of Duty 3 and largely one-ups Vanguard's visuals. The game's graphics are enhanced by a quasi-bloom effect, depth of field blurs, screen shakes, on-screen blood splatters and lighting effects that illuminate the immediate environment. The particle effects system is adequate, but not nearly as impressive as, say, Call of Duty 3's. While smoke billows from some wrecked ships, it's not nearly as realistic as the spreading mass of black air in Activision's shooter. EA Canada is smart about its priorities, though. As soon as you gun down enemies, they disappear - very likely a means to maintain the 60 frames motion, which rarely dips. Although today's screens do not reflect this truth, Heroes 2 does support both progressive scan and 16:9 widescreen modes.
  22. I actually like the graphics, everything has a sort of soft look to it. And do I spot proper stencil shadows and a hint of bloom lighting? I'm looking forward to this game, simply because I'm crazy about first-person-shooters.
  23. @Gizmo: You can safely sell all your treasures. Their only purpose is to make money. There are six more chapters after 4-3. The second last chapter is 5-4 while the final chapter is called, you guessed it, Final Chapter.
  24. There's gonna be a Collector's Edition of Stranglehold for the Xbox 360? I thought there would only be one for the PlayStation 3.
  25. I forgive you:) Now, let's revel in this most excellent of excellent announcements, and be joyful that one of the Gamecube's best rpgs is getting a sequel!
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