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Pokemon Battle Revolution


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Guest Stefkov
The backgrounds looks lovely so far.I wouldn't of thought the graphics would be so good early on.

Yeah the backgrounds are lovely. I cant wait to see what the games later next year will have to offer.

Mario Galaxy will look amazing!

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you must have unlimited patience.it's now almost 10 years you're waiting.




Pocket Monsters


Portable Monsters


Portable Gaming


Game Boy/DS




Took the words from my mouth.

You realise the enormity of a full 3D Pokémon don't you? It's a huge project, bigger than anything out there.

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Pocket Monsters


Portable Monsters


Portable Gaming


Game Boy/DS




and wow there are no pokemon games on consoles i suppose?Just because it started out as a handheld franchise doesn't mean it has to stay as one.

Took the words from my mouth.

You realise the enormity of a full 3D Pokémon don't you? It's a huge project, bigger than anything out there.


Then who better than nintendo.the biggest game company in the world.They tried an rpg before sure and it felt half assed.

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my point is if it can be done on the gameboy(original) it could be done on a next gen console.All i want is the experience of the handheld game on a console,games like pokemon stadium are fun but sometimes i want more.I'm not even going as far as mmorpg.The console games have been very lazy.The graphics in both gamecube games were poor.But at least it's much better now graphics wise

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To be honest, I hope it's JUST a stadium game. Though, more in the style of Stadium 2 on the 64. Easily the best non-RPG Pokemon game. Coliseum tried to incorporate an RPG mode but it sucked. Would you rather have a crappy tacked on RPG, or a full-blown MMORPG as a seperate game? I know I'll be getting P:BR when it comes out for sure.

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I'm not too sure about this game. On one hand, you've got everyone talking about how gameplay is more important than graphics, yet this game seems to be the handheld ones with the RPG aspect ripped out, so all we're left with is a graphics game. It's about time the Pokémon franchise got a massive shake up, because it's getting boring, and this game doesn't seem to be making it any better.

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I'm not too sure about this game. On one hand, you've got everyone talking about how gameplay is more important than graphics, yet this game seems to be the handheld ones with the RPG aspect ripped out, so all we're left with is a graphics game. It's about thime the Pokémon franchise got a massive shake up, because it's getting boring, and this game doesn't seem to be making it any better.


exactly!This game looks nice but until i see some depth not interested

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Guest Stefkov

damn i just thought id found a mother load of new images then i look and they've been posted.

It looks amazing. The fire effects in one of the images above are great.

If they have mini games and stuff like Pokemon Stadium used to have then this game will be awesome and i will have no doubt spending my money on it.

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This is the only Wii game where I'm really seeing something and thinking for sure "there's no way this could be done on Gamecube". It's definitely very visually impressive...at least as far as character models go. The ground textures on the other hand...why? I guess it could be that all the powers going on the character models and they can pull it off since it's a small area...but the trees and stuff in the background look good so I dont see why they have to be standing on a mass of blur.


Anyway on the non-graphics front, I assume we have yet another console Pokemon game here so fuck that. I agree that Pokemon works its best as a handheld concept and that the gameplay and depth just couldn't be pulled off as well as a console experience....but they could at least try something a bit better than what they have been on consoles..and with a more capable development studio than who they've been farming it out to.

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