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Everything posted by djamb3

  1. Just one question. that man in the castle town that is asking for donations for bla bla bla of hyrule.... Can we do something or is just to waste money?
  2. 2006... new zelda started university new album from incubus, red hot, and a lot more
  3. Loved it. Awsome job
  4. Dragon Ball Z for Saturn. It was my first videogame in my first console. Before that only a gameboy pocket with that Donkey Kong where we play with Mario (great game btw).
  5. In still prefer the first PaperMario (don't know why), but the seccond one is also excelente and one of the best rpgs in this last gen
  6. Awsome. There's only 2 left right?
  7. Do you live under a stone?? lol Yes it's out, run for your life and buy it
  8. Where's the 18??? I can't wait....... lol
  9. Awsome... I loved the tingle appearance :D (prostitute lool )
  10. The megaton could be the that dvd thing... but it better be something really good
  11. I'M BAAAACK (f*** university. I don't have time for nothing....) So another megaton? I'm back in time so... I want more news about connect24 and online playing. I hope is something about that. Or more support for VC (like SS maybe.... :dream: :p)
  12. This is the begining of wii. The developers are doing what they know with the hardware. However I'm sure graphics will improve with time. Try not to forget how GC graphics were in the begining...
  13. I'v still many doubts about the control scheme. I can't play a game using the 2 joystiqs. That's a fact. But this is not looking much better. Maybe it's just me because I love the mouse-keyboard setup for FPS and I have to try playing wii. But it is not appealing to me... (the same goes to red steel - and Metroid in a lesser extent but the new expert controls turned it much better) I really want this to turn a good game cause I loved both CoD 1 and 2 for PC, but it needs to have perfect controlls. IMO
  14. It's bad news for me. Personally I wanted this game to be played the normal way. To be the great end of GC. I hate addaptations. This was never meant to played like that. It's such a disapointment for me... And I don't have 250e to buy a new console just to play a worse version of the game (IMO). To import is an option, but I've never made it before, so I had to buy a freeloader and everything won't be cheap...Oh
  15. wii.com for europe is up
  16. what that wario there means?
  17. I don't want to run in my sofa....
  18. we all are
  19. The 30 titles are until Christmas. I believe here is the same. wow.... (PS: boring....)
  20. And a date my friend? HAN?????????????????
  21. same stuff from US
  22. we know that
  23. right........
  24. started
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