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Official Spider-Man 3 Thread [big spoilers within]


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Changed this to the official Spider-Man 3 thread.


Just got back from seeing it. I really liked a lot of it, but on the whole thought it lacked a real focus. There was so much going on that certain parts of it couldn't get deep enough. Personally I think the Sandman could've been omitted altogether. The action and CG was very cool though. I was disappointed with certain parts that strayed far from the comic, for example, Venom/Brock does not refer to himself as "we".


Certain parts of it were very cheesey, but I've come to expect that of Spidey movies. They accept and embrace that its a comic book superhero movie and demands a level of cheesiness.


Edit: And I loved the comedy parts :) Especially Peter making himself look a fool but thinking he's all that :heh:

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Personally I think the Sandman could've been omitted altogether.


Piss off, he was the best part of it all, minus the slightly syrupy end bit.

Venom sucked in comparison.


Some more points I forgot to make earlier.


The bad


Didn't like the opening titles, the use of clips from previous films made it look like a TV show.


Harrys amnesia, really wasn't necassary considering the next point.


The Osborns Butler - Why the hell did he wait so long to reveal the true circumstances of Normans death to Harry? Doesn't seem the act of a faithful employee, which he clearly was.


First Sandman/Spiderman fight - weak, in the comics Spiderman never had too much of a problem handling Sandman, maybe because he could customize his webbing in the way he can't with organic webbing, but it was still weak, he shouldn't have been at such a disadvantage, and he certainly shouldn't have needed the symbiote to beat him.


Eric Foreman/Gwen Stacy romance - really wasn't needed, fair enough get another girl to make MJ jealous (although she'd probably be jealous of herself if she put on a wig her character comes across as that insecure) but there was no need for the romantic link to Foreman/Brock, in the comics professional humiliation was enough, should have been here too. Also Gwen Stacy died years before Eddie Brock even appeared in the comics.



The good


First Harry/Peter fight, great fight/chase sequence, a bit odd nobody noticed it, but still one of the high points of the film.


It'll be the last Raimi/Spiderman film.

The guy has made decent enough films, but he's still riding the coat tails of the Evil Dead. He really isn't that great a director.

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Eric Foreman/Gwen Stacy romance - really wasn't needed


Apart from the whole "adding towards why Eddie despises Pete, thus making Venom" thing?


Anyway, thought it was awesome! Definitely my favourite, but could of been a lot better. Mary Jane was a damp sappy whore, WTF was the dancing bit? Cut that for more Venom screen time and another fight, and you've got a winner.

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Apart from the whole "adding towards why Eddie despises Pete, thus making Venom" thing?


Professional ruin should have been enough, was in the comics.

Back in the day Gwen Stacy was a major player in Spidermans world, in the movie she may as well be a nameless whore.

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Thought it was an awesome film!! Really enjoyed it!!


I agree on the fact with Harry's Butler! Why didn't he say something!


Thought Sandman was a great character and the CGI for him was fantastic! Also I'm glad that they didn't kill the character off.


I thought Peters Black Suit dancing etc... was a good part of the film.

Everything was getting a bit to heavy and it needed something just to add a comedy moment and lighten the mood a bit!



The big surprise in the FoxNews.com report is word that one character who appears to die in Spidey 3 might return for Spidey 4. "It turns out I may not be completely dead," the unnamed actor who plays the unspecified character revealed.
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Piss off, he was the best part of it all, minus the slightly syrupy end bit.

Venom sucked in comparison.

I didn't think Sandman was particularly bad. Just unnecessary. If they hadn't had him in it, and I don't think he was very important or needed to further the story, they could've concentrated more on other aspects such as Venom and made him a more worthwhile enemy. As it was he spoke about 3 times, never once were his origins explored... he was far too shallow a villain for someone so prominent in the Spidey world.


Edit: I would've considered Venom 100x more awesome if he had just said:


"And it's not just Eddie Brock that hates you. We both hate you, you rejected us and now we are one, we are Venom!" - ok that's cheesy and I made it up off the top of my head. But they never even said his name was Venom, they didn't have time! He was only on screen for about a few minutes altogether.

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I didn't think Sandman was particularly bad. Just unnecessary. If they hadn't had him in it, and I don't think he was very important or needed to further the story, they could've concentrated more on other aspects such as Venom and made him a more worthwhile enemy. As it was he spoke about 3 times, never once were his origins explored... he was far too shallow a villain for someone so prominent in the Spidey world.


Edit: I would've considered Venom 100x more awesome if he had just said:


"And it's not just Eddie Brock that hates you. We both hate you, you rejected us and now we are one, we are Venom!" - ok that's cheesy and I made it up off the top of my head. But they never even said his name was Venom, they didn't have time! He was only on screen for about a few minutes altogether.


