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Great horror films!

mcj metroid

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Yeah Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the original Omen (yet to see the remake) scared the absolute shit out of me, as well as Poltergeist but that's cos i was so young when they showed us that in primary school. I still remember it like it was yesterday - the girls screaming the guys pretending not to be scared but seriously shitting themselves....then not going to sleep for like 2/3 nights consecutively. Bar Texas Chainsaw Massacre i can't say a horror movie has really scared me in the last few years - but that being said i don't watch too many (possibly traumatised) , but out of the ones i've seen thats the only one to really creep me out. The old man.....*shudders*

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I agree Alien is possibly the best horror film of all time. The suspense, atmosphere, and fact that the Alien itself looked unbelievably realistic (mainly becasue it was a guy in a suit rather than CGI or other special effects) especially for film made so long ago.


Aliens was a better film, but it wasnt a horror film. It was more of an action film with horror elements. I just like how it expanded the whole alien universe. Aliens 3 and ressurection werent anything special, plus the CGI didnt look as good as people in suits.

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Dont watch any american remakes, they all suck. The american version of the grudge is sooo bad. I liked texam chainsaw massacre though i saw the remake first which was a mistake. Try watching switchblade romance, its french and has quite a bit of gore but it is pretty damn scary. Though cabin fever was a terrible "horror" movie as it wasnt scary at all, there wasnt even anything to be scared of, they drink the water and you know there gonna die, it sucks, still makes for a decent overal movie though.

P.S Cant remember if it was the first or the second jeepers creepers but the part where they look back and he is dumping the bodies down that hole.. man that was scary, shame the rest of the film was crap.

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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned many 70's/80's john caprenter films one of my fave being..........."The Prince of Darkness". It hasnt got Ozzie Osbourne in but it does have the legendary Alice Cooper in it as a zombie man thing:hehe: . And for that it is a classic lol i think its one of those films that not many people have seen but i think it is a really good example of how to make a horror movie, its got loads of tense and memberable bits in it that have probably inspired a few films.................and its got Alice Cooper who if i remember correctly almost kills some1 with a bicyle lol

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I'm not a big fan of horror movies, I'm the squeamish type, but even so, there are some that I really enjoyed, most notably, The Shining, The Omen, The Exorcist and strangely, Red Dragon even though it was supposed to be crap, the mere thought of broken mirrors still scares the crap out of me...

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Yeah, I haven't seen silence of the lambs, is it worth renting or what?

Yes it is worth it in its own right, but it's a strange psycho crime horror, more in line with the classic Psycho and Stephen King's 'Misery'. It's also VERY wordy, heavily scripted and if you don't like that it seems to go on a bit. If you find yourself hooked to it, though, it's a fantastic film. Even the dialogue that goes on and on is fascinating then.

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Yeah, I haven't seen silence of the lambs, is it worth renting or what?

its my favourite film of all time...Brilliant film,the acting is amazing.If u liked red dragon then u will LOVE this.It is truly amazing


another film is misery,what a film

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