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The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Discussion


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The great thing about WW is that the graphics are timeless. Unlike OoT and MM, this game will still look great in 10 years.

It's the 10th anniversary of the N64 right now and I don't think OoT has dated one bit, the visuals might be a bit drab but I love it hard.


I didn't play it first time around so the bonus disc was a real uber bonus.


Id like to see Nintendo take their cel-shading prowess to the next level on Wii (minus the big bug eyes). It would be perfect for Mario or Metroid (face it, Metroid needs a new look)


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I love it hard.


Im sure ya do




The Prime engine looks great dont get me wrong but after a trilogy that looks more or less the same, i personally would welcome a drastic change to the graphics (and gameplay for that matter).


I thought the best part of Wind Waker was how great the enemies animated and how bold the colors were. A 2D/3D hybrid Metroid could look awesome done up like that. Id buy it

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The Prime engine looks great dont get me wrong but after a trilogy that looks more or less the same, i personally would welcome a drastic change to the graphics (and gameplay for that matter).


I thought the best part of Wind Waker was how great the enemies animated and how bold the colors were. A 2D/3D hybrid Metroid could look awesome done up like that. Id buy it

Me to, buts that just becaus I enjoy the games.

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I remember the first time I went to hyrule,got so damn excited I couldn't keep still.Wonder if that will happen again...










The first time I went to Hyrule I tried to find things from OOT. Sadly I found nothing.

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The first time I went to Hyrule I tried to find things from OOT. Sadly I found nothing.


That's what I done aswell,but when I walked into the barrier to stop me from going to Ganons place I thought my game broke.

I liked how you saw the sages in the glass around the Master Sword.I really hope there are references to OOT.

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I didnt mind the sailing so much, but the lack of dungeons shitted me heaps, because i actually enjoyed the new counter attack!

Quite often i would be talking to friends, looking the complete opposite direction and kicking some baddies arse just using the rumble from the controller as a guide!


I really enjoyed the graphics and had a lot of fun watching Links eyes move around.


As things happen, I played the game twice through straight away. As most of you know, when you finish it, you have the option to play through again in blue! well, i didnt read the thing at the end properly and saved over my 'up to last boss' file... doh!


Also, can i just say one thing to ANYONE who uses the word overrated for a game... any game! Clearly you are missing the point of the game, and are not getting the enjoyment that should come with the game.

I heard someone use the term in another thread for the game 'Eternal Darkness'. Think about the word... you must be missing out on something.

Just a simple 'I dont like it' would suffice.

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The Prime engine looks great dont get me wrong but after a trilogy that looks more or less the same, i personally would welcome a drastic change to the graphics (and gameplay for that matter).


Yeah, I too was hoping for major graphical improvements in Prime 3, I just wanted it to look like a significant improvement.


The graphics in Prime blew me away, but in echoes, they were a bit underwhelming. I mean some areas were beautiful, but the dark world was just purple, and I found it a little repetitive and sometimes hard to gather my bearings.


I think the dark/light world thing can work, it did so brilliantly in Zelda - LTTP (awesome awesome game). But I just didn't like it as much or felt it worked as well in echoes.

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I remember the first time I went to hyrule,got so damn excited I couldn't keep still.
I didn't like Hyrule in Wind Waker!


It was supposedly set 100 years+ after OOT yet Hyrule looked totally different! Everything was in the wrong place and you couldn't see all the important landmarks and since when was the castle over a lake!


Why not do a Cel-Shaded version of Hyrule Field etc... from OOT

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Yeah, I too was hoping for major graphical improvements in Prime 3, I just wanted it to look like a significant improvement.


It is, but since the other Primes are near perfect and (apparently) you're not very perceptive you can't see the difference.

The enemies are huge, there are lots of them on screen at once, the lightning is amazing and so are the textures, the models look great, everything is wonderful and that with stable 60 fps.

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I didn't like Hyrule in Wind Waker!


It was supposedly set 100 years+ after OOT yet Hyrule looked totally different! Everything was in the wrong place and you couldn't see all the important landmarks and since when was the castle over a lake!



A great flood can change the landscape last time i checked...

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A great flood can change the landscape last time i checked...

Yeah and i'm sure it was a lot longer than 100 years.


I know Retro_Link said 100+ years but, 100+ years could be a thousand years for all we know and that would be long enough for things to change.

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What like completely remove of Death Mountain from the landscape! I think not!


Also all the grounds surrounding the castle were changed and there was no lon lon ranch!

Is dragon roast island not death mountain.


