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The Ideal Gaming Thread


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So, we have a whole forum about GAMING itself, but its about time we had a thread about on HOW we play our games, heres some examples.


Handheld or Console?

Multiplayer or Solo?

Online or LAN?


But dont just answer these questions with a simple yes or no, set it out with some description.


My Example: The ideal Gaming night for me is 5-8 player LAN Mariokart, it makes me shocked at how fun it would have been if they made the Wifi feature on this game Microphone compatible, its so fun to talk and play at the same time, the reactions are hysterical.

I personally prefer doing Multiplayer than single, you can have alot of fun on pretty much any game, but you'l always notice the best time you've ever played a game would be when you were playing with some one else.

When we play on handhelds, we always sit on cushoned surfaces. I personally grab all my pillows and put them up against the wall and sit like that, it feels so good.


Grab a few dorito's, ANY alcohol (if none, pepsi) with some loud music and your set for the night, and it flies by.


So yeah, how do you game? (Now that i think about it, this thread seems kinda shit, but hey, i wanna get some idea's)

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Console, Multiplayer, Online


games such as CSS, GES, Generals online etc. Just appeal to me, i love 'em


But, of course, playing in RL with your buds is also hilarious, when me and my amtes play multiplayer cube we always end up wetting ourselves with laughter.

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The most awesome gaming had has been Halo 2, LAN with eight people on each team, the teams in neighbouring rooms with the door open for trash talk and a load of beers. The gaming went on for at least 24 hours and was just generally fantastic. Makes me wish I had the money for a 360 and live, which I may do if I get a decent job. So anyway I would have to go for multiplayer with friends and alcohol.

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Yeh i love multiplayer! Me and my friends all brought our ds's and played mariokart it was brilliant! So funny! We played down in the gardens at break time and we all got a half hour detention for being 15mins late :s we totally forgot the time cuz we were having so much fun!


I like home consoles for single player (but like some multiplayer aswell), handhelds for friends multiplayer so much fun! single player is cool aswell but prefer multi on the ds, and pc for online gaming.


I think the single player for home console can be changed with the wii, i will probably find it much more enjoyable with the wii!

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I like handhelds and consoles alike, however I often spend more time playing handhelds. I actually prefer the singleplayer to multiplayer most of the time for the story and the different levels. But multiplayer with a few friends is also cool - SSBM - and best of all surely is coop. No better fun than trying to clear some ridiculously hard part together with a mate.

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