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Football Season 2006/2007

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Suddenly the quad is looking A LOT more realistic....I wonder how Rio's is going to effect the Champions League. Before I thought Milan didn't stand a chance but now...I dunno!

Personally I hope Chels win cos the last 2 years I wan't around for the celebrations and I live 5 minutes away from the Bridge.

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I agree. Instead of being herself, she tried hard to be like the male commentators. :-\


That's exactly how I felt. When I heard Gary Lineker mention a debut for this female commentator I thought.. 'this ain't gonna be good'.


In all honesty, she did manage to sound very much like the male commentators but the fact that it wasn't a male voice just made me feel a little strange.. just wasn't right at all..


I put that down to being used to nothing but male commentary for the sport but I can see it being very hard to get used to as no doubt more are introduced in the future (as well as female referees and such)

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Stop being so incredibly negative!

you sicken me dude! OK so Chelsea have a game in hand against Newcastle, but Newcastle could turn them over. We're still winning by 4 points with a greater goal difference and Chelsea have still got to get past Arsenal Everton and Us. We are in the driving seat.

Dont make me get angry again, i know its a bad result but dont take my feelings down with yours!


Sorry mate, that's what my girlfriend said yesterday as I was kicking off in the living room. Feel better today! Come on Newcastle.


I hope we've had our blips now, where we can afford them. It's better than blips against Milan or in the FA Cup final.


Good look Newcastle, and still a big middle finger to chelsea!

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Hahahahaha yeah right, if you stay up its a guaranteed 4 or 6 points for us(assuming we don't go up).


haha, get real. wednesday are never going up.

we'll just have to wait and see for next season.

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Birmingham you fucking beuts beat Wolves 3-2. The play-off hunt is still on.


Now hopefully Burnley can help us by beating West Brom and then Birmingham can let us beat them.

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Was gutted about the United score. Especially as there is now 3 away games. Everton, Man City and then Chelski. Not an easy task with a lack of defence.

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Chelsea 0-0 Newcastle


there is hope yet.


Wait for it, Chelsea will score in the last minute of the game.


Why? Because they're jammy bastards. That's why.

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88 mins played 0-0


just wait for the Chelsea goal...


Fuck fuck fuck, it may not happen.


Come on, Newcastle!

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My my this is tense.


I feel like a Man Utd fan would have done yesterday :P


It's always the way though.We drop points whenever Man Utd do for some reason, which isn't the way we should be doing things!


Oh well. The season is anyones game right now.


Good luck to Man Utd and Chelsea :D

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Nah, doesn't surprise me that we won't score in the dying minutes. We weren't playing with urgency at all..


Still, it's not over for either side XD

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Yup, 0-0. Disappointing from a Chelsea fans point of view, so no change over the weekend. Same situation as we were in on Friday!


Which means we need Man Utd to drop points, and for us to win at the Bridge to win the Premiership. Still, as I said a few pages back, I'm certain that neither team will win the treble (FA/Prem/Champs). Both teams will win at least 1!


What an end to the season though eh? This could go down to the last game afterall!

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Bluddy hell. :D


Thanks, Newcastle. Unlucky, Chelsea.


So, I guess it's as you were. :D

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I watched it online and man Joe Cole almost nicked it right at the end....


United just have to get to the chelski game without losing now. Everton and Man City away are tough, very tough but need wins.

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YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take that Chelsea!


Give me a bear hug Flinky!!!!!!!!


I told you to have Faith and they drew hahaha.


OK the title race is still on but thats a critical result.

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Neither teams have easy runs to the final. We have to play Everton, Arsenal and 'them' (you! XD) and you've got us, Everton and Man City.


Anything can happen in the title race. And it usually does.

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