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3 games I want to see on the Wii


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Holy shit yes,


You're very fucked up



I want that damn Final Fantasy 7 remake if there is one, it would make the most sense to release it on the Wii.


1. Square-Enix don't have to spend years and millions on a game that might do worse on the PS3 than it did on the Playstation.


2. The Wii could give the game something new with it's controller, and maybe the new real-time system could be implemented into it to give the game something fresh.


3. Xbox 360 would not be a good idea because Final Fantasy XI was a failure on it and the Japanese market don't like it that much.


4. If Final Fantasy 3 is a phenomenal success on the DS then things look hopeful for the Wii.

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Yeah, it will be alot better then the ds version.


Meh, I don't mind them making it, but I won't be using it much. At home I already have my computer which has much higher resolution etc, while on the go I usually don't carry around my laptop altough I more then often have my DS with me, so I'll probably use the DS version more.

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(RTS) Alien VS Predator

-Use the Wiimote as a mouse

-Online play

-Downloadable scenarios through Connect 24

-Voice chat

-Bonus DVD that lets you create your own maps and scenarios to play in multiplayer mode.


I think i would die of joy if this happened. Massive Alien and/vs Predator fan. Pretty sweet ideas here. That's what i would love to see the most.

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hmm 3 games lets see now


1. nights sequel or the original remake i want to know what the fuss is about

2. i like the idea of res 2 and 3 being remade res4 style that would be awesome

3.command and conquer game the wii is made for RTS games

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While the Wiimote helps make RTS more plausible on Wii, the non-HD output hurts. While this could be worked out with good game design, any RTS game made for Wii might look like a step backward from PC games.


I am still holding out for a release of XCOM: UFO Defense, though.

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I have nothing against Stocka. Lets get back to the original discussion.


Any ways I always had this idea of a game based of the movie "Blade Runner".

I know that their is already a game of "Blade Runner", but this version will use almost every function possible that the Wii has to offer.

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