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calling all musicians!

mcj metroid

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A synthesizer is an electronic musical instrument designed to produce electronically generated sound, using techniques such as additive, subtractive, FM, physical modelling synthesis, or phase distortion.




An electronic keyboard is any keyboard instrument which uses electronics to produce its sound


A Keyboard is a set of adjacent depressible levers on a musical instrument which cause the instrument to produce sounds.




Source Wiki!

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All musicians...? I got excited :heh:...I'm a guitarist and I have no idea what you're talking aboot...false advertisement if you ask me...:nono:


Yeah i totally thought he was going to try and start up a forum band or something :grin:


I play duggy guitar (bass) although ive got retarded fingers and sometimes cant hold down the top string.

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Yeah i totally thought he was going to try and start up a forum band or something :grin:


I play duggy guitar (bass) although ive got retarded fingers and sometimes cant hold down the top string.



Yeah so did I tbh! Was a but disappointed when i read "keyboard" lolz!

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Yeah i totally thought he was going to try and start up a forum band or something :grin:


I play duggy guitar (bass) although ive got retarded fingers and sometimes cant hold down the top string.


Word! We could actually do that you know...


All of us could get recording equiptment, I could do the guitars, email it to Zygo Ape and he could add the bass, and someone else could do the drums and vocals....


that would be so cool...

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It would be the first online band.


I can't play anything, so I would be the crazy (online) fan :D


You can be teh groupie :heh:


Conzer could do flute and Dual guitar harmonies


and all you can add your various instruments...like keyboard etc...


and we could do Video game themes!!! how cool would that be...??

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You can be teh groupie :heh:


Conzer could do flute and Dual guitar harmonies


and all you can add your various instruments...like keyboard etc...


and we could do Video game themes!!! how cool would that be...??


Its a great idea, dont think we would get round to doing it though, too many complications. If it were to happen however i would be in three bands!


-Indie Band

-Ska Band

-Video game band....wtf:laughing:

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Got any recording equiptment?


In a couple of weeks my cousins from america are bringing over an Esp LTD Dv8-r Mustaine sig guitar for me!! I'm so chuffed, It costs about a grand here, and soon after that im getting the line 6 toneport ux1 pro tools so I can start recording shit.





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You do know that you've effectively signed your own death warrant?


People, tell Shirley here what I do to 15 year olds that piss me off...


That right, I beat them to death with a rolled up newspaper, Bourne Supremacy style.




You now have until the count of 3 to get the fuck out of here with your nuts intact.


Hahaha, messing with people is fun...

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You now have until the count of 3 to get the fuck out of here with your nuts intact.


Be quiet.



OK I've decided to take this seriously. This will be a computer games band (as this is a computer game sit). Zygo Ape will be on Bass, mcj metroid will be on piano/keyboard, The bard will be on lead or rhythm guitar. Now we need a drummer and a singer.

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