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Everything posted by djamb3

  1. Best game ever Just beat it, but forgot to save before it.
  2. Engineer? Rofl :p But I suppose you'r right.
  3. That button had already apperead but now is a diferent pic right? I thought the number of buttons was ok. BTW there's no way to press A and that button at the same time so I just can see its use as a shoulder button.
  4. I'm feeling bed... Every game I apply I can't go. My sister did anything today with my PC...and it simply didn't start the OS. So I had to format and I still don't have nothing, so I can't be present in this game... Sorry again... Try to find anyone who might enter this....
  5. Everytime you recharge them? How many time they last working fine? I gave up when I had ones I had to recharg 2 hours to play 30 minutes...
  6. But those probably can't last more than 10 hours... (I had a bad experience with them).
  7. Just my daily update of a insomnic guy... Today I'm listeninig NOFX, but mainly the hot around here don't let me to sleep... I'll try....again...
  8. The batery leds is a great idea. 30hours of battery will be fine but I'd still prefer a real battery instead of AA ones... September is still so far away. We need more info fast...
  9. The worst fake appearing this year? Probably
  10. Nibris is a new software house. Is impossible to play any game made before, because this is their first.
  11. bowser is awsome
  12. mario 128 existed as a project.But it just didn't come true. EGM listened taht and predict a little bit. That's why we can't say som of those rumours are fake. Got it?
  13. I may give it a try. I never plyedi it before but I shouldn't be too dificult. When is it?
  14. more 50%, since a lot of those were misunderstood but still valid. There was really a new mario (mario 128) for example...
  15. Lawl at the pic. It's a weird...thing. This is one of the games I'm expecting more. Can't wait for the new info!!
  16. anyone played UT? I tried everything to be here by seven and then... lol But anyone played it? Sorry for trouble... (I've been totally busy with exams and shits to go to university...)
  17. Lawl Jigglypuff FTW :p
  18. I can't believe miself... I went bed after 3 AM, and I'm already up... I slept only around 5 hours.... geez
  19. I'm not so sure all this hot is good... I'll try sleep now. If there s anyone going to Algarve tell me please
  20. Beach...All I need is a beach... Just 3 more days....just 3 more days... PS: Someone to come to Algarve these days? I need a company... :p
  21. Then why don't we have progressive scan? would it be a bug??? Oh...
  22. Maybe we need to imagine them jumping over a hedge... But now is so hot in here I can't even imagine going bed...
  23. poor guy...
  24. Eating doritos at night is not a good idea... Has anyone here ever tried to count sheep ?? Has it worked?
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