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As much as I like controversial and heated discussions I must admit that I feel a bit worried about the reccent postings. I ask everyone to remember that serious discussions normally work without swear words and other profanities. Not only is it rude even in a anonymous forum but it also shows a lack of skill.


So please everyone try to understand both points of the Wii is GREAT/SUCK, CHEAP/EXPENSIVE, xyz/zyx arguments.

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To be honest I wish the Wii was cheaper. I am not uber rich and could have done with it being less expensive. But you know what I am still going to get one its still my most anticipated console ever. And I think when it launches wii (sorry about the pun) will all be back together. But we need this community to pull together through the wait! I mean I am to excited we should be planning events on the day of launch and stuff to do in this gap now cmon guys lets pull together! :smile:

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I 100% agree. :)


This is a forum where everyone is allowed a OPINION, if you disagree with it, thats fine, but lately alot of people on here have for example said (in short)


'The Wii's not expensive- f*ck off, end-of'


This is actually wrong. YOU believe it's not expensive, not everyone is going to be 'like you' and think the same. Which in my opinion is good, i don't want everyone thinking the same thing.


Alot of people have to get over that hurdle, IMO.


I'm pretty sure Nintendo's price wasn't £180 when the PS3 was launching in Europe on 17/11/06. I honestly believe they raised it, after the delay. Alot of people have said that both the date and price has surprised them, thats fine, i agree.


December 8th for Europe? It's obviously pretty good, same year as everyone else! Great! but lets be honest, why are we last again? and what happened to a November launch (like everyone was saying).


Also 2 weeks before Christmas? Talk about a mad rush, alot of parents enjoy doing their Xmas shopping middle-of/end-of November to make sure everything is too plan.


Of course, this is my opinion. You can agree and disagree with it, but please don't answer back with such a opinionated answer that proves you always have to be right and everyone has to think like you.


This has been my problem over the last couple of days.


Thats all. I'm happy! :yay:

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I 100% agree. :)

I'm pretty sure Nintendo's price wasn't £180 when the PS3 was launching in Europe on 17/11/06. I honestly believe they raised it, after the delay. Alot of people have said that both the date and price has surprised them, thats fine, i agree.


You know Owen, thats actually an interesting idea that I've not heard until now. Personally I'm happy enough with both the pricing and release date for various reasons, though this isnt really the thread to delve into all that. Have a rice crispy bun for raising a new idea :hehe:

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I agree with the all of you. I remember the thread about the PS3 delay. That was qiute a bad thread for it.


I dont see why some people fell the need for everyone else to agree with them. Different people will have a different opinion. In my eyes arguing is a waste of time so i just avoid it.


Debates on the other hand im all for

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i have a feeling this thread is aimed at me and others like me . . .




i swear alot . . . ALOT in everyday conversation, only because i find it fun and it helps to amplify what i say and i repeat its stupidly good fun.


i'll try and stop but its hard to when you feel soo strongly about something you cant help but use a certain language and tone that may be aggressive only because of frustration.


anywho most of you above me will be glad to hear i'm off for a few days so i wont be a problem for a while.


hope you miss me


. . . or not! :kiss:


Ps. there is a particularly good sense of community in the 360 thread.



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Theres still a bit of this going around. I'm hoping it will end in the next few days, because it's getting boring now and i cannot stand (too) opinionated people. I had it at school and finally got away from there, so i don't need it now. :heh:


Lets all be mature, and let everyone have there opinion and able to live there life how they like. Thankyou. :bowdown:


Hellfire, your spot on. Also i cannot understand why people are getting picked on for getting excited etc..about the Wii! This is a Wii forum! You wouldn't be on it, if you didn't care. Let people get excited, worried, scared, panicky. At least these people show personality/emotion...i like that. It is one of our hobbies/interests afterall, so your going to get involved. :yay:


Afterall we've waited god-knows how long for a date!


So my advice? Don't stop being yourself because of other people.



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The only thing which is annoying the hell out of me is the amount of people complaining about the price of the console in numerous topics.


If its not the price you were looking for then just wait for a price drop ( no doubt when PS3 gets released ) and stop dragging the boards down with the whole " Nintendo has screwed us over " banter.


I think this is the main cause of arguments at the moment. People, like myself, are quite happy with the date and price and mean we live in Europe so its the norm while others are kicking off on us for being happy about it.

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