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Just started watching Ergo Proxy, kinda cool :D Also got Code Geass, Chobits, GTO and Fullmetal Alchemist on the go O_O but the holidays are coming up, yay for unhealthy anime time! Not to mention a double ep of Shippuuden in 4 days. Oh and that DMC trailer looks... well it looks like a really bad camera grab in which I can barely make out anything.



By the way, who's seen the second Death Note movie? I'm getting it but I don't know if it's going to spoil the story past the anime.

Edit: Nevermind, the quality was stupidly bad so I cancelled it :/

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So I started watching Monster, and was wondering if it gets much better? I've seen the first seven episodes, and god damn it's slow. It keeps insulting your intelligence as well by showing you scenes from previous episodes.

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So I started watching Monster, and was wondering if it gets much better? I've seen the first seven episodes, and god damn it's slow. It keeps insulting your intelligence as well by showing you scenes from previous episodes.


Unfortunately I just read the manga, but it's fantastic, so keep it up. He's one of my favourite authors, 20th Century Boys is one of the greatest thing to have graced God's green earth.

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Why is air gear so hard to get! Iv been lookign afor a batch torrent for ages after wacthing an ep on youtube.


If you like Jet set radio you should check this out if you can get your hands on it:shakehead

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RAW of episode 24 will be out tomorrow sometime and shortly followed with Kuro-Hanas sub.


Ah cool, thank you! :bowdown:


I can't believe I hadn't started watching this before, it's so so enthralling! A real treat... probably my favourite anime!

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Seeing as the first Death Note movie kinda strayed miles from the anime I'm not too sure it will actually ruin things for you..... lol Saying that I have no point at which part the second film ends....


I didn't think there was that much change. Apart from Light's girlfriend, the entire first half and the ending were very accurate. I didn't like the part they changed with Naomi, but otherwise I considered it pretty true. And that being the case, I can't imagine they won't follow the story close enough to ruin parts if the second movie goes further than expected....

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I didn't think there was that much change. Apart from Light's girlfriend, the entire first half and the ending were very accurate. I didn't like the part they changed with Naomi, but otherwise I considered it pretty true. And that being the case, I can't imagine they won't follow the story close enough to ruin parts if the second movie goes further than expected....

That's as maybe, but the third film ends the series in a completely different way to the manga. (and presumably the anime)

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Guest Stefkov

Just watched episode 21 after delaying it for a while. I started watching it a couple days ago but watched somethig on tv instead.

Its getting really exciting now.


Oo nearly messed up then, renamed episode 21 as 22. Thank god i double checked.

Can someone confirm that

episode 21 was where Misa sees Rem again, and episode 22 is where they put that plan into action trying to find out how Higuchi kills people?


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did you like the death note movie shorty?
I liked the first movie a lot, I haven't had a chance to watch the second yet. I was confused by the changes they made, because they seemed unecessary. Why skip out Light's joining college? To me, that made them miss one of my favourite moments from the entire manga and anime, the first meeting of L and Light. Also the CG wasn't amazing, well done, but not enough to make it obviously not CG, yknow? The kind of CG where you think, "Speilberg would've done it better with animatronics" :heh:


But, as a movie, yes, it was good. Most of it was so close to the manga you couldn't not be happy. Fujuwara Tatsuya is great as Light (although I preferred him in Battle Royale) and the character L looks as good as the best cosplayers :laughing: In all it's a good accomplishment, and a better 'conversion' than I've ever seen Hollywood do. I reccomend it to DN fans :)


I'll watch "The Last Name" when I get the chance, but I might not watch the whole thing if I think it's going to ruin something from the future anime story (the name suggests it might do)

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Just watched episode 21 after delaying it for a while. I started watching it a couple days ago but watched somethig on tv instead.

Its getting really exciting now.


Oo nearly messed up then, renamed episode 21 as 22. Thank god i double checked.

Can someone confirm that

episode 21 was where Misa sees Rem again, and episode 22 is where they put that plan into action trying to find out how Higuchi kills people?


Yes Stefkov.


Death Note OST2 is out. :)


Devil May Cry Anime Trailer (Direct Feed)

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^ i'm so glad the above post was deleted :p I'm sick of explaining about shippuuden 6


Death Note 24 is soooo awesome :D its the episode where

Light gets his memories back!!





And Bleach 120 is freakin amazing too! I haven't read the manga and I had no idea what was coming, but what came was soooo cool. Weeee, I'm all excitable now heh :heh: Here's hoping today's Shippuuden 6/7 special rounds it off nicely and doesn't have too much filler.

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