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That would be the point, Zabuza already treated Haku like an object, it would make all sense to call him "it".


Or her. I firmly believe she is a girl.


It doesn't matter though, cause there is no official answer to the question, so this is just ramming our heads against a brick wall to claim reason for something noone can prove. It's pointless arguing. It's like debating the end of Pan's Labyrinth...

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It doesn't matter though, cause there is no official answer to the question, so this is just ramming our heads against a brick wall to claim reason for something noone can prove. It's pointless arguing. It's like debating the end of Pan's Labyrinth...


That's what the internet is all about.

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Actually the only reason Haku will have been referred to as 'it' is the choice of the translators... a personal pronoun would never have been used in Japanese. Haku was definitely a boy, it was more obvious when he was younger. It's ridiculously hard to grasp, and at times I have actually forgotten he is a 'he'. The name 'Haku' is unisex and the looks very feminine, so it's easy to think he was a girl. But honestly, there's absolutely no reason for the writer to have Haku pretend - and then never reveal the truth at the end.


Perhaps the only reason was to throw in the comic value of Naruto fancying 'her'.

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Haku IS a guy. I'm sorry if I shattered your all well defined sexual preferences but he is a guy. It's stated somewhere in the anime but I don't remember where. Naruto thought he was a girl though, which was kinda part of the plot.


If Haku is male, I am gay.


I'm sorry you found it the hard way.

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Naruto likes his katakana I see.
There's a lot of katakana in Naruto, even in the logo... http://www.narutoplace.com/images/2005/11/wallpapers/naruto-logo.jpg I've often wondered why.
The fact he/she says that means nothing.

He/she also looks more like a girl than a boy when he/she's young.

Oh no of course, baseless fan speculation means much more than something the inventor of the character actually wrote into the story itself :heh: But maybe he was trying to trick us? Which might be true if there was any kind of motive for doing that or if Haku didn't die a few chapters later never to resurface ever again with the truth never being revealed or indeed any reason for lying the first place! *BREATHES*

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Oh no of course, baseless fan speculation means much more than something the inventor of the character actually wrote into the story itself :heh: But maybe he was trying to trick us? Which might be true if there was any kind of motive for doing that or if Haku didn't die a few chapters later never to resurface ever again with the truth never being revealed or indeed any reason for lying the first place! *BREATHES*


It's just speculation yes, but the fact that she always looks like a girls and acts like a girl makes people think she's a girl. If she renounced her sexuality like I said, she would obviously say "I'm a boy". The writer probably wrote it that way just to have some fun and mess with us.

Not that it matters, but it's fun discussing it

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