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just wondering, because it kinda seems to me like this entire board revolves around speculation and rumour, but i'm probably wrong. so tell me what do we know? i need to know more because i'm finding it hard to get excited about something i know nothing about.


It will have wireless controllers capable of 3D input.


It will allow downloading of old Nintendo games.


It will be backwards compatable with Cube games.


We know it will launch with a brand new Super Smash Bros, Metroid Prime and Crystal Chronicles. We also know that Mario128 and new Zelda and Donkey Kong games, along with "a brand new project" from Shigeru Miyamoto are in development for the Revo. We know it won't pack HD support. We also know it will be fully wi-fi capable for online gaming out of the box. We know it will rock. We know I will be getting one.


yes the board is meant for speculation, but speculation is fun


we do know a lot, just not a lot of useful things (other then the flash memory, and the controller, and the massive BC)

  gaggle64 said:
We know it won't pack HD support.


Not quite correct, Nintendo have said they have no current plans to support HDTV output, but they're no longer being quite so definite when asked about it. File it under "Undecided".


It can connect to a PC monitor and a TV of course.

It has a self-loading disc slot that read GC and normal size DVDs.

It will have an internal attachment to play DVDs.

IBM Processor (Broadway)

ATi Graphics Card (Hollywood) (I hope the names are correct, I tend to mix them up)

you can connect the DS to the Revo



and when you see the graphics you will say "wow" :D

  gaggle64 said:
We know it will launch with a brand new ... Metroid Prime


Do we? The game we saw at TGS was Metroid Prime 2. I don't think they've said anything about a new Metroid...


Yes it will definitly launch with a brand-new Metroid prime - It's all officially confirmed and well under development at Retro Studios. You may remember how they mentioned that as a result of the new controller, the shooting will play a much bigger part in MP3. Should provide the console with a good "killer app" along side Super Smash Bros. Both were very popular on GC.


We know that it'll be the launch pad for an apparently radically new carnation of Zelda (All though hopefully he'll retain his Chris Jericho-esque battle cries).


We know that I'm pretty damn psyched about it.

  Ninja Mullet said:
We know it's getting a lot of 3rd party support



*BEEP* Wrong - we know the Revolution is a console many developers praise but after all money makes games and not enthusiasm.


Lets wait until we start seeing some demos or something or that one, shall we? We have some claasy first-party titles coming and It's probable that there will be at last handful of third-party games for Revo we simply don't know about yet. There's still quite a lot we don't know about the revo after all.

  gaggle64 said:
Yes it will definitly launch with a brand-new Metroid prime - It's all officially confirmed and well under development at Retro Studios. You may remember how they mentioned that as a result of the new controller, the shooting will play a much bigger part in MP3. Should provide the console with a good "killer app" along side Super Smash Bros. Both were very popular on GC.
In an interview they said that Metroid Prime 3 would launch shortly after the rev is released.
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