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And I do not think their is a Mancunian Match Going Man Utd Fan on this forum at all, If their is I apoligise, and I would love your input, instead of these plazzy fans






Are their actually Season ticket/Fan Card holders who post here?


I do have a Fan Card and no Season Ticket(How ever use other poples when they can't make it), I'd say I go to about 3-4 Games a Month with the Club...Home and Away


Firstly my dad is from Manchester well salford anyway and half my family still live up there.


So you could say im a half mancunian match going man united fan on this forum.


I was born down here in London in 1983 and got dressed in a United kit from birth more or less (pics can prove it :heh:) If I had the choice I probably would have chose Charlton as they are my local team. But I can't help what I was born into. I love Man Utd and always will no matter what.


My uncle has been a season ticket holder at old trafford on and off for 24 years. When a spare ticket comes up I go along.


This season I have only managed to go to 4 home games and 1 away game due to work and other commitments.


I myself have been a ONEUnited member for the past 5 years (man utd membership scheme) which I pay for every year.


Yes I live in London and support Man United but does that make me any less of a fan than say someone who lives next door to the ground? I have the same passion for my club as anyone has.


You Liverpool fans need to get off your high horses and stop thinking that you are above everyone else. So what if someone supports a club they dont live near and don't go and see them every week. Firstly not everyone can afford to go to matches and secondly, Why does it bother you so much? I dont get it?

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You Liverpool fans need to get off your high horses and stop thinking that you are above everyone else. So what if someone supports a club they dont live near and don't go and see them every week. Firstly not everyone can afford to go to matches and secondly, Why does it bother you so much? I dont get it? It's peoples personal choices, you made yours let them make theirs.


It's wasn't anything personal, I have Liverpool fan friends from all round the country that are much better fans then the scumbags around our way.


I am just sceptical of the input of some of the people in this thread, who claim to know their football, be die hardfans yet probably, come from a village in tim-bucktoo, Claim to follow them around the country, yet never go and probably are your cringe-worthy ING-ER-LUND Fans, from the Soccer AM Generation, who actually know fuck all about football and it's history, and believe that football started in 1992.


It's not about personal choices, thats not my argument, my argument is that fans say they support a team, and when confronted with facts, stats, footballing knowledge and someone who actually lives the heart beat of football, they have nothing to mutter..


The reason why It bothers me so much is that people are brainwashed, come on here and are so badly educated in football, they believe that because another team has made it to a final of a different cup, they can go posting rubbish, and clutching to straws...


It's nothing personal, I just hate ignorant people

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It's not about personal choices, thats not my argument, my argument is that fans say they support a team, and when confronted with facts, stats, footballing knowledge and someone who actually lives the heart beat of football, they have nothing to mutter..



Don't get me wrong I know my clubs history as much as you probably do about Liverpool but does that matter? If you enjoy watching football and supporting a certain club then surely that's all you need to be fan?


The more fans the better in my opinion.

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Im a Liverpool supporter and I do hate hearing all this stuff about fans who dont live near the team they are supporting. Yes of course you get the people who latch on as soon as teams start getting success, in school I remember it was Man U and now its Chelsea.


My family has lived in Liverpool for years, it was only just before I was born that it changed. I was brought up to support Liverpool.


When I was younger , about 12-14 id say, I had some older guy who new my friend complain and almost shout at me for about half an hour saying that I was a glory supporter because I said I supported Liverpool. He didnt bother to ask why I supported them or if I had family there etc. Thats why I dont really have time for this kind of stuff, it goes way too far and people just dont care anymore.

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Platty, I don't think anyone has a problem with fans like yourself. I'm the same, really. I don't live in or near Liverpool unfortunately, but I was pretty much forced into being a Liverpool supporter from birth, by my dad who is from Liverpool. And I'll be doing the same to my kids, believe me! I have a fan card and I go to games when I can (not as often as I'd like, unfortunately). I don't think anyone here is interested in arguing over who is the 'best' fan, who is and who isn't a real fan etc.


