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Spoiler-Free The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Thread


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Penny Acrade impressions


I’ve seen beautiful games on the Cube. Crystal Chronicles, Wind Waker and Resident Evil 4 were all incredible looking games. Twilight Princess can’t really compare to any of them.

Even though the game doesn’t look all that great, it’s still Zelda and it’s fucking awesome. Our crew plays Gears of War every night and I had a hard time putting down my remote and nun chuck to join them. 1up has a minute by minute write up of the first ten hours of the game which seems ridiculous to me. I don’t know why you’d want to ruin such a great experience and it’s really not necessary. Maybe that’s that new games journalism I’ve heard so much about. Here’s everything you need to know about Twilight Princess:


-Playing Zelda with the Wii controller is super fun. -The game play is a blast. -The story is great. -You’ll never even think about the graphics while you’re playing it.


I recommend avoiding any of the extensive write ups about the game. I’m serious, Twilight Princess is too good to ruin it that way. Just wait a few more days and experience it for yourself.

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The Hylia Review: Spoiler-Free Twilight Princess


Twilight Princess is the new standard not only in The Legend of Zelda, but the standard in Nintendo's franchises.


Game play - 9: The Wii remote surprisingly simplifies the control scheme to something rather enjoyable for all fans. Basic controls are intuitive and never detract from the experience. Aiming mechanics may frustrate some in certain situations, and the lack of camera controls leads to a few issues. Controlling Wolf Link and Link on horseback is fun and refreshing. Game follows traditional Zelda model, but strays into some new territories and throws some wrenches into the common setup, with pleasant results. Wide array of weapons and unique game play mechanics to keep the game refreshing and entertaining.


Graphics - 9: The best looking game on Wii, though it doesn't quite come in the same league as PS3's launch titles and XBOX 360's "Gears of War" or "Oblivion". Still, the game is massive in scale and the world is just so vibrant and rich. Dungeons have very unique designs, and each area is simply breathtaking. Some animation issues, though a solid frame rate throughout the game. Overall, very impressive, and if you have component cables, enjoy the sharper visuals. Composite setup has some slight blurriness, but nothing horrible.


Sound - 10: Forget the live, orchestrated argument. Sound effects really hit home and are well suited. Voice work is great and will leave many lingering for full-blown vocal work in later installments. Soundtrack is just breathtaking, with a great mix of revamped classics and truly memorable new additions. Best score in the series, period.


Story - 10: Oh man, this story kicks ass. Nintendo, thank you for growing up and giving us a story that is worthy of the game play that Zelda has boasted for over two decades. If Ocarina of Time was a revolution in Zelda game play, Twilight Princess is a revolution in Zelda storylines. Before this game is done, fan boys will be pissing their pants and message boards will be aflame with rabid fans going nuts over the plethora of twists and turns the game throws at you. Prepare to have your world of Zelda rocked.


Replay/Challenge/Fun - 10: You can't play this game just once. Alright, maybe you can, but to fully enjoy this title, you're going to need to see and do everything, probably more than one time. There are plenty of side quests and minigames to keep you addicted for a long time, including the famed fishing. The difficulty is not at an insane level, but it is more difficult than previous outings, and it progresses nicely and fairly. Bottom line, you're going to have fun, and you're gong to be wowed. Get ready to say goodbye to life for awhile.


Final Score: 9.6 out of 10

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The hylia is run by a bunch of amateurs that always a manufacture crappy rumours for extra hits. They almost definately have not recieved the game or a wii prelaunch ! All their info is in the public domain or in spoilers(e.g. megaman reference). Even their screen shots have been harvested from the net - these arnt even consistent sometimes with black bars sometimes without etc. Really, this is one site i dont support and want people to avoid.!

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POSTED THIS MESSAGE IN THE SPOILER THREAD AS WELL: That is an EXCELLENT score considering this guy gave A Link To The Past 9.1/10 and Ocarina Of Time 9.3/10 and is known as one of the harshest but most loyal ZELDA fans out there, EVIDENCE BELOW:






Very good review, didn't have a doubt in my mind this would be the best Zelda game ever made.

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From IGN Boards


There is a chance some fans will be a bit dissapointed with TP because of how heavily it borrows from OoT. That was my caution (no spoilers were given, I just cautioned). It does feel like a huge fanservice in parts, but I mean...the story is just so damn good compared to what had been done.


I will concede some people may not like the ending, but to me, it was everything I really had hoped would be possible in terms of magnitude and how it moved me.


It still is not at the level of say, Final Fantasy where the game is almost pure story, but it's such a vast improvement over Ocarina of Time.


