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*sigh* some people aren't capable of having a proper discussion without telling people they're spewing 'garbage' or being patronising. Those people on this forum should grow up. Then again, people like you really are commonplace so it's not like I don't know how to deal with you.


Ooh... Mr Man.


Ok, you are correct- Naruto possesses a completely logical system. A magical energy substance flows throughout people (anime cliche #99), while obviously Bleach doesn't have a magical flowing inner substance so is completely unrealistic, so we should completely reject the story altogether.


Read that again. You do realize that Bleach does have that magic substance. It just isn't built upon.


And again you're spot on. Naruto doesn't have anything feeding him power, it's all his hard work. Ichigo never trains either, it's all handed to him!


Naruto is getting stronger on his own, very gradually, he doesn't want the demon fox's help, that's his last resort. Ichigo on the other hand just came out of nowhere and with what sums up as two months training, when all the training is combined, is much stronger than most people who've been working hard to develop their strenght, just because he was born strong. Such a worthy hero.

And guess what? This is the truth, wether you like it or not.


I like shit because I like the idea of powerful characters, with one character who in particular develops skills distinguishing himself from everyone else? Why are you so aggressive, moreover why so wrong? There's nothing idiotic about my preference.


Actually, yes, there is. You're basically asking for the same thing that's being done every fucking time a Shonen is popular. That's such a formulaic approach that if you do indeed like it, I ain't even gonna waste my time arguing with you. And about the underlined part... Naruto has the exact same thing. :indeed: Different characters with different fighing styles, different techniques and approaches and so on and so on.


Oh yeh, reported your post. People like you tend to go around shouting "idiot" at people, and will never learn unless someone capable actually intervenes. You probably won't be banned but *crosses fingers*.


Figures. You people really can't take an insult can you? And the worse thing is, you can't even admit I was right. First it was Hellfire who put you to shame, and now it's me, and yet you go on, with your self-appointed sense of rightness, saying the same thing over and over again, getting corrected every single time for the bullshit you keep throwing my way. I'd say it's you who have a problem with arguments, not me. You can't seem to establish a logicall discussion point, so you lash out at the parts that don't even matter.

And then it's "the people in this forum" that need to grow up. You grow up, learn to swallow and stomach something when you must... The fact that I called you and idiot does not change the fact that that was the single most uninportant part of my post, and yet was the only one you actually read properly, or so it seems.

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My my, I didn't know people unleashed this much aggression to argue a point over anime series. I can see that you're very heated about this.


It would seem that you believe you are God's gift, making points that you believe are immediately correct and unchallengeable.


Ooh... Mr Man.


Naruto is getting stronger on his own, very gradually, he doesn't want the demon fox's help, that's his last resort. Ichigo on the other hand just came out of nowhere and with what sums up as two months training, when all the training is combined, is much stronger than most people who've been working hard to develop their strenght, just because he was born strong. Such a worthy hero.

And guess what? This is the truth, wether you like it or not.


And this really is where your points crumble into an abyss; cast your mind back to Orochimaru's accomplices that a bunch of kids defeated; they more than likely trained all their life so should, by your reasoning, be a hundred times stronger than the kids that defeated them.


Also, people like Naruto and Gaara have, on numerous occasions, been strengthened by an innate power, just like Ichigo. It doesn't matter if Naruto wants to use the power or not, he has. Also, Naruto acquired Rasengan really quickly, no different to say Ichigo's bankai. That's why listening to your points is quite aggravating - they are neither here nor there. No one is really right as opinion differs, but you of course seem incapable of accepting another person's opinion.



Actually, yes, there is. You're basically asking for the same thing that's being done every fucking time a Shonen is popular. That's such a formulaic approach that if you do indeed like it, I ain't even gonna waste my time arguing with you. And about the underlined part... Naruto has the exact same thing. :indeed: Different characters with different fighing styles, different techniques and approaches and so on and so on.


