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24 Official Thread *Season 7 Trailer Inside!*


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Best death in season 5 is Lynn McGill's death by far. Music is brilliant.

I knew it would happen, there seems to be an unwritten rule in 24 that all twattish heads of CTU get killed: Mason, Chappelle, McGill. It gives me hope that Bill will survive for a while yet, I will be crushed if they kill him off.


Of course there is also an unwritten rule that "once a couple get together/get married, one or both will die". I don't think they put Bill and Karen together just for the "hell of it". Sigh.

And actually, thinking about that:


Assad is being moved to the White House, isn't he? Mark my words, shit will happen to Karen.


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I actually found the death of Edgar much more sad that either of those. The lack of the clicking clock at the end added so much to the atmosphere. Chappelle's death was great and Mason is a hero.


I agree 100%. Even

Tony's death, minus the clock was good - you kinda get the sense that he was a needless casualty,


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Look at this what I found on MSN homepage


Twenty Bore

Posted by Chris


I switch on the TV and am immediately greeted by Kiefer Sutherland’s gruff smoke ridden tones telling me that “the following takes place between 6AM and 7AMâ€. Ah ha, it must be time for another season of cult show 24. As a Jack fanatic I’ve been glued to the series since it graced BBC2 a few years back, cheering his every (increasingly brutal) kill. Great concept, perfectly written script, moments of frantic action genius and plot turns that can leave you completely baffled if you dare blink. But here’s the thing, as I sat there watching day 6, I found my mind wandering. I found myself thinking “hang on, this all feels a bit familiarâ€, I was no longer whooping in delight as Jack took down another terrorist and then it dawned on me - prepare yourself readers - 24 is now boring.


Now I know purists are slamming their mouse in disgust and screaming “what!â€, or as Kevin Spacey gracefully put it in Superman Returns “WRONGâ€, but not even the most dedicated of fans can deny that the whole concept feels a little stale now and by all accounts lead character and American hero Jack Bauer should be in rehab, slowly rocking in a corner, mumbling away to himself.


Just to recap, the man’s been shot, tortured, stabbed, addicted to heroin, captured more times than I care to remember, broken numerous bones, blown-up, forced to make moral decisions that would leave anyone a trembling mess and most recently turned into vampire (once a Lost Boy eh?) Yet he’s back for another instalment, hmmm. I ask you, how the hell can you be a captive for a couple of years and yet remain as fit as a fiddle, ready to jump back into your anti-terrorist suit in an instance. Surely the Chinese prison wasn’t actually a health spa in disguise. “I don’t know how to do this anymore†he boasted in episode two. But how long will that last. One hour, two hours?


Take a look at the story lines. Not only has the coolness been lost, the producers are now insistent on bringing more and more elements into a day, leaving the show moving at such ferocious pace that it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to keep up. The repetition is also growing tiresome. For example how many times has CTU been infiltrated in one form or another? This supposedly is a highly secure government building, yet it seems that any old mole or random civilian can get in there without too much trouble. I’m surprised terrorists disguised as washer women haven’t snuck in through the side door yet. Oh, and don’t trust any officials. Anyone with power is likely to turn on you in a heartbeat in the name of the government, personal ambition or sweet revenge for crimes against their people/lover/self (delete where appropriate.) A bomb here, a bomb there, the people that are really behind terrorist attack introduced half way through the season and the final episode will almost inevitably contain a twist that will leave you on your hands and knees begging the TV for more. Does this all sound familiar?


Then there are the factual inaccuracies. Do a quick search of the web and I promise you you’ll find a whole host of them throughout the life of the show, most commonly to do with how quickly people get around the city. In the eyes of a 24 scriptwriter, LA is the size of a small house in Barnsley and agents magically get from place to place like Jack Terriers desperately in need of a random drug screening. Utter nonsense.


I’m sorry, but as much as I loved it, I can’t carry on watching, I expected more, I expected a change in direction or at least some kind of ground breaking move that will leave me itching for the next episode (let alone the movie.) It hasn’t happened yet and I can’t see it changing. For this man at least the day is truly over. Who’s with me?


ED: Guys - thanks for the comments and keep them coming, share your views on our message boards and I'll post the best here. We need to make a decision. Is time up for Jack Bauer?




To quote Arnie...."WRONG!"

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24 is just... 24. Some like it, some hate it. Regardless, you can't deny the truth in the observations he's making. Except about it being boring that is. 24 may be a lot of things, but it is certainly never boring.


For me it's more about watching these days in Jack's life now, and following his story to what will most likely be a tragic end.

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I sense a romance coming between Milo and Nadia.


Is he the same Milo (Mylo?) that is in Season 1 who's the 'outside contractor' they bring in? He really has moved up the ranks if so, what did he say his job title was? Floor manager or something? Nadia's quite hot as well.


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As much as I love Enterprise, Firefly, BSG, Heroes, Scrubs and many, many other shows. I really think that 24 season 5 was the best season of any show i've ever seen.

You know who's death bothered me the most? The security guards. When he says goodbye to his daughter and then Lynn opens the door. Edgar's death was good aswell, mainly because of Chloe's face when she sees


Bill is my favourite CTU director, no doubt. I really hope they don't kill him off, because it's nice to have someone who isn't clueless in charge.


How far into season 6 are you guys now? I've just finished aquiring and watching episode 1.

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As much as I love Enterprise, Firefly, BSG, Heroes, Scrubs and many, many other shows. I really think that 24 season 5 was the best season of any show i've ever seen.

You know who's death bothered me the most? The security guards. When he says goodbye to his daughter and then Lynn opens the door. Edgar's death was good aswell, mainly because of Chloe's face when she sees


Bill is my favourite CTU director, no doubt. I really hope they don't kill him off, because it's nice to have someone who isn't clueless in charge.


How far into season 6 are you guys now? I've just finished aquiring and watching episode 1.


Episode 7 for tomorrow morning. Lots of win

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6 episodes have been shown so far, with episode 7 airing in the US tonight and on Sunday in the UK.


And I agree about Bill, he is the man. Nobody will ever top Mason in my eyes, but it certainly is nice having a director who is actually on Jack's side for once.

And yeah, I hate Wayne's assistant, he's a bigger fucking weasel than Mike Novick was.


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6 episodes have been shown so far, with episode 7 airing in the US tonight and on Sunday in the UK.


And I agree about Bill, he is the man. Nobody will ever top Mason in my eyes, but it certainly is nice having a director who is actually on Jack's side for once.

And yeah, I hate Wayne's assistant, he's a bigger fucking weasel than Mike Novick was.


It really strikes me as weird that the US and the UK episodes are nearly in sync now, the only difference is the day of the week they're been shown on.

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