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3 wishes


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1. All annoying adverts would stop forever once they have appeared on a TV screen on the strongbow ads, then get destroyed by 2 arrows.http://www.strongbow.com/Downloads.aspx (click on watch advert to get what i'm on about). Frosties, Cillit Bang, Shealas Wheels etc.


2. A fit Japanese girlfriend (age: 20-24), who would never get older as well as me never getting any older, we'd stay looking young forever)


3. Aston Martin DB9 that never runs out of fuel (with £10 million in the boot)

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One: When all PS3 consoles are nice and snug in their boxes, ready to be distributed, i would use one of my wishes to draw a fat hairy cock on each console. That way, when sony distributed them, they would get sued and DIE.


Two: To have my hair permanently straight. It takes me too long to straighten my hair on a morning, then its fecked in the evening.


Three: To stop being a lazy shit and to get some ambition :hmm:

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