So when people watch a horror film, it will be pointless since there will be death? With fighting/action animes, people expect these different techniques and powerful characters combined into a main plot - it does not make the premise of the anime shit. Let me tell you, pretty much everything in anime has been done before, really as long as people enjoy it then I don't see how you can cast your judgement on people for watching what you deem 'shit'.



Figures. You people really can't take an insult can you? And the worse thing is, you can't even admit I was right. First it was Hellfire who put you to shame, and now it's me, and yet you go on, with your self-appointed sense of rightness, saying the same thing over and over again, getting corrected every single time for the bullshit you keep throwing my way. I'd say it's you who have a problem with arguments, not me. You can't seem to establish a logicall discussion point, so you lash out at the parts that don't even matter.

And then it's "the people in this forum" that need to grow up. You grow up, learn to swallow and stomach something when you must... The fact that I called you and idiot does not change the fact that that was the single most uninportant part of my post, and yet was the only one you actually read properly, or so it seems.


It's not that people can't take an insult, it's that people shouldn't have to take insults from someone who's annoying and forcing their opinion, unable to accept other people's opinions. Forums shouldn't be a slagfest where big-mouthed people say "this sucks", and expect some sort of law to come into place dictating their opinion as fact.


Could I love O_W any more? No, I don't think so.




I find it amusing that you use Naruto's best parts as flaws, and use Bleach's flaws as something good.


Umm...really thank Oxigen Waste (an appropriate username) for trying to get me away from what I was really saying. I like Bleach because it hasn't digressed too much from the storyline, and I like the battles and characters more. I blatantly said I used to like Naruto more, that was before it produced a year of filler, yet I don't like how chakra is stretched thin throughout the series.

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Guest Stefkov
What's this "double-teaming" I'm hearing of, Stefkov?!

No, it's now how it sounds. I would never cheat on you.

This was only a game...



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Hey guys lets write more essays trying to justify the stupidity in shounen series.


I personally don't think ergo proxy is worth watching unless you're willing to take notes and write your own thesis on the metaphors and themes of the series, and this is from a person who usually has a pretty good grasp of storylines.

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I enjoyed Ergo Proxy just for the atmosphere. I like the art style too. There's a good story in there somewhere, but the way it's told is just way to complicated. Most episodes you don't get any information at all, and then all of a sudden there's an episode with an information overload, which makes it hard to follow. Oh, it also has the cutest android ever.

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Yeah i'd agree with that. I think I had an ergo proxy avatar and signature for a while. It has a cool universe but I don't think the proxy's were ever explained very well. Liru, Lil(many variations to this name) is a bitch, Vincent is some useless emo fag who doesn't know anything but the rest of the universe is cool.

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Guest Stefkov

All of mine are from amazon. FLCL is actually from Forbidden Planet but the rest from Amazon.

Most of them are cheaper than Forbidden Planet.

Only horrible horrible thing I hate amazon so much for is their delivery. If Death Note is in stock now why do I have to wait till fucking Feb for it.

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A place I used for my DeathNote and some Rave Master manga is this place.

A good place, that, I've ordered quite a few books through them via Amazon Marketplace.


Surely I am not alone when I dislike a couple of things about Amazon with manga. For a start, Amazon often sell manga for say £5 a volume or a bit lower. Then when you click "used and new" there are people selling the manga new for as cheap as £1.50 or so. Bargain eh?! Well not quite... they add a fairly steep postage cost to each book, and worst of all is that they seem to send them a lot of them packed individually, meaning if you wanted to buy 15 or so books (as I do with fullmetal alchemist) you may well end up getting 15 packages through the door, prompting annoyance or parents asking if you're in debt trouble.


So what I did was look up the sellers on google, found they had their own order sites you could buy from. But on their sites, like thebookdepository, their prices of manga are closer to Amazon's! So really I think there is some sort of packaging scam, where they are really giving you maybe 20p worth of packaging and taking the rest of the money as profit. Has anyone found anywhere you can order really cheap manga from like what the Amazon sellers advertise, e.g. £2 or less? Even £3 would be good.

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