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Football Season 2006/2007


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Pathetic locking of a post if you ask me.




Since your trigger-happy locking finger seems to be working overdrive today, I'll post this here:


If a topic starts a flaming contest then perhaps it's time to warn the people who swear, shout and tell people to fuck off for no reason, rather than locking a thread that has the potential for serious discussion.


Ever thought of warning people who flame?




If the mods want this place to become a good discussion board then for Christ's sake leave an interesting topic or two open.

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Guest Stefkov

I went on a mission yesterday to find the QPR vs chinese U21's match. Where they start 'flying kicking and karate-ing all over the place'

I was dissapointed. It wasnt that at all, just a big of fighting. the Valencia match was worse.

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Understandable, but why not lay down the law to the posters who were about to start a flaming war?


Fields barged straight into the thread and just went straight at motion because he follows rugby? That's a direct attack on a fellow FM. Breaking the rules??


There were some very good posts made apart from Fields' flaming.

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If you can't be arsed, then might I suggest you reconsider being a mod?


As Noodleman and Conzer said there was the potential for a good discussion (whether you personally like the subject matter or not), I posted the story hoping to get some thoughts. Instead 'fields' starts whining in that pathetic way of his and you can't be arsed telling him to respect other people on this forum?

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If you can't be arsed, then might I suggest you reconsider being a mod?


We all have private lives other than cleaning up the crap that people insist on posting :)


You were trying to get a reaction out of people, it was evident in your first post.

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Motion was the one trying to start a fucking flame war. He got his wish, the thread was (quite rightly) locked, and now he's complaining? What the fuck did he think was going to happen?


And can I just say, this thread is one of my favourites on N-E, it's a place for real football fans to discuss the beautiful game. So let's not get this one locked, eh? And let's not turn it into yet another rugby vs. football argument. If you like football, great. If not, fuck off back to your rugby thread.



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Wembley ticketing is worse than Arsenal's website. At least with the faults I've had on Arsenal's site I've been able to get a ticket within an hour 9/10, that 1 time my browser crashed, so it was my own fault for not having two browsers running the queue.


The Wembley site has crashed multiple times and has a ridiculously long queue of an 1 hour, at tickets went on sale 4 hours ago.

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We all have private lives other than cleaning up the crap that people insist on posting :)


You were trying to get a reaction out of people, it was evident in your first post.



I find it a joke that you put more blame on me than on fields, but whatever mate. Awesome work as a mod by the way. :blank:


"crap that people insist on posting" - I hope that's referring to that troll fields.

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Surely this thread is about discussing the 2006-07 football season? Did the events motion linked to not happen this season and therefore not be discussed in this thread??


Grow up Fields.



Football Hooliganism - A Problem in Modern Day Football?


Yes very much so.


Italian football is dogged by recent scandal and English football has always had a bad name. There are rumours of English football fans infiltrating Welsh fans and making their way to Croke Park in order to disrupt the first International Football game to be held a GAA headquarters.


How low can football hooliganism stoop?

What can the governing bodies do? (FA, UEFA, FIFA)



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I just find the modding of a topic I started a complete joke, that's all. Try and start a serious topic, and a moron ends up ruining it because he can't stand the truth. Don't worry this thread won't get locked, Blackfox likes it too much.

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I find it a joke that you put more blame on me than on fields, but whatever mate. Awesome work as a mod by the way. :blank:



I wasn't. I just said that you were looking for an e-fight. Fields helped you out there. The thread would have just descended into a flame war, would have been locked by someone along the way.


And thanks, its good to know that my work is appreciated!


As a request, can we please not turn this into a flame war too? K, tnx.

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I swear to god if this topic gets ruined there will be hell to pay.


On the topic of hooliganism, I've never experienced any, and this season I've been quite the regular at the Emirates stadium. Even when Arsenal played Tottenham I personally didn't experience any. I did hear of fighting when Everton came down to London but then again didn't see any.


I think because hooliganism is my sparce these days, that one little matter gets highlighted and scrutinised.


I'll just add that I'm against hooliganism, even though I hate Tottenham as a football club, I do not feel the need to cause harm or pain to another person just because they support a rival football club.

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I just find the modding of a topic I started a complete joke, that's all. Try and start a serious topic, and a moron ends up ruining it because he can't stand the truth. Don't worry this thread won't get locked, Blackfox likes it too much.


Sorry, but your first post in that thread you created was:


"Noooo, of course there's no violence, hooliganism in British football. Seven people stabbed after a game this weekend?




