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Wii don't need no HD! COD3. Enjoy.


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Having run COD2 with all effects on midrange PC ie 3GHZ P4 128mb direct9 ATI card I'm still impressed by Wii. Even considering this is SD rather than HD, which PC can do. The original footage gave far more insight into Wii capability and looked good for a rumoured 700MHZ CPU, directx 7 tweaked console!

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of course the graphics are important, that is a game's main selling point after the gameplay, and at the end of the day graphics sell games.


for a system that was touted as twice the power of the Gamecube, you'd expect better visuals than the Gamecube. I've not seen anything here that can't be done on the Cube.

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  • 2 months later...

Graphics don't look that bad, but they're certainly nothing to write home about lol. I#ve never played a CoD game and this ain;t gonna change that. However I can see lack of online play being an issue to some, I don;t think anything is gonna challenge XBOXLive for the topspot when it comes to online service for consoles.

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So? Sonic on the 360 looks better than every other Sonic.

Does that make it better? Should you go buy it over Sonic Wii/DS just because it looks better?


Hell no.


Next year prediction: Call of Duty 4, minor improved visuals and control scheme tweaks.. smarter nazis and online play.

Paying for the same game again? Priceless.

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So? Sonic on the 360 looks better than every other Sonic.

Does that make it better? Should you go buy it over Sonic Wii/DS just because it looks better?


Hell no.


Next year prediction: Call of Duty 4, minor improved visuals and control scheme tweaks.. smarter nazis and online play.

Paying for the same game again? Priceless.


you know there is a lot of people who would buy the game next year just for on line play and maybe for split screen mutiplayer not to mention the minor improved visuals and smarter nazis



and you never know sonic wii could turn out to be shite

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It was a hypothetical question.

To prove the point that Nintendo fanboys are willing to buy the less shit game when presented with 2 fairly shit games.


We all know in the blog media world that EA are bastards, and Ubisoft are just as bad. We know it will sell a bunch to idiots who don't read reviews and just fancy shooting some nazis over the holidays.


Don't buy into it.

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That just goes to show how saturated the WWII market has become, I can't tell the difference between them.

(I'm not stoopid honest)


I think online (console) play is the only arena where the WWII shooter has left to explore, and this version does not have it. Thus it's the same £30 you spent last year.

It's had a good innings, but I can't wait until we rest a stone lid on this genre and bury it.

I'm yet to play a WWII sim completely, I'm still waiting upon that killer title. Can anyone honestly name a must have (see: Halo, Battlefield) WWII shooter from the past couple of generations?

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Well now i have both! The 360 one for graphics and the Wii one for controls. I played 360 first. Graphics was awesome and i was kinda disappointed when i put the Wii disc in (lets face controls gameplay goes first but graphics ARE important). On the other hand when you play the Wii version, even though they aren't perfect executed, it is hard to go back to the standard controller. This is ofcaurse my opinion. Call of Duty 3 on Wii its a great game to buy. If someone has the ability to buy it in both versions then its more than great.

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That just goes to show how saturated the WWII market has become, I can't tell the difference between them.

(I'm not stoopid honest)


I think online (console) play is the only arena where the WWII shooter has left to explore, and this version does not have it. Thus it's the same £30 you spent last year.

It's had a good innings, but I can't wait until we rest a stone lid on this genre and bury it.

I'm yet to play a WWII sim completely, I'm still waiting upon that killer title. Can anyone honestly name a must have (see: Halo, Battlefield) WWII shooter from the past couple of generations?


nope i'm not defending the game at all.i hate WW2 shooters.give me halo,half life and timeplitters anyday.Just find them boring and repetitive

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NintendoRevo, if you had to have one.. and there is no right or wrong answer on this one: which would you keep and which would you see melted?


This means that you will never get to play the other game ever again, so think about longevity too.


The answer is the Wii version. Simply because controls are something i never experienced before. 360's CoD is something i played a trillion times before. Wii i haven't.

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I've also got it (brother went out and bought it) and it's excellent to play control wise.


I love looking around until I see someone, then press and hold the A button, and then quickly fire off a round with the B button. It's just so satisfying.


Graphics aren't anything to write home about, but they do enough to keep the game atmospheric.


There is a bug with the controls where once a level or a part of the game is loaded, the controls will spaz out a little. But leave it for a sec, and then it's all fine.


Single player has been excellent so far, and a lot of publications who gave the game scores in the 70's said it was to do with a lack of multiplayer. If next years version can include that, then it'll be a treat.


And I'm also someone who can't stand WWII games. Haven't played one since the original COD on the PC.


Worth considering though if you're out of ideas as to what games to buy for the Wii, but it's definitely up there with the best at launch.

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Agree with Colin and revo, this game is awesome and proves (to me anyway) that FPS belong on the Wii and traditional controllers simply cannot compete - they really do seem boring in comparison. There are a few bugs in the ame 0 disappearing people, the one Colin named (glad about that as my housemate spotted it too) - they are very minor though. But god would I pay good for money for mulitplayer - even splitscreen. Coop would be awesome too!

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Am i the only one having difficulties with the controls? Like you move the Wiimote slighlty and it moves huge amounts. (This is the only game it does it on) I climb over the wall on the first level, move a bit, then get killed beause the controls are crazy, maybe I need to start again on easy.

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