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Football Season 2006/2007


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Guest Stefkov

Ferdinand and Vidic are the best defensive partnership imho.

The first goal they let in Ferdinand was just injured, so maybe that disabled him a little bit.

I agree with you, defesively we've been amazing. I don't think we've let in more than 2 goals this season.

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Nice defencive partnership, two greatly defended goals, I guess they were just luck and not defencive cock ups. That big bird in defence, he's great at standing on the line while a good volley ripples the back of the net.



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Nice defencive partnership, two greatly defended goals, I guess they were just luck and not defencive cock ups. That big bird in defence, he's great at standing on the line while a good volley ripples the back of the net.






So, Mr. Arsenal fan. How's the Champions League quest going?





Haha, we had a shocking day defensively today. Hopefully it's a one-off.

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should have won, wernt clinical enough and wazza played quite bad apart from the goal.



i think we will hurt them in the replay.


I actually think they might hurt you during the replay but now you'll probably go on to destroy them.

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Agh, I absolutely loathe how everyone says "oh and they said the FA Cup has lost it's magic".


Bluddy hell. I swear nobody ever said that, and people just seem to love to drag it up whenever there is a good match (which is generally at least once a round) with a wry smile as if they knew all along that the FA cup hadn't lost its magic.


What is this magic anyways. I thought it was supposed to be small teams knocking out big teams/


I'm fed up with it. No ever said "it has lost it's magic". Get over it.

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The Spurs Chelsea game is one of the best matches I've seen all season. I got really behind Spurs and willed them on, it was just like Rocky. I'm glad they're still in the competition for now, but they should have won. God, they really won't get a better chance.


I think Chelsea were very lucky. They were absolutely shocking in the first half, and they didn't play exceptionally well in the second either. Had Spurs not sat back, they would probably have won.


He shouldn't have taken Berbatov off!

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Putting Rocky and spurs in the same sentence is just plain wrong


Haha, I knew someone who disapprove of it.


But still, it's what it felt like to me. You know what they say, everyone loves an underdog. When Defoe was running with the ball I found myself actually shouting at the tv for him to score and then he hit the bar. It was so intense!

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Not to mention the fact that you're a Man Utd fan - it's always nice to see Chelsea fail, right? :P


Fantastic game, even from my viewpoint as a Chelsea fan. Really loved it.


Haha, nice. :)


I think we'll call it a draw, or wait for the next Chelsea fan to enter this thread.


*hides and whimpers in the corner*

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Such a shame about Spurs - I was devastated after the match, as it did feel thrown away.


I didn't really understand the substitutions; swapping our two top performers (Berbs and Lennon) for an under performer and a lanky freak who couldn't win a ball at a funfair - it didn't make sense to me :(

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Berbatov was a doubt before the game anyway. Slight niggle. But Jol decided to go with him then I guess at 3-1 you must think you got the win in the bag so may aswell rest your star man for uefa cup and premierleague games coming up.


Ah well.

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