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Definitive Wii speculation/rumour thread


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Retailers were right with the announcement of the Pink DS Lite, and now dealers are also stating Nintendo might have a Wii-related meeting tomorrow (29th June) in Japan where more will be learned.


Seems about the right time, hope it happens.

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Guest Stefkov

I like how he spells it 'mike' in the first paragraph.

sure he spells it probably corectly afterwards, but its the first one that counts.

I hate people who think these blogs as a religion, believing everything they say.

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Yeah, definitley a fake. Tis a pity though! It was a great read!:laughing:


Well, his blog is up again, He says Miyamoto and Iwata are lying about the mic in the Wiimote. He says that a mic is cheap and that there will be one for sure. It will also be used in Wii-karaoke

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I so want a launch date now!


Japan are definately getting it end-of October but will Europe see it before USA?


November 6th for US and a couple of weeks later for Europe? I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for a 6/11/06 launch date here in Europe!


After PS3 may be a bad move!



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Maybe it's fake, but he has a point.

A small 'mike' is very cheap, takes very little space and weight and practicaly doesn't drain any battery. But i want a nintendo wireless headset anyway.


yeah, i wan't a headset to, but i can think of some uses for a mic in the Wiimote too.

His blog, i don't know. Just fun te read for speculation. Actualy hope some of it is true.

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Indeeed, "leaning towards not" would be the automatic response for me too. But do remember Nintendo said they were still tweaking the FHC and could still add or remove buttons.


Interesting placement (if true) don't you think?

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Wasn't there a video somewhere that when asked about those buttons a Nintendo Rep at E3 said they were the equivalent of the GC's Z button?



I could be wrong though.....




Here it is.


There appears to be only 1 extra shoulder button on the E3 prototype too.

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i think they need to keep it simple as possible, i dont know any tv remotes that have shoulder buttons. but then i do have many remote with plenty of buttons which simply dont work for the specific model of T.V. i got. damn button nazis

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You know the classic controller has 2 shoulder buttons on each side? What are the users for these extra buttons?


I don't remember where I saw it, but someone asked about same thing from Nintendo's representative during E3, and the answer was that they would be used to simulate N64's Z-button. I personally suspect that there isn't any big secrets behind them. Those two buttons are there just for situations where "normal" button layout isn't comfortable enough to be used in specific game. Plus you also have enough buttons to support any console with sole exception being Atari Jaguar :).

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Some TV remotes have side buttons, switches, and click wheels to switch through Cable boxes, satalite, DVD players. Sort of an after market universal remote that comes with your TV.


hmmm touche... maybe next time i wont put myself up as an authority on remote controls lol :grin:

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He's back stirring the shit again!


Virtual Console Prices:

US$3.99 - NES Games

US$4.99 - SNES Games

US$7.99 - N64 Games

  • Every Wii will come Packaged with Super Mario (NES)
  • Wii-mote can control NES games when tilted sideways
  • Wii-mote will add special controls to some games. (eg Duck Hunt can use Wiimote)





Just found this over on Hexus:


Release Date: 15/10/2006



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