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This is just for fun, unless 2 people want to chip in and buy a DS game for the winner, entry closes at September 14th, 2AM BST. (If a credible source is released before then, then the competition will close then).


Making more than one submission will disqualify you, please make edits rather than new posts correcting yourself in a new one.

Feel free to put as much detail as you want (or extras that i didn't think of below), you will not be marked down for getting anything wrong (abusing this rule wouldn't be a good idea). Getting one item of information right will score you a point, the person with the most points wins.

So, here we bet on what we think the wii launch details will be, sample below. (also my entry.)



Date: November 12th

Price: 150 GBP

Colours: Black and white



Date: October 24th

Price $200

Colours: Black and white



November 6th

Price: 22000 YEN

Colours: Black and white


Other details:

Console packs. 1 Pack, comes with Wii, 2 controllers, nunchuck and a free VC download.


Let the games begin.


Ok, I'm usually cynical about speculation like this, but what they heck. It's only 3 hours until the Japanese event, and there's no harm done making a guess, so here's mine.


North America: Nov 3rd



Japan: Nov 10th

22,000 Yen


Europe: Nov 17th

£140 / 200 Euros


All regions will launch with both black an white colours in equal amounts, and the pack will include 2 Wiimotes, 2 nunchucks, and WiiSports.


Games will be the same price as last gen games, but none of the launch titles will feature online multi-play. Simpler games (e.g. Wii Music?) will cost as little as half normal game price.


The Virtual Console will obviously be available from day one, and each Wii will come with a free game download.


Additional Downloads will range between £2 and £5.


The Classic Controller Will be sold seperately (I wish it was bundled, but I just cant see that happening) for a price of £20/$30.


Nintendo won't supply any other controllers from day one, but I can imagine they (light gun) will be released at a later date.


Official SD Cards will come in 2 sizes, 512Meg, and 1 Gig, with larger sizes following over the next 6 months.


Finally, there will be between 27 launch titles.

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