If you hadn't done the edit you would have been more convincing in your beliefs that Venom was better than Sandman, but you're just backing up my points against Venom, basically that it wasn't Venom, but Eric Foreman covered in living shit. In comparison Sandman may not have said much, but he said enough to establish his character, and his origins were better portrayed. For faithfulness to the comics Sandman was probably the pinnacle of the series so far.

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Just saw it.


It was a good film, but not great. I felt that they somewhat tried to squeeze as much as they could into it and they didn't have enough time (especially Sandmans character; i really wanted to see more of him).


The CGI was bloody awesome most of the time, especially on sandman, although a few time i thought spidey looked a bit dodgey lol.


Anyway, twas a good film. Would i see it again? Maybe. Would I see it again after that? No.

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If you hadn't done the edit you would have been more convincing in your beliefs that Venom was better than Sandman, but you're just backing up my points against Venom, basically that it wasn't Venom, but Eric Foreman covered in living shit. In comparison Sandman may not have said much, but he said enough to establish his character, and his origins were better portrayed. For faithfulness to the comics Sandman was probably the pinnacle of the series so far.


I didn't think Venom was better, I thought he was grossly underused and deserved more screen time.


Didn't really mention this before but, looking back, the fight scenes were all very cool. Even the last quite corny tag-team. In fact, when I came out after the movie I thought "I quite liked this, there were problems with it flowing too much and too fast and not centering on anything, but it was good". Now, looking back at it a few hours later, I actually feel like I liked it more than I originally thought, it had some really killer moments.

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If you hadn't done the edit you would have been more convincing in your beliefs that Venom was better than Sandman, but you're just backing up my points against Venom, basically that it wasn't Venom, but Eric Foreman covered in living shit. In comparison Sandman may not have said much, but he said enough to establish his character, and his origins were better portrayed. For faithfulness to the comics Sandman was probably the pinnacle of the series so far.


yeh, i thought that vemon wasn't fighting much and gave up too easily, and i loved peters dancing highlight of the movie imo ;)

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Just saw it too, pretty disappointed, way too much shit going on. I agree that Sandman just wasn't necessary. Peter never apologised for being an arrogant dick, which annoyed me. Venom could've, and should've, been so much more. Instead he just turns up at the end, gets killed in the most stupidest and spontaneous of ways. Harrys amnesia, why. They should've only stuck with 1 or 2 villains. In spidy 1 and 2 I felt sorry for Peter and want him to succeed. In this one I didn't actually care what happened to him. Ah well... there's always Batman.

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Venom could've, and should've, been so much more. Instead he just turns up at the end, gets killed in the most stupidest and spontaneous of ways.
Well if Venom's the character who might be returning in Spiderman 4, then it won't be a problem he wasn't in Spiderman 3 a great deal.
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Well if Venom's the character who might be returning in Spiderman 4, then it won't be a problem he wasn't in Spiderman 3 a great deal.


Hardly likely to be Harry, is it?

Still can't help thinking of Venom as Eric Foreman though.

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Hardly likely to be Harry, is it?
Well exactly! I can't really see how Harry can come back, so there's every chance there'll be more of Eddie Brock/Venom in the future; but how?


- Did Eddie Brock run off? I Can't see that being the case, he would have stuck around and fought!

- The piece of the symbiote Dr Connors has? But that wouldn't bring Eddie Brock back!

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I'm pretty sure I saw his skeleton when he exploded :heh:
I don't remember seeing anything of Brock, just the remains of the symbiote burning on the floor!


The only way I can see Eddie surviving would be if only half the symbiote re-attached itself, but was enough for Brock to quickly get away whilst the explosion occured!

But none of that fits in with Venoms character (he would have just swung back round and fought Spiderman) so I can't see that being the case!

Unless the symbiote was so shook up by all the noise that it had to escape?!

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It wasn't his remains, just a flash of skeleton for a split second during the boom. I did notice that one second the symbiote was lying there on the floor smoldering, and the next it was gone. And there were cracks in the floor for it to get through.

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Let us clutch our Six Inch Tie-in Venom Busts and be comforted by old Twainy-boy. What does the NYT know? They are old and Dead Inside...


"I believe that the trade of critic, in literature, music, and the drama, is the most degraded of all trades, and that it has no real value--certainly no large value...However, let it go. It is the will of God that we must have critics, and missionaries, and congressmen, and humorists, and we must bear the burden."

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TBH Venom was a waste of space. Sandman and Harry would of been fine. It was very entertaining and a nice end to the trilogy.


Oh and one thing.. EYELINER!! WTF!1


Well it was no Spider-Man 2.

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