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Eternal Sonata


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I just finished chapter 4 (11 hours so far), it's a great game, I love the battles, unsure about the characters, I think they might be a little undeveloped but i'll have to wait until I finish to give the final verdict. Graphics are amazing. Hate some of the poses they pull with their arms sticking out and the gravity defying dresses tho. I will play through again for the achievements and for the pleasure of course.

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I've started it and it seems alright. The world art seems alot better than Blue Dragon but it doesn't seem as sharp in Eternal Sonata and I really want to be able to move the camera so I can see where I'm going and so I can look more closely at the graphics.


The battle system is quite fun although it's very simplistic and easy because you have no magic points you can use magic and special moves unlimited times and the dialogue seems to drag on alot which is a tad annoying but the storyline seems very unique if not epic. It's also very linear but quite well designed I'll see if it gets tiring later and the music gives me the Baten Kaitos vibes.

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Guest Stefkov

I need to say.

Piu Grave is the best move ever.

As is Sun Slash, and sky Divider...this game rocks.


Don't know if i like the voice over in English of Japanese. I've just had the first few hours or so in Japanese and changing to English is seems so ..american.

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I've enjoyed it so far but the dialogue and storyline is the worst I've ever read of all the RPG's I've played.

The Graphics are very good maybe not great because it's not quite that sharp but the art work is stunning and so is the music, it's alot like Baten Kaitos in those departments.


The Battle system is fun but can get a tad repetitive because it's not very deep and the game is very linear, sometimes it's tolerable sometimes it's not.

Overall I think it's worth playing but it's not as well developed as Blue Dragon. Mistwalker did a better job with that than Tri-Crescendo did with Eternal Sonata.

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Guest Stefkov

Just gotten through Fort Fermata.

I used a guide to just guide me until the boss there, now I'm playing it through without a guide until I get really stuck.


Kinda lucky I read the guide though. I've now figured I'm going to have to replay the game. You can only get some items or something on the 'encore' so it's a 2 play through game. You can get score pieces you missed aswell...(missed the first one...:/)

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Guest Stefkov

Got onto Chapter 3 now.

The moves some of the characters have. I envy the brains and thoughts of some people. To come up with what they have come up with...



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Guest Stefkov

First time through I'm doing it without a guide, like I said. It's sooo (excessive use of the o that's how good it is) good.

Visually, it's one of the best looking games of the year and I don't tire of saying that.

Storywise I think it's pretty solid.

Beat just got smacked across the head before, I felt proper pissed.


I just go to Chapter 4 anyway and I'm loving every minute. Adam mate, just put it in an play through it without a guide, then when you finish it there's an encore mode where the enemies are harder and where (I read) there are items and score pieces you can ony get on the second play through.

I'm just up to 10 hours now I think, and I've heard it's a 20/25 hour game, but being deadly serious, at least half of those 5 hours have been amazing looking cutscenes.

Just play it and be amazed.

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First time through I'm doing it without a guide, like I said. It's sooo (excessive use of the o that's how good it is) good.

Visually, it's one of the best looking games of the year and I don't tire of saying that.

Storywise I think it's pretty solid.

Beat just got smacked across the head before, I felt proper pissed.


I just go to Chapter 4 anyway and I'm loving every minute. Adam mate, just put it in an play through it without a guide, then when you finish it there's an encore mode where the enemies are harder and where (I read) there are items and score pieces you can ony get on the second play through.

I'm just up to 10 hours now I think, and I've heard it's a 20/25 hour game, but being deadly serious, at least half of those 5 hours have been amazing looking cutscenes.

Just play it and be amazed.


I really want to but I know CoD4 will pull me away from it and then after that there is an onslaught of Wii titles. The reason why I LOVED playing Blue Dragon was because I was focused on that and had no other games distracting me, I want that when playing this aswell. Im of work in a couple of weeks for a week so I will probably play through it then.

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Finished this in the early hours of the this morning, completed the Mysterious Unison side dungeon as well. Was left rather speechless by the ending, simply because I didn't know what the hell was going on!?


Seriously if anyone else who has completed this game can explain the end then I would greatly appreciate it, because I though the rest of the game was fantastic!

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Guest Stefkov

I've seen you playing this religously over the past few days.

Me and Nintenchris are on about chapter 5 so when we finish I can comment on the ending, I've heard its pretty wierd.

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I've seen you playing this religously over the past few days.

Me and Nintenchris are on about chapter 5 so when we finish I can comment on the ending, I've heard its pretty wierd.


Yeah, I wanted to get it finished so I could move onto Orange Box before Sunshine and Assassins Creed come out!


Also, regarding the ending, weird is the mother of all understatements!

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