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Viva Pinata Communtiy Thread


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As Viva Pinata comes out this comng friday (1/12/06) and as I suspect quite a few members on these forums will be picking this game up it got me thinking about the trading feature on this game.


If we receive a gift I thought we could post the following nifomation


The person who gave you something?

What the item/creature is?

And a message of thanks to the user in question


I thought it would be a good idea to do something like this, to try and promote a community feeling to these forums which we have been lacking recently due to several forum member and their flame wars(by self included which I am now ashamed of now)


Note: Takeo and Caris if your picking this game up I will send you a couple of pressies each

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Guest Stefkov

I'll be getting this game sometime after Christmas i think. Whats this sending ifts about? I dontknow much about the game other than being able to grow pinatas.

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It's a kid's game.



Why is it a kids game? Because of the colourful look or because of the Pinatas? If you read just all the reviews circling around they do state that despite its childish apperance the game is very deep and will appeal to all ages alike.


I know alot of people will miss out on this because it looks to childish and I suppose its their loss. Its kind of like the whole situation with Nintendo and their "kiddy" games.


I'll be getting this game sometime after Christmas i think. Whats this sending ifts about? I dontknow much about the game other than being able to grow pinatas.


You can presents such as Pinatas, tools etc to people on your friendslist.

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I read the EDGE editorial on this, it's a kids game.


Kids don't complete games like Mario or Super Monkey Ball. I think that will be the distinction with Viva Pinata.


Kids not beating Monkey Ball on later difficulties I'll give you, but Mario? Of course they do. You're seriously underestimating kids if you think they can't beat a Mario game.

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I read the EDGE editorial on this, it's a kids game.


Kids don't complete games like Mario or Super Monkey Ball. I think that will be the distinction with Viva Pinata.


Well, if anything reviews have said it might be a bit much for kids. And since you haven't played it, and you're a Nintendo fan of all things, let's leave this 'kids game' crap eh?

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I only bought a GameCube 3 months ago actually.. and my DS a year ago. Before that I was a die hard Sony fanboy.


So this is not an issue of whether I am a fan of Nintendo games (which I am not as I read EDGE) and I didn't suggest this game was on a similar vein to Mario or Monkey Ball.. I know it's kinda like the Sims for kids with a bit of Pokemon mixed in.


I'm sick of this attitude that you can't judge a game until you've played it. It's not a closed book.. I've seen videos, previews, reviews and photos from commenters and the creators.


There is no denying that this is aimed at kids, the kids TV show that's being put together really is the nail in the coffin on your argument.


You're free to play it sure, but this seems to be more of a parent and child kinda game. It's Microsoft's attempt to break the children's market from Nintendo and to an extent Sony.


Perhaps I'm underestimating kids but I could never complete the likes of Alex Kid or Mario Bros. I wasn't that hardcore. But hey.. that didn't stop people buying Lego Star Wars in the bazillions did it?

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