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Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland


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I miss one thing one the map on the ice level and one of the snowman kids were talking about his/her father might be lost somewhere in the blizzard. Is he the one I miss? Where is he?


As the kid says he's in the blizzard area around the ice. If you find some suspicious lumps of snow on the ice paths dig there to get his items. His body is around there too. Once you find all his items place them on his body and you can map him.




If you complete the game without 100% can you still go back and do stuff to complete it...


Not that its going to bother me for me for a while as I've only just got up to the second continent....




I'm really stuck in the Steamy Marsh, blown up one of the volcanoes but can't seem to get any of the others...can see them but they are blocked by boulders that I can't explode owing to a lack of bombs nearby...


I can't remember exactly but look around the screen for a bomb plant, you need to blow up some small rocks to uncover more bombs, do this until the trail of bombs end near the boulder that needs to be blowen up.


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Thanks. That gave me enough money to continue.


And I have more questions :P


Where is the first "shake" the butler is asking for? He says it is in Lon Lon Meadow but I can't find it.


Do I need to hire every bodyguard to complete the game 100%? I always hire the same guy....

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Thanks. That gave me enough money to continue.


And I have more questions :P


Where is the first "shake" the butler is asking for? He says it is in Lon Lon Meadow but I can't find it.


Do I need to hire every bodyguard to complete the game 100%? I always hire the same guy....


1) Can't remember sorry :P I think he draws a line on your map so follow that, should be around the line.


2) No you don't need to hire every body guard to get 100%

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well made some good progress today up to gooey swamp now...and for once have a lot of money in my pocket!




Can anyone help me...well stuck in the gooey swamp...got the bee to fly me over to the island...but then I don't get what it means by getting these lights or something to get the door to open....

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Ok please take me seriously when I say where can I find some bum peach?


@ flameboy, you need to blow up the wax covering the weird lamp looking things that are drawn on the map with some tingle bombs. There are 4 of them so you should get away with 4 bombs. Be prepared for one of the most annoying dungeons in any game ever after that.

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Ok please take me seriously when I say where can I find some bum peach?


@ flameboy, you need to blow up the wax covering the weird lamp looking things that are drawn on the map with some tingle bombs. There are 4 of them so you should get away with 4 bombs. Be prepared for one of the most annoying dungeons in any game ever after that.


ok cheers...when I'm not playing Zelda quite so much I'll go back and do it...thought it had something to do with them things...

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Aah, just finished the game with the 'good' ending, with the help of a guide to help me with the last few recipes and bottles. I certainly got a lot more satisfaction out of this than Super Paper Mario, which I never expected, and to think I probably wouldn't have played it until next year if I hadn't got that free copy. :p


Such a shame Tingle is so hated by so many - I'd love to see him in more games.

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Oh well. I had a big post about Zelda where I pointed out its topic had replaced this one as a sticky, which was funny since I bought both games last thursday. Anyway, I lost that post when I had to log in again.. Post gone :|. I'll try again another time.

Anyway I haven't played much of this game yet (because of Zelda amongst others), so I can't fully comment on it yet, but it looks great.. It was partly a gamble buying this game, I think I've read a hands-on on IGN some time ago, but I really didn't know what kind of gameplay to expect. It resembles an action RPG the most I think.. If you combine all the necessary stats into one superstat :indeed:. It's weird, but genious. I of course already knew about the artstyle.. Well, I think the game appeals to people with a certain taste and sense of humour. The people who like Tingle because they know he annoys other people greatly :D. And this game is weird, and I like it. Some very strange (and ugly) characters in this game. Anyway, can't wait to play this game, unfortunately I have plenty other games that need to be played, and that number only increases (Metroid takes priority as soon as I get it, and I also need to buy the orange box for example..).

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I got the lame questionable ending. Does anyone know how I can get one that doesn't just fall flat on its face? Its not as straight forward as castlevania. I have no idea what to do. Do I need more of those stupid Rupee goods?


Yep, you need all of them. Although the 'good' ending isn't exactly spectacular..

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  • 4 weeks later...

Been trying to play this game a bit lately, but I'm still on the first continent; finding it difficult to gather enough rupees. =O

Fun game though, and I'm enjoying it. Though I'm sad about the general lack of music. There's sounds, but barely any music. =(


I'm currently trying to follow that boy again who likes to hide bottles or whatever, but the insects in Deku Forest keep attacking me, so then he finds out we're there and I have to start all over again. Tips as on how to do this part?

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I think normally it would be the bodyguard's fault that you end up in a fight. I think for that bit I got tingle to whistle and I controlled it to where I wanted to be. If you can move fast enough you can avoid a fight. If he finds you doesn't he just stop until you vanish a bit from sight? Also the music inside the Dungeon of the Deku forest is the best music in the whole game. Especially in the boss fight. Shame you can't replay them.

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I think normally it would be the bodyguard's fault that you end up in a fight. I think for that bit I got tingle to whistle and I controlled it to where I wanted to be. If you can move fast enough you can avoid a fight. If he finds you doesn't he just stop until you vanish a bit from sight? Also the music inside the Dungeon of the Deku forest is the best music in the whole game. Especially in the boss fight. Shame you can't replay them.


The problem is those insects keep popping up again way too fast, so I'm constantly fighting and having to use Tingly potions. Also, even when there's no bugs around, the kid somehow still sees me when I'm waiting behind a tree. I have no clue where I'm supposed to wait (I can't even get past the first turn).

And it's annoying cause you always have to leave that entire map area to trigger it again. =(

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