I always thought it was.


Also, we can't see the whole of underwater Hyrule.

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Is dragon roast island not death mountain.


I always thought it was.


Also, we can't see the whole of underwater Hyrule.

If it is then it's just the tip of death mountain above the water, so you should still see it from Hyrule Castle underwater.


and you can see more of 'hyrule' than you can in OOT, and it's all different!

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It is, but since the other Primes are near perfect and (apparently) you're not very perceptive you can't see the difference.

The enemies are huge, there are lots of them on screen at once, the lightning is amazing and so are the textures, the models look great, everything is wonderful and that with stable 60 fps.


Well, don't I stand corrected lol. I've only seen it running from video captures. Anyway, I was talking about the kind of graphical leap I would have liked to have seen, ie major. I feel, from what I've seen, it looks pretty much the same with just bigger environments and a few extra effects. To be honest, it doesn't look much different from a Gamecube game.

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Well, don't I stand corrected lol. I've only seen it running from video captures. Anyway, I was talking about the kind of graphical leap I would have liked to have seen, ie major. I feel, from what I've seen, it looks pretty much the same with just bigger environments and a few extra effects. To be honest, it doesn't look much different from a Gamecube game.


I agree with you completely. I want to see them start the graphical style from scratch, making it seem fresh like the original Prime did, not just build on the Gamecubes graphic style.

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If it is then it's just the tip of death mountain above the water, so you should still see it from Hyrule Castle underwater.


and you can see more of 'hyrule' than you can in OOT, and it's all different!


Well, like a few other users said, it's been a 100+ years since OoT and I'm betting that when Ganondorf returned, he could've changed quite a few things.. Tell me why it shouldn't be different?


Anyway, I've just started playing TWW again a little while ago and remembered again why it's such a cool game. :D Though I've always been slightly miffed at the lack of dungeons (there are what? 5 or something?) and at how easy everything is... And then there's the boring Triforce of Courage-hunting... But oh, well. Guess you can't have everything. ::shrug: Let's hope Twilight Princess will fix all that. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys im kinda new here, i've always looked around but i've decided to start posting and getting more involved now.


I do agree that the whole tri-force hunt thing was just unessasary and seemed to just be there to extend the game, but the mention of metroid prime echos reminded me of in that when you had to get the key things, that was exacatly the same and just seemed needless. Anyway apart from those points i did think they were both brilliant games, and also im not sure about this cel shaded metroid thing, i've always like metroid for its beautiful sceanary. Can't wait for Wii Zelda and Metroid!!

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Hey guys im kinda new here, i've always looked around but i've decided to start posting and getting more involved now.


I do agree that the whole tri-force hunt thing was just unessasary and seemed to just be there to extend the game, but the mention of metroid prime echos reminded me of in that when you had to get the key things, that was exacatly the same and just seemed needless. Anyway apart from those points i did think they were both brilliant games, and also im not sure about this cel shaded metroid thing, i've always like metroid for its beautiful sceanary. Can't wait for Wii Zelda and Metroid!!

Welcome Pacifica :kiss:

I think I'm the only one that actually enjoyed the triforce quest....lol

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The only thing that I didn't like about it was that I thought the ghost ship was going to be a temple, but it was just like any other ship apart from it had a triforce piece in. Nonetheless it is still my fave gamecube game.

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Well, I have just now placed an online order for this game... Yes, just at the end of the GC life cycle. Anyway, I figured I had to play this before TP and I've been postponing it for too long.


Lately I've been really craving for a goddamn Wii and it's still more than a month away. I haven't anticipated a console like this since 1997 and the N64. I finished Eternal Darkness last week and started playing Second Sight but that game is boring... Turned out quite differently from what I expected and it disapointed me... So this november I'll be playing Wind Waker. And in december.... well, you know what. :)

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  • 1 month later...

I've only started playing it in the last couple of weeks on and off, but this evening got past the Forest Temple and I'm loving it long time. Classy game so far for me. Looking forward to TP and playing this to tide me over (won't be able to afford TP for a bit :sad: .)


I'm new by the way hello.

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Welcome to the forum lforster.


Wind Waker was a good game in my opinion. It was a bit of a short game, i completed it within a week of getting the game (thats only playing 2-3 hours a day and only doing the main quest).


I was kind of hoping that there were a couple more dungeons/temples in the game and maybe an extra town or two to pad it out a bit longer. I also thought the Triforce Hunt was good, but it could of been better i.e. a couple of mini-dungeons to get a map or a piece of the triforce.

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