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Football Season 2006/2007


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Bluddy hell. :D


Thanks, Newcastle. Unlucky, Chelsea.


So, I guess it's as you were. :D


YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take that Chelsea!


Give me a bear hug Flinky!!!!!!!!


I told you to have Faith and they drew hahaha.


OK the title race is still on but thats a critical result.


C'man Man United, don't slip up now, please! :)


Wow, I am sooo relieved, still a little peeved that we didn't extend our points to 5 clear, but 3 is good for me! What an awesome result. Apparently chelsea looked a spent force and were very tired. That's what I like to hear.


All we ned now is Neville and Ferdinand back for that crucial match. :)

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Wait for it, Chelsea will score in the last minute of the game.


Why? Because they're jammy bastards. That's why.


So if Chelsea are jammy bastards for scoring late what the fuck does that make you if Middlesbrough had a stonewall penalty denied in the last minute of the game?

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whom might i ask


Ummm i cant really rememebr who they are. Some guy who played in the reserves game agaist middlesborught and got a hat-trick in that was good.


So if Chelsea are jammy bastards for scoring late what the fuck does that make you if Middlesbrough had a stonewall penalty denied in the last minute of the game?


*Sour grapes alarm*

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Rawr I think the reason I dislike football more and more is because of the fans. They're all too offensive and attacking.


Anyone else know what I'm saying? Some people will do whatever it takes to piss off other fans, some people will be gracious, some people will hear the results and just take them onboard.


I get more and more pushed away from football because of all the flak Chelsea recieve for having money or whatever the hell we;re accused of these days.


Honestly? I preferred the days when people didn't call us Chelski and we never won a thing. At least then people didn't pinpoint our every loss and take the piss, much like what happens now.


It probably sounds a bit hypocritical after we've lost a game, but if we'd won, it'd have ben 'Chelski fucking cheaters/money grabbers/bastards' etc. I wish I could watch the Man Utd game, and then have a non-competative chat to the opposing fan about the match instead of it being about "HAHAHAHA YOU LOST SUCKERS, CHELSKI CHELSKI RRAAAAAWR" or "AHAHAHHAA MAN UTD SUCK, GO FAIL SOME MORE" etc.


Blah. I normally see myself as a competitive person, but it's out of hand these days.

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Ummm i cant really rememebr who they are. Some guy who played in the reserves game agaist middlesborught and got a hat-trick in that was good.




*Sour grapes alarm*


Why would I a Sheffield Wednesday fan have sour grapes. Especially since 16 years ago yesterday we beat you in the final of the league cup.

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*Sour grapes alarm*


Not really he's right. Fans are far too quick to point out wrongful decisions or events that go against them. Instead of noting when they get the rub of the green.


Teams should be making their own luck not worrying about others.

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I just checked the chelsea score...IN YOUR FACE!


WOOOO! I was kinda nervous yesterday but now im all giddy lol. Infact, i'm kind of pissed off we didn't win yesterday now because we would have been 5points clear then...


Anyway, chelsea have a slightly harder run in imo. I mean, i can't see Man U losing any points for the rest of the season (apart from against chelsea) whilst chelsea still have a couple of tough games to get through (especially the arsenal game).

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If United won yesterday things would have panned out different for Chelsea. We cant change the results so lets just put it behind us. Chelsea would have had to play up a bit more if we did better at Middlesborough, but as it is, Im happy that the lead is 3 points.

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If United won yesterday things would have panned out different for Chelsea. We cant change the results so lets just put it behind us. Chelsea would have had to play up a bit more if we did better at Middlesborough, but as it is, Im happy that the lead is 3 points.


Yeah, I really wanted the win even more after Chelsea only drew, but I'll settle for three points clear after the nerves that yesterday's result brought in!

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Would just like to take this moment to quote myself from yesterday:


I can see Newcastle getting something tomorrow, I have nothing to base this on given they've been shit recently however.


Still think Chelsea will win the league however.

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So happy that Chelsea only drew with Newcastle!


I'm going to see Chelsea vs. Bolton next weekend, which is a Saturday lunch time game, if they had won today and then beat Bolton they would go top of the league. I would then no doubt be exposed to "we are top of the league" chants, thankfully, now if they beat Bolton then they'll still be behind Man United!


Hopefully I can watch Bolton do United a huge favour!

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