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Guest Stefkov

any sorts of online, market places, trading cattle lol, would be cool. Maybe trade some rare plants you grew on your farm, or some deranged fruits, seel them off at a market place get some moeny and watch your special thing go around the world. Thast if they think up loads of ideas for some.

I think it would be great if over wiiconnect24 they could send us new crops to buy, or maybe a new animal, or even a new festival, a one off one that they send to us.

Also if you could get married, i read the storyline of AWL and got annoyed that at the end you died, maybe that influenced me not to play it all.

but you could also have a child, itd be great if he could help you in this one.

you could giv him orders to feed the chickens, he'll do that then come back while your feeding the cows then do whatever. so much they could do!!

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  stefkov said:
i read the storyline of AWL


well maybe that's what put you off. you had no surprises and no reason to play thru the entire game to experience the whole story and how it unfolded on your own. i'd never read the story of a game first, bit silly really. like the girls i live with, they read exactly what's happening on their soaps before watching them lol, why?!


looks good!


I enjoyed Magical Melody for a bit...but after a time..it just took to long to get into things...it seemed a little difficult and there was so much to do! Hard-core HM fans will love it. Maybe i just dont have the patience? but it's probably the best HM game out IMO.


I loved AWL but that also was a little slow.


I'm not a fan of the GBA or probably the DS versions!


Hopefully this is more like AWL. I kinda prefer these graphics.


I'll keep my eye on it! :grin:

Guest Stefkov
  knightendo said:
well maybe that's what put you off. you had no surprises and no reason to play thru the entire game to experience the whole story and how it unfolded on your own. i'd never read the story of a game first, bit silly really. like the girls i live with, they read exactly what's happening on their soaps before watching them lol, why?!

before this game came out i was extremely hyped for it, geting info for it, writing it down and putting it in a book, doing drawings etc. And ive actally still got it. It was the best thing that had happened to me, id always wanted a GC harvest moon then i read in some cube mag, i really cant remember which, it was ages ago, a couple years ago cos the last time my auntie was round fromgermany(apar from when she was here a couple months ago) was a couple years before that, i was in year 7 or 8 or something.

But yeah i read it in the mag and was soooo fekkin hyped i jut read everything to know about it.

i might still play through it though, if this wii version doesnt come out for another year then ill play through it.

Guest Stefkov
  knightendo said:
so you DO have the GCN version, you just haven't played thru it, yeh? ah right...

yes i dot have the game, i started to play it through, but after what i said and after having played Friends of mineral town for ages, i couldnt get used to the pace of it.

  DanielTimothy said:
The kicking the bucket at the end of AWL ment the game had an end and a goal. I'd prefer it that way.

i actually prefer it when it has no end, or.. i dont remember ever finishing harvest moon 2 on the GBC....hmm

  • 5 weeks later...

here's some news on it. It's called Harvest Moon Heroes apparently now.

images form that same site.

I love the idea of the Mii function


I'm not really a Harvest Moon fan, don't own any of the current HM games, but I've played a PS version at a friend. The Wii version however, looks super. I love the graphics and I think that even if they're not mind-blowing, they still feel 'next-gen'. At least to me..


I'll check it out closer to it's release whenever that is.


Looking quite like AWL, hopefully it will be similar but with some improvements. For example it would be good if there are more things to spend money on and more things to do around town. I often found on AWL that I would finish all the jobs around the farm by the early afternoon and then having nothing to do except fish.


This looks good, and what Wii developers should be using Wii for. That Wing Island game looks poor, this actually looks like a real title.


And I can imagine how we'll be able to use the Wii-mote for all these different farm activities.

  • 1 month later...
Guest Stefkov

Thanks Dante for that link. Downloading them now but the pictures look so colourful and vibrant.

I am hyping this game as much as some of you people, and myself, for Zelda. I love harvest moon that much.


Are we ever going to get a spin off called Harvest Sun? Where there is the opposite of global warming, perhaps due to an alien invasion, theres no sun and you have to restore your crops and everything in continual moonlight making reference to the moon of Harvest Moon as you'll be harvesting under the moon.

  fukudasolokomalakikenanze said:
Are we ever going to get a spin off called Harvest Sun? Where there is the opposite of global warming, perhaps due to an alien invasion, theres no sun and you have to restore your crops and everything in continual moonlight making reference to the moon of Harvest Moon as you'll be harvesting under the moon.


If they want to make minimal money, they do something like that.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Stefkov

The first pic reminds me of blue Dragon for the 360, the graphical style of it





its looking even more sweet.


I'm looking foward to this, who hasn't wanted to milk their own cows? I hope it's a bit more fast-paced than AWL, like the GBA version (and, by extention, the DS version which is a bloody rehash of the GBA one). The GBA one had lots to do, and crops didn't take too long to grow, but in the Gamecube one i found myself getting really bored. Shame, cos i waited ages for any shop to get it in stock.


But anyway back on subject. This looks a little different, but i think i'm gonna get it just to play around with the tools with the Wiimote. Should be good fun. I hope there's an option to smack your dog if he lays one in your house.


well this looks awesome can't wait to get this, had it on gameboy colour and then on the PS1 havnt played one since, never got round to cube versions cos of animal crossing but think i may get this as the wiimote controls looks to add another dimension.

  • 1 month later...

Only ever played the SNES game in the series.


If this ends up being decent [as in scoring over 8/10 in average reviews] and 100% Wii exclusive, I might just purchase it.

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