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Exam Results Thread


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Instead of having a different thread for every single type of exam imaginable like most likely we would've had, there's just one thread for all exam results you're getting.


Scottish Standard Grades/Highers - August 8th

Irish Leaving Cert - August 16th

English A/AS Level - August 17th

English GSCE - August 24th



Demuwan's original Post

I thought we can have a place to disscuss any worries about results or University or just the future in General. A place where everyone is conforting (so no flaming guys). To share results and to congratulate each other.




(Thread rearranged by Moria)

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Instead of having a different thread for every single type of exam imaginable like most likely we would've had, there's just one thread for all exam results you're getting.


Scottish Standard Grades/Highers - August 8th

English GSCE - August 17th

English A/AS Level - August 24th


Irish Leaving Cert - August 16th


(Best of luck to anyone expecting results)

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Guest Stefkov

I'm not worried whatsoever, not because ill do good but i just dont care about them, my GCSE's.

Oh and i really dont know when mine are, i wasn't told but ill see if it is on the 24th. ill just go into school that day and see what happens

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I know and I tried to give you some advice on what to do remember. So what happened did you speak to them again Im intereseted in knowing how it went.


Well a couple of days after I phoned up the school and asked to speak to my form tutor, who said if I needed to speak to him I could. He wasn't available and so I left a message. The f*cker never phoned back. :mad:

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Got my AS-Results on 17th.


Babbin 'em to be honest. Theyve crept up too fast. I suppose i can salvage it next year if i go wrong, wait a sec, what am i saying? I got A's and B's in the first half , and around those grades for coursework, why am i worried?

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Got my AS-Results on 17th.


Babbin 'em to be honest. Theyve crept up too fast. I suppose i can salvage it next year if i go wrong, wait a sec, what am i saying? I got A's and B's in the first half , and around those grades for coursework, why am i worried?


You'll be fine


[spoiler=:nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:]


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I really hope I've got at least one A. I'm sure I'm borderline A/B in Maths and Physics, but I'm not sure if any are good enough for the A. Oh, and Chemistry is a definite C.


I need an ABC overall (to do Astrophysics at Sheffield), so an A in Maths or Physics would do me. Otherwise, its off to Leicester for me. Never been there in my life.


Well, less than a week to go....

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