It's doomed from the start. If you had posted something like "<insert opening statement>" Discuss. It might have ended up different.


I'm fully behind Blackfox on this one. We were barely 10 posts in and the thread was derailed into being something it shouldn't have been. Fields was wrong to jump on people like that, and Blackfox isn't just taking sides here. He's not taking "the football side" for example. I think he just looked at the situation, evaluated it and realised things weren't really going to go anywhere. There were good points, yes, but the bad posts far outweighed them, imo.


Just had to get that in, I missed it because of personal issues going on right now.


Goron: Bring it on! :D (that's if we beat Boro)

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Motion causing arguments again. And you were involved in all that banning a few weeks back. :nono:


Well pleased with today's draw though, and hopefully it will end up being a Man U v Chelsea final. Anticipation on BBC2 earlier was quite cool as well when they were picking the balls.

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Sorry, but your first post in that thread you created was:


"Noooo, of course there's no violence, hooliganism in British football. Seven people stabbed after a game this weekend?




It's doomed from the start. If you had posted something like "<insert opening statement>" Discuss. It might have ended up different.


I'm fully behind Blackfox on this one. We were barely 10 posts in and the thread was derailed into being something it shouldn't have been. Fields was wrong to jump on people like that, and Blackfox isn't just taking sides here. He's not taking "the football side" for example. I think he just looked at the situation, evaluated it and realised things weren't really going to go anywhere. There were good points, yes, but the bad posts far outweighed them, imo.


Just had to get that in, I missed it because of personal issues going on right now.


Goron: Bring it on! :D (that's if we beat Boro)


Seems to me mods are too trigger happy when it comes to closing threads. Blackfox could have said "Fields, watch your language, it's against forum rules to insult another forum member etc etc...." - but he didn't.


Take fields out of that post and it would have been fine.


Motion causing arguments again. And you were involved in all that banning a few weeks back. :nono:



You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. Causing arguments? Not at all, just getting on the receiving end of yet more 'fuck off' language. All those bannings weeks back were actually caused by immature morons posting hardcore/gay/animal sex images + god knows what else actually. But sure, blame me for that!

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Motion just give it up.


The thread was rightly locked. Our mods are not as you put it "trigger happy" infact we are quite the opposite compared to many other forums. Just stop the damn arguing.


In other news I have a £1 bet on Arsenal to beat Villa 2-1 with Fabregas scoring first. Odds are 75/1 :D

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I didn't realise censorship was in full force here. And still no warning to fields for his language and attitude.


Actually fields has been warned for his language and attitude.


Anyway no more of this in here. If you have a problem PM me or another Admin.


Now back on topic please.

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A Chelsea vs Man Utd final would be sweet. But I'd much prefer Tottenham to get through, despite having a penchant for Arsenal. I have a ridiculous like and dislike of Premiership teams for various reasons though, seeing as though Match of the Day would be pretty boring if I didn't root for someone to win each game! Stupid Leeds Utd being in the Championship...


I was so annoyed that Mourinho's "genius" substitutions paid off with Tottenham. Firstly, what the hell was he doing when, depite Drogba and Essien looking injured, he takes Ferriera off for Wright-Phillips? By the end of the match he was playing 2-1-4-3, and to me that's a formation that reeks of desperation. Had Tottenham not played quite so defensively, and left both Berbatov and Lennon on, arguably the two best players during the match, they would have destroyed Chelsea on the break and punished Mourinho for being so arrogant.


I'm also now looking forward to the rescheduled Chelsea vs Man Utd league fixture at the end of the season due to their Champions League fixtures. Looking hopeful for a Man Utd vs Chelsea final there too! Though again, I'd prefer Chelsea to get knocked on their asses there and get a Liverpool vs Man Utd final instead. Looking good for an exciting end of season.


Actually, going back to Leeds, there's still a fair chance of being able to pull ourselves out to the relagation zone. it's pretty tight down there, and I reckon we'll be ok if we can just hang on this year.

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Actually, going back to Leeds, there's still a fair chance of being able to pull ourselves out to the relagation zone. it's pretty tight down there, and I reckon we'll be ok if we can just hang on this year.


Well, we have 9 games left and 2 big away games up next. After winning against Luton we have to show we aren't a one trick pony and follow it up with a win against Leicester and an 6 point win against Southend.


I'm beginning to feel a confidence I haven't felt in a long time.


We're not down just yet!

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