Not that good... But I agree that was way better than with the GC. But there's even more to be done with such a special console that wii is...
(in Portugal it only apperead in one magazine for non-gamers... almost anyone know about it and... we're in Europe...)
Edi: And that DK ideia is awesome
Don't expect to find any site streaming it.... However this year is the first I'm hearing anything about Leipzip so we may see a few susprises. And Ign shloud update with what's happening...
Something like this in the streets with just wii. One in each country's capital.
And a full white page in all the newspapers, saying the days left for wii in the bottom.
But do we really expect this? I mean we know the work of NOE...
I'll buy the GC version. I still want to play this zelda the usual way (that's the way it was meant to be). The wii version is an adaptation and I don't care I don't play at 16:9.
I'm not even sure I'll buy wii in launch day there's no money....
What they really need is great adverstising and not a specific game...
And if the launch everything in day one, they will have serious problems the months after that....with just mario and smash bros....
And I believe we'll wait for the 150page to have something new.... Because I don't think Nintendo will say anything special about it until its release...
Personally I don't believe. Because it's suposed to use the GC games you already had as well as memory cards. They aren't exepcting people to go buy new GC games...
But would be good
I don't !
And August is in the middle so we will be hearing something really interesting in the next days (maybe release date tomorrow...? )
And you want more peripherals? I think there's enough already....
which wouldn't be a good option, cause the other games would have worse sales and then it would mean fewer games in the future. yes the world is strange...