It's just that the real glory hunters, like people who started supporting Chelsea a few years ago, that get right on my tits. There are plenty of them about too. Seriously, how many Chelsea shirts did you see out and about a few years back? Hardly any. Now they're fucking everywhere :mad:

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What do you think about Brian Law and how Paul Sturrock was ousted from his job because of the board?


I was pissed off especially as it came just after he was given a 4 year contract extension. Then going out and slagging him off in public when Sturrock had the dignity to remain silent.


Plus I'm going to be even more pissed off when the board lets Coventry get our best striker on a free because they dislike him and his popularity among fans.


I'm also wondering where these supposed wealthy investors that were going to take us over have disappeared now the season's over.

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u hate urself lol???


why you guys are explaining yourself to this idiot i dont know... the fact that u catergorize me as a chav (irony by the way, after the way you speak and appear) and as a glory hunter really shows just how immature you are and how much u dont know me... seriously get it out of ur head, that u have to be from an area in order to have the right to support a team cos that ignorance is really showing you up...

OK, explain why you support Manchester United then. I'm sure you've got a perfectly good reason, we're just yet to hear it. Right?

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Don't get me wrong I know my clubs history as much as you probably do about Liverpool but does that matter? If you enjoy watching football and supporting a certain club then surely that's all you need to be fan?


The more fans the better in my opinion.


True I agree, but we have this problem at Anfield on a match day, We have 45,000 people who are there for the day out, don't sing and just moan when someone doesn't shoot, When I go to a match I want 45,000 raving Liverpool FC lunatics singing their heart out, Not some rich bitch wanting something for his money?


Platty, I don't think anyone has a problem with fans like yourself. I'm the same, really. I don't live in or near Liverpool unfortunately, but I was pretty much forced into being a Liverpool supporter from birth, by my dad who is from Liverpool. And I'll be doing the same to my kids, believe me! I have a fan card and I go to games when I can (not as often as I'd like, unfortunately). I don't think anyone here is interested in arguing over who is the 'best' fan, who is and who isn't a real fan etc.


It's just that the real glory hunters, like people who started supporting Chelsea a few years ago, that get right on my tits. There are plenty of them about too. Seriously, how many Chelsea shirts did you see out and about a few years back? Hardly any. Now they're fucking everywhere :mad:


When I grew up in Leicester in the 90's there were loads of Man Utd fans, You couldn't argue about football with them because they were like "You Haven't won the premiership", It was a one road narrow track of clear lack of knowledge and ignorance, and it's like that with several people on this thread.


I think I need to stress when I say Glory Hunter, Idon't mean people that live away from the Club or far away, I'm just talking about people who jump the ever lasting football band wagon, Like those who were Liverpool fans in the '80sMan Utd fans in the 90's are probably Chelsea fans now,


I was pissed off especially as it came just after he was given a 4 year contract extension. Then going out and slagging him off in public when Sturrock had the dignity to remain silent.


Plus I'm going to be even more pissed off when the board lets Coventry get our best striker on a free because they dislike him and his popularity among fans.


I'm also wondering where these supposed wealthy investors that were going to take us over have disappeared now the season's over.


Always had alot of timefor sturrock, did think however that step up to Southampton was one to big, and I did think he was taking you back up.


Needless to say you are doing quite good yourselves in The Championship, though as you said you need some money in as we all know now how hard The Championship is to compete in


u hate urself lol???


why you guys are explaining yourself to this idiot i dont know... the fact that u catergorize me as a chav (irony by the way, after the way you speak and appear) and as a glory hunter really shows just how immature you are and how much u dont know me... the fact u try to be condescending to me and others acting as if you have a more profound knowledge to the origins of football, with ur soccer am bollocks when ur 16 years old, is again very hard to read without laughing... seriously get it out of ur head, that u have to be from an area in order to have the right to support a team cos that ignorance is really showing you up...


If you actually read what I say then you could perhaps look less of an idiot, I don't think it matters where you come from, It matters what you do to support that team in terms of spending the money, home and away to see them play


I stress the majority of the people I go to the match with are from London and Ireland, a few of them have been season ticket holders for 30 years, Like I know a few City fans from Ireland .


You don't have to live near the club to be exclusive to them, but how can you claim to be a fan/follower of a team you never go to travel to watch? If you live outside the city of the club you follow, you only watch the game on sky and see as more of a showcase, How can you label yourself a supporter?


