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Football Season 2006/2007


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Liverpool fans "worst in Europe" say UEFA



Also heard today that replica tops aren't going to be allowed to have alcohol advertised on them from next season, dunno what that's going to mean for Liverpool, Celtic etc, if they'll get new sponsers, have different sponsers for kids sized tops or just have no sponsers on them at all.

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Someone's really not gonna like this ;)


Liverpool fans "worst in Europe" say UEFA





....You've got to be shitting me, what about the Polish, Turkish, German Extremeists who meet in forests to kick living shit out of eachother!


I give up trying to defend our club because all we get is un-deserved shit thrown in our faces, but that just takes the piss, surely no-one can believe them.


The fact of the matter is UEFA fucked up and we are being made the scapegoats, when you go the cinemas, or a music concert, is it our job to check forgeries, stop people gatecrashing, policing touts. No it isn't it's the event organisers that should check tickets, protect and ensure the safety of those who have tickets, they did that poorly and yes our fans didn't help, but as I said this was always going to happen, and would of happend with any club in Britain with the same scenario


This was always going to happen, 1.000's of tickets on the black market, which UEFA made a very shit attempted at filerting out,


17,000 tickets for 40,000 plus Liverpool fans who travelled to Greece, now this is where the fighting kicked in and bollocks, but it was always going to happen, UEFA have simply used this against us in their whitening of their dirty sheets so to speak.


We are the victims of a "Corprate Hijack", just like after Heysel we need to get together and fight UEFA and leave the hyserics to the Tabloids..


Yes some of our fans are scum, but as for the worst in Europe.....a disgraceful acusation for a club which has not been in any trouble in Europe for a very fucking long time.


Fuck Off UEFA

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I was at wembley on friday night. It's amazing, I have got some pics on my phone that i'll upload later for you lot to see.


I was 6 rows from the front by one of the corners. Absolutely amazing, atmosphere was great and the band were just behind me which was awesome.


As for the game, we played ok, nothing to shout about. Everyone put in a good performance expcet for Lampard and Carragher who were both shocking very shocking. Ok Carragher was out of posistion but he was terrible and as for Lampard, oh dear oh dear.


I thought Beckham had a great game as did Gerrard who got man of the match. I also thought King did well at the back...


When we were being told the lineups every name got cheered especially Beckham but Lampard got boooed and after his performance in that game I can see more booing happening. Think he needs to be dropped he was shocking.


Overall a good evening out! Will defo be getting Germany tickets and also try my hardest for the rest of the home qualifying games.


Will upload some pics later :)

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Here are some pictures I took on my phone from friday :)




Walking along Wembley way




Speaks for itself




Warm up! I got a good little video of Ronaldinho doing some kick ups aswell :)




Lineup and National Anthems




A Ronaldinho Freekick




Beckham Freekick that led to the goal (sorry zoom made it crappy but looks good on my phone :))




Downing takes a corner late on


I have some more pics and some videos but can't be arsed to upload the rest.

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just out of interest platty, how would a non fa member like myself go about getting tickets?


You would have to become a member of the FA and get a FAN number (which is free) and then enter the random ballot when tickets go on sale. Depending on the game you may get lucky and get picked in the ballot and then you will be eligible to buy tickets.




Or you could just pay and join the englandfans membership like me and get your tickets easily in the presale.


We have 45,000 tickets reserved for us for the Germany match and there is only something like 38,000 members so you should easily get a ticket.

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Or you could just pay and join the englandfans membership like me and get your tickets easily in the presale.


We have 45,000 tickets reserved for us for the Germany match and there is only something like 38,000 members so you should easily get a ticket.

How much are tickets for England games? and how many tickets can you buy?


how much would that be? and i would be able to buy more then 1 ticket for the game, as i would want to bring my brother with me


Membership is £45 for adults and £25 for children.

You can save £5 on tickets for home matches.

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The £45 is for a 2 year membership which runs out in 2008 so you will only get a year. But technically it is cheaper than ONEUnited membership as that is 30 odd quid for just one year.


To answer the question of how much the tickets are it depends where you sit. I was at the front so had £50 tickets but got £5 off so paid £45 instead. There are cheaper ones for around £25- £30 I think.


You can only buy more than one ticket if you are both members, you can actually order up to 4 or 6 I think at a time as long as you are all englandfan members and have FAN numbers you can all sit together.


If you dont have any friends who are englandfan members then you can only buy your own ticket.


The only other way would be to get friends/family to get a free FAN number and all enter the general public ballot together, you can then all sit next to each other if you are chosen.

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Cheers Platty,


Do you know how many of the remaining 2008 Qualifiers will be at Wembley?

Because if I just get the £45 membership to home games only, I really want to be paying for more than just the England v Germany game!


Also, is the general public ballot the only other way to get tickets, or is there a sales hotline?

