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Everything posted by djamb3

  1. Not that good... But I agree that was way better than with the GC. But there's even more to be done with such a special console that wii is... (in Portugal it only apperead in one magazine for non-gamers... almost anyone know about it and... we're in Europe...) Edi: And that DK ideia is awesome
  2. Don't expect to find any site streaming it.... However this year is the first I'm hearing anything about Leipzip so we may see a few susprises. And Ign shloud update with what's happening...
  3. Something like this in the streets with just wii. One in each country's capital. And a full white page in all the newspapers, saying the days left for wii in the bottom. But do we really expect this? I mean we know the work of NOE...
  4. Buraka Som Sistema - live @ sudoeste 2006 Awesome
  5. I will move to univ so I can't say. But I always liked to see them down. Its the safest way :p
  6. I'll buy the GC version. I still want to play this zelda the usual way (that's the way it was meant to be). The wii version is an adaptation and I don't care I don't play at 16:9. I'm not even sure I'll buy wii in launch day there's no money....
  7. That's something will really help Ninty. I hope they do that
  8. Casual may not know about wii, but even if it was named revo they would know the same...Nothing.
  9. If this is well adverstised (suporting soap operas or the tipical shows for woman - who really wants to get fit) then it is a great success
  10. yap. wii is perfect. period.
  11. yeah yeah yeahs - gold lion
  12. I need to get back to school..... :p Oh and viwtiful joe cause I never finished it... and rougue leader too
  13. What they really need is great adverstising and not a specific game... And if the launch everything in day one, they will have serious problems the months after that....with just mario and smash bros....
  14. And I believe we'll wait for the 150page to have something new.... Because I don't think Nintendo will say anything special about it until its release...
  15. Personally I don't believe. Because it's suposed to use the GC games you already had as well as memory cards. They aren't exepcting people to go buy new GC games... But would be good
  16. How many there are? And if anyone make me that I swear I 'll hit him with the GC until it stops working...
  17. The feeling - sewn and also the rest of the record which I simply love...
  18. It will be out by Christmas as well as mario... And with a launch lineup like that, you can't complain.
  19. I don't ! And August is in the middle so we will be hearing something really interesting in the next days (maybe release date tomorrow...? ) And you want more peripherals? I think there's enough already....
  20. 100 per cent? You had exactly every trophy?
  21. which wouldn't be a good option, cause the other games would have worse sales and then it would mean fewer games in the future. yes the world is strange...
  22. Back from holidays So is...tomorow? I was expecting something more than just a few clocks, but that is already cool...
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