I don't think I'm being condescending, I'm just putting my opinions forward, however controversial they maybe, Don't like them, So what?, It's a forum, you argue, you discuss, you make a point, you provide the evidence and you explain

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I was pissed off especially as it came just after he was given a 4 year contract extension. Then going out and slagging him off in public when Sturrock had the dignity to remain silent.


Plus I'm going to be even more pissed off when the board lets Coventry get our best striker on a free because they dislike him and his popularity among fans.


I'm also wondering where these supposed wealthy investors that were going to take us over have disappeared now the season's over.



There was never any wealthy investors, Dave Allen said that he will be unable to sell the club without WEDNESDAYITES 10% shares which they wont give back/sell to him, and rightly so, those shares belong to the fans.


The club cannot be sold, any investor wanting to buy the club will need the majority of shares, but the shares in wednesday are that scattered out that this isnt possible.


The only way it can be sold is if Dave Allen decides he wants out, but this causes another problem, because he wants all the money that he's put into the club back.


He also wont allow in any investors or anyone else to join the board as to keep his control over the club.


And as for the Paul Sturrock saga it was a complete disgrace. The two of them obviously had an arguement and so Dave Allen spat out his dummy and sacked him, a manager that all the fans backed. Prior to his sacking we had lost quite a few games, but as sturrock explained (and we all knew anyway) we had half of our team out, then when Brian Laws took over and Pauls team started coming back we started to win again, just as Paul Sturrock said we would.


I've lost count of the ammount of managers we've gone through, but surely people must realise that it must be the board at fault and not the management.

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There was never any wealthy investors, Dave Allen said that he will be unable to sell the club without WEDNESDAYITES 10% shares which they wont give back/sell to him, and rightly so, those shares belong to the fans.


The club cannot be sold, any investor wanting to buy the club will need the majority of shares, but the shares in wednesday are that scattered out that this isnt possible.


The only way it can be sold is if Dave Allen decides he wants out, but this causes another problem, because he wants all the money that he's put into the club back.


He also wont allow in any investors or anyone else to join the board as to keep his control over the club.


And as for the Paul Sturrock saga it was a complete disgrace. The two of them obviously had an arguement and so Dave Allen spat out his dummy and sacked him, a manager that all the fans backed. Prior to his sacking we had lost quite a few games, but as sturrock explained (and we all knew anyway) we had half of our team out, then when Brian Laws took over and Pauls team started coming back we started to win again, just as Paul Sturrock said we would.


I've lost count of the ammount of managers we've gone through, but surely people must realise that it must be the board at fault and not the management.


100% agreed and this £1.5 million bid for Billy Sharp is obviously yet more spin from the board when we clearly need a goalkeeper and we were one of the highest scoring clubs last season.


The question about investors was rhetorical anyway.

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You don't have to live near the club to be exclusive to them, but how can you claim to be a fan/follower of a team you never go to travel to watch? If you live outside the city of the club you follow, you only watch the game on sky and see as more of a showcase, How can you label yourself a supporter?


I dont think thats really fair. These days I only really get to see Liverpool on the tv, I dont have much money to spare and I do other things on the weekends so I wouldnt be able to go to matches. I dont think this doesnt make me a supporter.


Last game I went to I think was at Anfield, Dec 2005 with my dad. We used to have season tickets years ago but it go too expensive to get them every year so we had to leave it.

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I dont think thats really fair. These days I only really get to see Liverpool on the tv, I dont have much money to spare and I do other things on the weekends so I wouldnt be able to go to matches. I dont think this doesnt make me a supporter.


Last game I went to I think was at Anfield, Dec 2005 with my dad. We used to have season tickets years ago but it go too expensive to get them every year so we had to leave it.


Fair Play, but I do mean those who have never been to a game in their lifetime, and as I said support different teams different seasons..


Season Tickets are a joke now anyway mate, get yourself on the PTS Scheme

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Id say my main problem is that I only really have one friend now who is into football and of course you are much more likely to go to a match if you are with a mate. Of course the one friend interested in football supports Man U so whenever we try to sort out going to see a match we get into an argument about which ground to go to.

