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Spoiler-Free The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Thread


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Oh, I thought you painted it >.< Its just pasted on ::shrug:


Well lets leave the painting to Eenuh, but it's not that crude either!


This is the latest version, and probably the last, my skills won't let me go any further.




Here's the original, I shouldn't post it because it will show my imperfection.



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Noo keep the official thread as the spoiler free one, afterall it is legendary, its been around for AGES. If anything make a seperate thread for spoilers.


Nah, because after everyone's played the game, they'll want to post in the spoiler thread, and the other one will die. Thus if you want the traditional twilight princess thread to live on, you've got to make that the spoiler thread.

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Great, you spoiled the game for me. :nono: Link becomes Emperor of France. Well, thanks alot. I may as well not buy a Wii now. I'm going to jump off a bridge.


Moving on, isn't the thread flawed in that it has the title of the game in the name? Doesn't the term "Twilight Princess" give the impession that there is some kind of ill-lit royal daughter involved? Ah, whatever. Good luck with this. I'll be watching you... :horse:

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Well, they've started posting unmarked spoilers in the other Zelda thread now, so people had better keep out if they don't want to see anything. I just got a brief glimpse of the world map, although I didn't see very much, as I scrolled away quickly.

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Great, you spoiled the game for me. :nono: Link becomes Emperor of France. Well, thanks alot. I may as well not buy a Wii now. I'm going to jump off a bridge.


Moving on, isn't the thread flawed in that it has the title of the game in the name? Doesn't the term "Twilight Princess" give the impession that there is some kind of ill-lit royal daughter involved? Ah, whatever. Good luck with this. I'll be watching you... :horse:

Well, if you have ever entered the Wii Discussion board or news section you probably would have seen the name anyway.

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Guest Stefkov
I might just have found something for you Mr. Stefkov : peace:


Wii Component Cable and Comparison with Composite





Comparison Pic



aha thank you Mr Conzer.

so is component onthe right? it does look more crisp. Plus Mr rst, hase given me a link to a component switcher.

(i say, whats with all this puting Mr infront of names. I think its fun)

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I knew I've seen that "link riding horse" thing.





Send that to Nintendo for making posters. RIGHT NOW.





Awesome job by the way, really awesome.

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LOL, I sense fagottry a afoot. Those are some bullshit reasons for complaining.


They're valid complaints in this person's opinion, but clearly not enough to hurt the game in the opinion of mostly everyone else. Signs in Zelda are never in English, they're in the Hylian language, so no matter how clear the graphics are you're still not going to be able to read them. It was always a neat little touch and something that helped make the world feel more real.


Oblivion won praises for its immersive feel. Zelda falls short of the bar set by modern virtual worlds.


Yeah, because Oblivion locking up and jerking around like crazy when you're entering a new area, or the minute long door opening load times totally don't effect the immersion as much as say, pressing A to read a goddamned sign.

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Yay for this thread, I've been avoiding things as much as possible, unfortunately there's been a few things "thrust" into my eyes by annoying inconsiderate morons.


So, to discuss things that spoiler-happy people have already discussed a hundred times, anyone else worried that the controller will have a negative effect on the Zelda experience?

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They're valid complaints in this person's opinion, but clearly not enough to hurt the game in the opinion of mostly everyone else. Signs in Zelda are never in English, they're in the Hylian language, so no matter how clear the graphics are you're still not going to be able to read them. It was always a neat little touch and something that helped make the world feel more real.


His opinion would be valid if we hadn't seen any of it already, in this its more of a lie than a opinion. He could have said just "I don't like the game or the entire series" thats an opinion, the sign thing is clearly a "filler" for his personal rant.


Actually the entire article is a big fat rant, there's nothing worse than an idiot with opinion.


(yes, I know I'm expressing my views and that some people my think I'm an idiot)

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So, to discuss things that spoiler-happy people have already discussed a hundred times, anyone else worried that the controller will have a negative effect on the Zelda experience?


I'm confident in the Wii controls. I've never liked using the analogue to use the bow, I always thought it was too sluggish. So, if you ask me, the Wii controller will only pose solutions for the series, not problems.

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Guys DO NOT enter the regular Zelda thread any more. I could click away the pics fast enough, but I read some things I'd rather didn't. Seems to me they've found spoilers that are a fair bit in the game - do not click the spoiler boxes. I just hate my curiosity for this game.


It's going to be a long month from now.

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