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Wii Remote >>> Sixaxis


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This is why:


"This information about the Sixaxis is from an article dated today on the Japanese tech site BroadBand Watch

Link: http://bb.watch.impress.co.jp/cda/special/15818.html


The controller, while using Bluetooth and therefore being wireless, needs to be connected once to the machine by USB cable prior to use so that the machine can detect the cable (pairing process). This process will be necessary every time the console is powered off then on


The lithium battery inside the controller is also recharged using USB connection. Approx. 2.5 hours of recharging is required for a maximum of about 30 hours of play. The controller can be used even if the battery runs out of power by connecting it to the console (USB). However, as the battery cannot be replaced once it becomes unusable (ceases to recharge), the controller has to be replaced or sent for repairs"



Here is a comment from someone on the IGN Wii lobby about this.

The Sony controller is a joke. It was bad when it was a banana. It is worse now that it is the same thing as the DualShock was. DualShock was not a great controller, and is far surpassed by the 360 controller and now Wii.


This news makes it worse. Can you imagine having to connect and disconnect four different controllers to a cable just to play Halo? This is the physical equivalent of PSP load times, and should embarass Sony.


The whole point of a wireless controller is not so much freedom of movement as not having to bother with the wires, which tend to tangle and annoy and look like a mess.


I doubt many people will have the patience to play multiplayer titles on PS3 if this is true.


Finally, those are SONY BATTERIES in those controllers. Ouch! The last batteries Sony shipped were burning people's houses down. Rebuilding your house because of bad Sony design should make buying a PS3 prohibitively expensive even for the hardcore gamer.


What I think

Reasons like this make me glad Nintendo went with AA batteries. Its better than having the equivalent of a 'disposable controller'. Also this connecting/disconnecting in order to 'pair' and play wirelessly is a hassle. Imagine what multiple players would have to go through.

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I don't get how Sony are allowed to call their controller "SIXAXIS" when it only works in 3-Axis.




Am I right in thinking that every time you turn on the PS3 you have to (and I'm guessing you have to do it before you boot up a game):


1. Plug in all the controllers you want into a USB slot (if you want 4 controllers, and are already using a USB port for something you'll have to do them in batches)


2. Wait for the PS3 to recognise the controller


3. Unplug the controller.


4. Then you can start playing.





Yeah...Those Sony batteries werementioned on the Radio this morning and Sony's made a HUGE ??$bn+?? loss on them due to them having to be recalled because they're, in one word: Shit.


Yea, the worst thing is that sony were suppling quite a few companies with them. Dell, Acer and Apple to name a few.

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Am I right in thinking that every time you turn on the PS3 you have to (and I'm guessing you have to do it before you boot up a game):


1. Plug in all the controllers you want into a USB slot (if you want 4 controllers, and are already using a USB port for something you'll have to do them in batches)


2. Wait for the PS3 to recognise the controller


3. Unplug the controller.


4. Then you can start playing.


Thats what this article is implying. It seems a long winded way of getting the console to pair with its controllers.

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I don't get how Sony are allowed to call their controller "SIXAXIS" when it only works in 3-Axis.




Am I right in thinking that every time you turn on the PS3 you have to (and I'm guessing you have to do it before you boot up a game):


1. Plug in all the controllers you want into a USB slot (if you want 4 controllers, and are already using a USB port for something you'll have to do them in batches)


2. Wait for the PS3 to recognise the controller


3. Unplug the controller.


4. Then you can start playing.




I'm guessing this is what the 'Sync' button does on the Wiimote... Seems sooooo much easier!!!!

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Ah good old Sony, how hard is it to understand that a wireless controller has "no wires" to attach to the console, imagine having a 4player game after "pairing up" all controllers with the PS3 what do you then do with the wires? Imagine how tangled and messed up 4 usb cables could get

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yes but up n down are 1 Axis, not two.


So are Sony saying there controller works 6 Dimensionally?:)


No it's 2...

Up= +y Down= -y


Right= +x

Left= -x

Forward= +z

Backwards= -z


One more thing:


Doesn't the SIXAXIS Controller only sense up/down (straight) and left/right (tilt)? And not forward/backwards?


Nono....Tilt is a combination of the other axis. i.e. Tilting sideways is a mix between x-axis & y-axis (Put very simply anyway).

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in terms of gameplay its the same as the wiimote without the pointy thing...

so you should be able to play excitetruck, sonic sercret rings, wii-tennis, baseball etc. Cant wait for the port of the latter in glorious HD.


Not really, Sony's controller isn't as reactive as the Wiimote, and still not as 'free', even without the 'point-n-click'.

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in terms of gameplay its the same as the wiimote without the pointy thing...

so you should be able to play excitetruck, sonic sercret rings, wii-tennis, baseball etc. Cant wait for the port of the latter in glorious HD.

Not quite. Try holding a DualShock controller like a baseball bat?


The Wiimote is designed to be held with one hand or both hands. The DualShock needs two hands and its shape is nowhere near as flexible as the Wiimote's. Sure, you can steer, but can you use it like a bat, a tennis racquet, a golf club, etc..?

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in terms of gameplay its the same as the wiimote without the pointy thing...

so you should be able to play excitetruck, sonic sercret rings, wii-tennis, baseball etc. Cant wait for the port of the latter in glorious HD.


copy excitetruck and sonic, yes


the rest, no way


Its more of a copy of "Kiry Tilt and Tumble" than the Wiimote

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Not quite. Try holding a DualShock controller like a baseball bat?


The Wiimote is designed to be held with one hand or both hands. The DualShock needs two hands and its shape is nowhere near as flexible as the Wiimote's. Sure, you can steer, but can you use it like a bat, a tennis racquet, a golf club, etc..?


true! The motion control is so tacted on the sixaxis. That is why its not that great. Not because of inferior sensitivity etc

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