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Wii Remote >>> Sixaxis


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Just imaging that you're all 2D people, living in a 2D universe. On the surface of a balloon say. Now when that balloon inflates 2 points on it's surface (galaxies) will get further apart from each other, just like our expanding 3D universe. But ask you 2D self, where is the balloon expanding away from....


The 3rd dimension!!!!! So this means our universe is expanding away from the 4th dimension!!! Obviously Sony have tapped into this 4th dimension!!!!

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Just imaging that you're all 2D people, living in a 2D universe. On the surface of a balloon say. Now when that balloon inflates 2 points on it's surface (galaxies) will get further apart from each other, just like our expanding 3D universe. But ask you 2D self, where is the balloon expanding away from....


The 3rd dimension!!!!! So this means our universe is expanding away from the 4th dimension!!! Obviously Sony have tapped into this 4th dimension!!!!


My head hurts. I'm going to lie down for a while.

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Just imaging that you're all 2D people, living in a 2D universe. On the surface of a balloon say. Now when that balloon inflates 2 points on it's surface (galaxies) will get further apart from each other, just like our expanding 3D universe. But ask you 2D self, where is the balloon expanding away from....


The 3rd dimension!!!!! So this means our universe is expanding away from the 4th dimension!!! Obviously Sony have tapped into this 4th dimension!!!!

I'm confused. In a 2D world that means there's a whole new dimension but in our universe the outer galaxies move away through regular space don't they?


Sony obviously have made the mass of the PS3 so huge that it curves space-time.

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I'm confused. In a 2D world that means there's a whole new dimension but in our universe the outer galaxies move away through regular space don't they?



That's the whole point, if you were a 2D being, the galaxies will seem like they are just moving further apart from each other (again, imagine a balloon surface) but we know the are actually moving away from the centre of the balloon only possible in a 3D universe.


All of our (3D) galaxies ARE moving away from each other (well galaxy clusters to be precise), but nobody knows where they are moving away from!!! Must be the 4th dimension!!

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Okay, this si the explaination my science teacher gave to the fourth dimension. Image you're a cinemascreen-creature. The cinemascreencreature only sees in 2D. When you project a cube on the screen, it sees a square. So when we place it on a ball and it starts walking straight on, it will never, ever, realize it is actually coming over the same point every time again. Because he doesn't know shapes return to the same point if you follow a straight line. The creature will never understand this third dimension.


We humans see three dimesnions, but place us in a fourth and we will never realize, because we're not capable of understanding. We did figure out that there are three dimension, but maybe the cinemascreen creature did the same for it's two dimesnions. But none of us can understand the next dimension. So, to be short: Give it up, 'cause we're not capable of finding, undertsanding or realizing this forth dimension.

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And then imagine some theories like the string theory require there to be 10 or maybe even 26 dimensions...


Humans can understand time though, so that would be suitable as a 4th dimension right?


This is going way off topic by the way :heh:

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Guest Stefkov
That's the whole point, if you were a 2D being, the galaxies will seem like they are just moving further apart from each other (again, imagine a balloon surface) but we know the are actually moving away from the centre of the balloon only possible in a 3D universe.


All of our (3D) galaxies ARE moving away from each other (well galaxy clusters to be precise), but nobody knows where they are moving away from!!! Must be the 4th dimension!!

Scientist have been using the Red Shift, I cant remember exactly what it does, but they have noticed that the planets and such are monving from a centre point, if we find out how fast the planets are moving, and calculate which direction theyhave all come from, we can figure out where the big bang actually started from, so there is a possibility we will know where we all came from, by we i mean the planets, which means we may know where the big bagn started out life.

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Okay this thing is like the meaning of life. No-one knows, uh. There is no central point to the galaxy because the big bang is actually just the sudden appearance of allot of energy in alot of places at the ssame moment. The name 'big bang' was chosen a little sadly because it cannot be seen as a bang, but just a silent, sudden appearance of energy. Buit hell, i'm still missing the point here:no-one knows. So why all the subject. oh, and by the way, SIXAXIS is a good marketing name - it doesn't neeed to represent anything. Wii sounds like wee, but it's still a great marketing name, although it doesn't mean what it says, now, does it? Now let's shut. the. fuck. up. No?

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Okay this thing is like the meaning of life. No-one knows, uh.


It's 42 :D



And someday we humans should see the big bang if some form of light was emitted (or we saw it already). Because scientist assume that we are so far away from the big bang that the light still hasn't reached us...

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It's 42 :D



And someday we humans should see the big bang if some form of light was emitted (or we saw it already). Because scientist assume that we are so far away from the big bang that the light still hasn't reached us...


Erm....No...just no. The Big Bang 'passed' us as soon as Matter existed here.

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That movie posted is thee wrong way of looking at it. Tony Hawk's downhill 1am requires you to put the controller in the 90° position - wich means it isn't pointing at the sensor bar. So, the Wii AND the PlayStation 3 controller actually use the same functions on this film - because when the Wiimote is not pointing, it has the same gyro sensor as the SIXAXIS. Bad one guys, 'cause it just doens't really show Nintendo's benefits on the subject. Anyway, the film is a good example of showing how they work when in the same position...

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That movie posted is thee wrong way of looking at it. Tony Hawk's downhill 1am requires you to put the controller in the 90° position - wich means it isn't pointing at the sensor bar. So, the Wii AND the PlayStation 3 controller actually use the same functions on this film - because when the Wiimote is not pointing, it has the same gyro sensor as the SIXAXIS. Bad one guys, 'cause it just doens't really show Nintendo's benefits on the subject. Anyway, the film is a good example of showing how they work when in the same position...


yeah except for the lag on the "Shit"Axis:sad:

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Guest Stefkov

I feel watching that vid, and after playing the 360 demo of THP8, that Sony really are trying to push people to use it. It works perfectly well with the analogue's on the 360 pad/demo.

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