The Wind Waker, in my opinion, did a great job with the story. Twilight Princess just took that concept and matured it and expanded how thick it could be. I'm also sure people will whine that TP is not "70" hours. I mean, I REALLY did take my time, despite playing it as a marathon. I mean, some people could take longer than 70, others less, but I think Nintendo's estimates were based on their game testers, and their game testers are about as good as I am at Zelda, and they've been in the loop on how the game works.


I think most people won't get past the dungeon count, though. They will say it was not more than OoT, not more than ALttP, and say "oh, it didn't surpass those games". Go play TP, then go play OoT. If you come back and say OoT's dungeons are better, than blah...you fail. Just no comparison. Maybe the fanboy inside of me gave TP a higher score than other sites will give it, some may have gripes with the Wii controls, but superiority of one version over the other is not relevant. The Wii version was meant to innovate, and I took that as 1:1 controls. Boy was I off the mark. The innovation is how easy Zelda can become to play, yet retain the intricate control scheme. It really will be a preference, but the Wii version offers a nice alternative, and I do think with time, and with future installments on Wii, Zelda's gameplay will evolve and be perfected even more.


Meh at the heavily borrows things from OoT part. :sad:


The hylia is run by a bunch of amateurs that always a manufacture crappy rumours for extra hits. They almost definately have not recieved the game or a wii prelaunch ! All their info is in the public domain or in spoilers(e.g. megaman reference). Even their screen shots have been harvested from the net - these arnt even consistent sometimes with black bars sometimes without etc. Really, this is one site i dont support and want people to avoid.!


Wow! :horse:

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Hell yeah! This game is damn awesome. If it gets scores above 9.5 it can't be bad, right? Oh and btw. please don't say:"FFS! stop talking about the scores. Experience the game yourself!" I know that looking at the scores is pointless but it gives a good idea how good game to expect. Now... Let's just hope that the Cube version is bloody awesome too...

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And OoT heavily borrows from LttP, didn't people wanted a unified story? Well that's what you get. (I'm not complaining, I like it)


Im also happy with the borrowing from OOT. It will give a sense of familiarity (sp?) while at the same time offering something new.


Also here is the end of another review that is on Gonintendo:


We’ve waited (sometimes impatiently) for this day since we saw Link ride across Hyrule Field in that surprise trailer at E3 2004. After some mixed reactions for the last two main Zelda adventures, gamers can now cherish what is truly the spiritual successor to Ocarina of Time. Hyrule is once again a world of hugely enjoyable gameplay around every turn, and Twilight Princess features the best story in the heralded series’ history. Every once in a while, a game comes out that reminds you of why you spend hours with controller in hand, or why you invest hundreds of your hard-earned dollars in the latest game console. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is without a doubt one of the greatest achievements in the history of the industry, and it would be a crime to go without this experience.
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Anything that ties into or borrows from Ocarina of Time is just fine with me. All the little homages in Wind Waker were absolutely awesome.


I'm glad the game is getting good review scores, alongside the other Wii launch titles. In my opinion an 8.0 from IGN for Trauma Centre and my position of having not played it on the DS make it a must have when it comes out in Europe.


I know people call bullshit on IGN, but I don't think they're so bad. In fact, it is their review of a new game I look forward to most. Sometimes they can miss the mark but their ratings are pretty stellar and given by people who know what they're doing. Also helps the site is a joy to navigate compared to GameSpot.

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I don't see how borrowing from OoT would be a great problem, especially when you consider an OoT-a like Zelda is what people have been screaming for since we were all hopping up and down trying to snatch a glimpse of the Starcube. It's amazing that so few other games have.

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Guest Stefkov
OK; I always try to keep my expectations low, but this is going to be best game ever.


I try to but I fail all the time. Harvest moon Cube. This. And many more.

Im am so hyping this game its unbeliavable.

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The hylia is run by a bunch of amateurs that always a manufacture crappy rumours for extra hits. They almost definately have not recieved the game or a wii prelaunch ! All their info is in the public domain or in spoilers(e.g. megaman reference). Even their screen shots have been harvested from the net - these arnt even consistent sometimes with black bars sometimes without etc. Really, this is one site i dont support and want people to avoid.!



Definately fake review by Hylia


Fake Screenshots by Hylia (which the admited)



Fake Interview with Aonuma by Hylia




Why would nintendo give a pre-release wii to these bunch of muppets? or invite them to any previews.


They have no credibility and should not be supported in anyway! They know as much about TP as us and are in no position to give a review. They think they are clever by claiming its "spoiler free" but really its because they know nothing new.

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