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How to make a six pack


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Crunches are where you do as thus:


The crunch, in which one is in a position as in the sit-up, with her hands behind her head and with her elbows forward, but instead of bringing herself all the way up, she curls herself up so that her elbows touch her knees, then she returns to the starting position again to conclude the repetition.


I'd also like to throw this out to somebody: if you can manage to get to the point of doing 1000, you are very close to becoming Patrick Bateman

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How many weighs is a good idea?


I use mine on about 14kg now, and do 7 bycip curles with each arm, then lie down and do 10 tricept pushes with the same weight with both arms, then I repeat 2 more times. I only do this once a day, should I try mornings and evinings or soemthing?

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I use weights[ish] and the bar without spending a penny. My brother has bought them all. I normally do five lifts on the bar everytime I pass it, crossing your legs helps tone the stomach, you can feel it working. But to say I only weigh 10 stone I still have rolls.. :(

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How many weighs is a good idea?


I use mine on about 14kg now, and do 7 bycip curles with each arm, then lie down and do 10 tricept pushes with the same weight with both arms, then I repeat 2 more times. I only do this once a day, should I try mornings and evinings or soemthing?


I've found this:


Too much exercise can be harmful. The body needs sufficient rest, which is why most health experts say one should exercise every other day or 3 times a week. Without proper rest, the chance of stroke or other circulation problems increases, and muscle tissue may develop slowly.


Seems like exercising every day of the week can make your muscle tissue develop slower, contrary to common belief.:hmm:

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You muscles grow in your rest days, so if you go all out your not helping youself. Even if you dont go to the gym you can work at home and slowly increase. If you do Press ups or stomach crunches, increase by 1 every day and work up if you feel you can manage. Oh and if you join a gym use the stomach crunch machine where you can put weight resisitance to make it harder.

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I had one a year or so ago but I've lost it*... I did about 500 sit ups a day and then more on a weekend.


It wasn't really worth it. But shall I try to see if I can get it back?


*In the sense it's there but covered by a layer of fat.

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People! DO NOT make a six pack! I repeat, DO NOT make a six pack! It's a highly dangerous mutated side of human evolution.


TEH proof:






For more information read the complete version of the comic.

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