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The Lost Experience.


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Cynics go away, cheaters go away. No offence but you'd just ruin it.


Yeah there's a lost post already.. but this is to talk about something else. Something darker perhaps.


Some people are claiming that there is some dark force behind the show Lost.. something very sinister.


At the heart is what most people would see as a nut job.


http://www.thehansofoundation.org/ This is the official website of the Hanso Foundation.. it's been taken down after a hacker called Persephone took it down. She was trying to expose the Hanso foundation for what it is.


Here is the YouTube video where she confronted the allegedly corrupt producers of Lost:


Please don't ruin it if you think it's just bullshit, personally I'd like to follow the web trail and find the truth. End of the day humans cannot know the truth.. they can only know truths..


A truth is merely something you believe. I want to believe Rachel Blake.


Here's Rachel's website- http://hansoexposed.com/


I'm currently reading through it all to find some thoughts.. so far I'm quite bewildered. Especially as Hanso noted Rachel as his daughter!


My advice, steer clear of Google (it's full of spoilers and bad links)

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I said stay away from Google, but it's a useful tool.


Googling Rachel Blake finds you this as a Google sponsored link, and bizarely the only link.




Bizarely on some of the pages 2 letters are in red. O and X.

No idea what that means though.


Perhaps Rachel was adopted.. but then she found out what Hanso was up to and she decided to take it down as she learnt something.


"Namaste" is also found on Hanso's website.. and I think they used it in the videos found in the hatch to say bye.


"The Spirit in me meets the same Spirit in you.

I greet that place where you and I are one.

I salute the Light of God in you.

I bow to the divine in you.

I recognize that within each of us is a place where Divinity dwells, and when we are in that place, we are One.

My higher energy salutes your higher energy."


It's a Hindi word, which seems to fit in with the idea of the Dharma initiative. And also the others on the island are very interested in children.



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i just watched the youtube vid you posted dork, my intial thought is "set-up by the producers" to create more hype for the series and season 3.


Like when before the film "The Blair Witch Project" was released there were documentaries and such trying to make people think it was real and this video really did come from a camera people had discovered in the forest


But i will go and look at the other stuff now


thanks for bringing this to my attention, this will keep me occupied till season 3 reaches Ireland:awesome:

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WHOIS information for: thehansofoundation.org:




Verio Inc. - Growing Your Business, One Click At A Time


The WHOIS is blocked.. everything is unknown


Apparently from the Hanso Adoptions website there is a lawyer called Mack Thompson (how original) and he's got a MySpace.. apparently he's sueing Hanso Airlines.

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haha, that could help. if he wants to learn perhaps his perspective will help us understand the big picture.. as he hasn't been corrupted by the show's propaganda.


Mack Thompson's beginnings are hazey. From the very start Mack had to deal with uncertainty and challenge. The future attorney was adopted as a young boy by Michael and Debbie Thompson.


Michael Thompson worked on the legal team at The Hanso Foundation as a dependable employee who crossed his I's and dotted his T's. Michael's loyalness earned him the right to be one of the few people to participate in Hanso's initial adoption program. The Thompsons knew virtually nothing about their new boy except that he had physical stamina and a keen intelligence.


Mack worked with the legal team at Hanso until the Foundation was tied to a company being sued for causing cancer in people via asbestos building materials. Mack Thompson made the biggest move of his life and joined the prosecution against the wishes of The Hanso Foundation. Judgement was made that Mesothelioma was the resposibility of The Manville Corporation, largely due to Mack Thompson.


Soon after that case Mack's father disappeared after he left for work one day. A few months later Debbie was diagnosed with lung cancer. It turned out to be Mesothelioma and she would die within a short year.


Mack was devastated and turned to his work, becoming one of the most celebrated civil law attorneys of our time.


Part 2 coming soon!


This company Hanso was tied to I found.. it's called Alltheindustrials.com




And Dr. Werner is apparently tied to that too. The site has a login.. but I can't use my e.mail to access it. I think hacking the site should be our priority.




edit: screw that, it's a dead end.

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interview with Gary Troupe authour of "Bad Twin"


from the comments on that video


"has anyone else noticed that if you rearrange the letters in the authors name GARY TROUP it is possible to make PURGATORY? "


Anyone got more info on this Valencity Equation that is mentioned? I bet it has something to do with the "numbers"

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Followed the Mack Thompson trail to Oceanic Airlines lawsuit:



The crash was real, but there was more than one. 3 planes have gone down.


Oceanic Air has shut down since then. Presumably those scientists at the end of season 2 are working with the rescue teams looking for the planes.


The anagram is mental, my friend had a theory about Lost being purgatory.


Valenzetti Foundation.





It's the equation Hanso is interested in, and interested in destroying from history.

It is to do with the numbers for sure.


You know, it sounds sad but I love this.


But I kinda feel like Neo searching for Morpheus.. I hope more of these web hunts are made.

I am tired now, off to bed.

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nintendork, I hate to spoil things for you, but...


the whole 'Lost Experience' has wrapped itself up already. it was a big ARG game during the summer US TV season break where there was no new lost being shown. It all finished a few weeks ago and what you're seeing now is the results from the end of the game. The producers have said that the lost experience world is kind of separate from the show world so you don't need to know anything from the lost experience to enjoy the show.


Rachel Blake and the like are all part of this Alternate Reality Game. I wouldn't say there's too much point in trying to work things out for yourself now because it's all over and has been evolving into the state you see now.


lostpedia.com is a good site to check if you wanna catch up on what happened in the lost experience over the summer. I'd give you the exact page but the site doesn't appear to be working right now.


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Yeah BGS I got the impression from Rachel's website.. she said she'd be uploading in installments (all of which are conveniently put together now)


I don't mind if it's still over, it can still be enjoyed.


Yeah, she's a nutter than has been hired to be a nutter to create hype for the show and create an illusion that Lost is real.


TBH, it would be nice to just go to lostpedia. But that's a bit lazy.. and I don't have a job.. so I'm gonna carry on reading the unabbreviated sources.

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More than likely. Due to the fact that Lost's boring flashbacks ruin the viewing experience.


I love the flashbacks, i like seeing to each characters past and learning more about who they are and the events that lead to them being on the plane, i think it adds to the show in a huge way, also its cool trying to pay attention to the background and spotting another character in the background

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I love the flashbacks, i like seeing to each characters past and learning more about who they are and the events that lead to them being on the plane, i think it adds to the show in a huge way, also its cool trying to pay attention to the background and spotting another character in the background


He likes deal or no deal, don't sweat it.

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I love the flashbacks, i like seeing to each characters past and learning more about who they are and the events that lead to them being on the plane, i think it adds to the show in a huge way, also its cool trying to pay attention to the background and spotting another character in the background


Those flashbacks are great, but the constant reminders of what happened, or that episode in Season 2 which is the previous episode from Kates perspective, now they are annoying.

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