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PTS Scheme

Me and my dad were on that when it first started. I can't believe we gave it up. I believe there's a waiting list now. Getting tickets through general sale is a pain in the arse. Honestly, how fucking stupid? Worst thing we ever did :mad:. The e-season ballot is a joke too. I don't think I've ever won on it :mad:.

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Id say my main problem is that I only really have one friend now who is into football and of course you are much more likely to go to a match if you are with a mate. Of course the one friend interested in football supports Man U so whenever we try to sort out going to see a match we get into an argument about which ground to go to.


It may sound stupid mate, but you would have more of a chance getting a ticket than I ever could..


The ticket office blocks 0151 numbers, Liverpool's Area code


Me and my dad were on that when it first started. I can't believe we gave it up. I believe there's a waiting list now. Getting tickets through general sale is a pain in the arse. Honestly, how fucking stupid? Worst thing we ever did :mad:. The e-season ballot is a joke too. I don't think I've ever won on it :mad:.


I feel sorry for those who pay £800 at the beginning ofevery season and Won't get the tickets..


Mind you we should have more, but it should of been dealt with better

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Are their actually Season ticket/Fan Card holders who post here?


I do have a Fan Card and no Season Ticket(How ever use other poples when they can't make it), I'd say I go to about 3-4 Games a Month with the Club...Home and Away


I'm a Arsenal Red Member, and before that I was Junior Gunner (had I kept that membership going, I'd be a Silver member now :()


I've also recently put myself on the season ticket waiting list.


Managed 13 games this season, which is the most I've tallied in one season before. But too be fair its the first year I've been able to afford to go with my own money. Been going to matches since 1994.

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I dont think thats really fair. These days I only really get to see Liverpool on the tv, I dont have much money to spare and I do other things on the weekends so I wouldnt be able to go to matches. I dont think this doesnt make me a supporter.


I have to agree, I live miles away from portsmouth now and never get down there...I'm a student (altho finish soon) so it's way beyond my means to get down to Fratton Park...I have been to away games this season...went to Anfield and Bramall Lane...looking forward to getting a job and being able to afford to go to more...


I was born just down the road from Fratton Park so will always remain a pompey fan...and a very passionate one and just because I don't get to see that much of them doesn't make me any less a fan...

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just out of curiosity what are season ticket prices like down south? The one I've got for Celtic is £440 and it's among the cheapest you can get


and the most expensive the European tickets get is £35

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I have only been to four games Villa Park, and remember them well:

v QPR, Premiership, 1996 (Won 4-2)

v Chester City, League Cup, 2000 (Won 5-0)

v Bolton, Premiership, 2005 (Drew 1-1)

v Sheff Utd, Premiership, 2007 (Won 3-0)


By my colours you can already dismiss me as being a glory hunter, when Andy Townsend lifted the Coca-Cola Cup at Wembley in 1996, I would be a Villa fan forever (which was good considering I was at the time anyway), little did I know just how much suffering they would cause me, winning nothing since (unless you want to count the InterToto Cup in 2001), and only dreaming of seeing them lift another trophy, plus having to listen to my dad's stories of May 1982 when Peter Withe slotted the ball into the net to give Villa the title of "Champions of Europe" was bittersweet. And from when Enckelman gave the Bluenoses a little present to being O'Dreary under O'Leary I was always Villa 'til I die.


Despite my love for The Villans and footie, ask me whether Tottenham are better in a flatback 4 or should revert to a diamond formation, or if Ledley King should play elsewhere. After a pause, I'd have to ask you what the schools are like in your area...

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I am a Chelsea supporter because my dad is. When I was younger I liked Liverpool a bit as well, but now Im a pure Chelsea supporter. I don't even keep up with all their scores or watch all their games on TV but that doesn't make me a glory hunter nor a good fan.

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I am a Chelsea supporter because my dad is. When I was younger I liked Liverpool a bit as well, but now Im a pure Chelsea supporter. I don't even keep up with all their scores or watch all their games on TV but that doesn't make me a glory hunter nor a good fan.

You sound like a glory hunter to me mate.

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