If there's only the ballot, are your chances pretty slim?

If there's a hotline, do they sell out almost instantly?

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There are 6 more Qualifying games left and 4 of those are at wembley. Israel, Russia, Estonia and Croatia.


There we also no doubt be more friendlies announced throughout the year and start of 2008 to add to the Germany friendly.


So you are looking at 5 games for sure maybe more.


And there is not a hotline, Ballot is the only way the general public can get tickets. It's free and fairer (apparently) but I know so many people who enter it and never get any. Englandfans membership is well worth it if you ask me. Get the tickets on pre-sale a week before they go to the general ballot.


I just checked and there are just over 41,000 englandfan members and there are 45,000 tickets reserved for Germany so if you do sign up to englandfans you should get ticket no problem.

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The England fans membership is a bit of a rip off. And the ballot is a joke. The tickets should just go on sale on a website. If you want one, get online when they go on sale and buy one. The stadium has got enough seats, I highly doubt 60,000+ people would be on in one day.


Watching the tv the other day, it looked like the majority of fans there couldn't give a shit. So I reckon that would narrow down people who were buying them online, and make sure proper football fans could get tickets.

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The England fans membership is a bit of a rip off. And the ballot is a joke. The tickets should just go on sale on a website. If you want one, get online when they go on sale and buy one. The stadium has got enough seats, I highly doubt 60,000+ people would be on in one day.


Watching the tv the other day, it looked like the majority of fans there couldn't give a shit. So I reckon that would narrow down people who were buying them online, and make sure proper football fans could get tickets.


Actually englandfans membership DOES make sure proper football fans get tickets that do actually give a shit. If you could just go online and buy a ticket from seetickets or whatever you would get loads of sandwich eaters going out for the day.


The atmosphere would be shit.


Yeah the membership is a rip off but its a good way of letting the passionate England fans get priority over the normal folk.


Not sure what you mean by the majority of the fans couldnt give a shit? cos we didnt stop singing for the whole match. The only thing that pissed me off was around by the dugouts, half the seats were empty cos they are the special corporate seats and half of them couldnt be arsed to turn up. What a waste of good seats.


But believe me the rest of us gave a shit and sung our hearts out and cheered on England throughout.


Thanks for your help Platty!


Is this different to the Ballot? Will Tickets for the Germany game etc... appear here?




yeah tickets will appear there but you have to be an englandfan to get them, there is also a link for the ballot somewhere to enter now with your FAN number for the rest of Englands home games.

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there is also a link for the ballot somewhere to enter now with your FAN number for the rest of Englands home games.
To try and get an extra ticket, could I get one through an englandfans membership and also use my FAN to hopefully get one in the Ballot?
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To try and get an extra ticket, could I get one through an englandfans membership and also use my FAN to hopefully get one in the Ballot?


No cos if you get a ticket through the pre sale via englandfans you can't then enter the ballot and if you already have entered it and then got a ticket you will be automatically taken out of the ballot.


If no one else wants to splash out for an englandfan membership with you, your best option is to enter the ballot and ask for 2 tickets so you can sit next to each other (i think you can do that as long as you have 2 FAN numbers) and then you may have some luck and get picked.

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Just thought I'd put in here my delight at news about Freddy Shepard finally leaving Newcastle :) Haven't kept up with football this season so much which is a bit of a shame...I might try and get back into it more next season again.

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Retro_Link and myself have just signed up for the englandfans membership, shall hopefully be going to see England Vs. Germany on 22nd August - will be my second Wembley game!
Yeah as Raw said, just signed up to englandfans.


Thanks for all your help Platty!


Will an e-mail be sent out nearer the time regarding tickets?

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damn that game on Friday was poor. Brazil were typical as usual in friendly games, they treat them as exhibitions. :)


England were poor as usual. when they play great footballing sides they struggle big time. when was the last time England played really well against a great team?


In the last 12 years England have only one solitary semi final appearance when they hosted the euros in 96. just shows how poor they really are. the style of football is dire and everyone blames the manager. the players are not technically good enough.


England rarely creates any chances against decent sides from open play ; take away a set piece, its almost impossible imagining where an England goal will come from. The team lacks the nous, skill or technique to open up half decent teams when the ball is not in a dead position.

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What the fuck are west ham doing? They've bought Parker for the obscene sum of £7.5m and we quite rightly snapped their hands off, then apparently they're going to pay him £72k a week to do his non-stop pirouettes on the spot for them. Now they're supposedly offering £13m and £90,000 a week for Andy Johnson and and there's talk of them being willing to offer up to £18m for him, or trying to get him and Arteta for £30m. I might go along and ask for a place in the squad, I must be worth at least £5m and £40k a week.


Also, prepare to see people swanning around in this monstrosity in your local shopping centre, no matter where in the country you live



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