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Most and Least impressive?


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I was wondering what your most and least impressive Wii games are so far?


Mine are

MOST:Super Mario Galaxy


The only Wii game I saw that looks significantly impressive. The amount of polish (graphics and gameplay) far surpass anything else shown. Only Wii game to make me say WOW. Thats why I think that its the only game to start with the full Wii dev-kits.


LEAST: Metroid Prime 3


My hype for this game was so high. Probably too high. It was a real letdown for me. The graphics didn't live up neither did the gameplay. The aiming seemed flawed and the level design boring. (most dissapointed with). I really hope Retro can recover this because it has the potential to the best Metroid ever.

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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess


It looks beautiful, epic and far better than any PS3 game I have seen. The Legend of Zelda is the most brilliant story in gaming ever.




Virtual Console


I waited over a year for them to reveal all it's secrets, and I see some guy playing Sonic the Hedgehog. What is this? What the hell are they playing at! Nintendo lied to me, I emailed them and they said it would be revealed at E3.

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Metroid Prime 3 Corruption: The game just looked stunning, and I believe it was still even running on Cube hardware. With the controls being very intuitive and engrossing I can't wait for this game. Being the total Metroid whore I am also helps.



Necro-Nesia: God, this game looks afwul. From what I've seen it has poor graphics, lousy controls and just looks uninspired. Just look at this movie.

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Most: Super Mario Galaxy

Just looks great, really cna't wait for another new 3D Mario to explore, it's gonna be great!


Least: Miyamoto's new franchises

I thought that Nintendo would come up with some better, more fun stuff than HAMMER, Excitetruck (though it looks AMAZING) and Disaster.

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Guest Stefkov

if we're talking about games, you havnt specified,but youve put games in yours

most: mario galaxy/smash bros brawl

least: metroid prime 3, i dont like the look of the contrls at all, having to point to the edge of the screnn to look around, its unrealistic, if anything have it the same as hunter, or even twilight princess, aiming the bow&arrow, has that little area to aim in then out of that it will turn, why not keep this!?!


also why dont people like the look of necro-nasia. from the vid i just watched it looked ok, the guy ran funny, but it looked ok, if anyone has any vids to prove me wrong i havnt even heard of this game...

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Most Impressive:


Actually nothign at the current moment for I feel the Wii can do more impressive games. Trauma Centre looks like the best use of the Wii-mote, as does Wii Tennis if they added a little bit more depth to it.


There is Super Smash Brothers Brawl but that is solely because Melee was so good.


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: Self-titled "The best Zelda yet" by the development crew, that is all I really need to know especially after the great and epic OOT, the short but sweet majora's maska and the refreshing Wind Waker. A game with the play-time, the graphics, *from the looks* a great story... *faints*


(unconfirmed) Cooking Mama: OMFG! Imagine stiring, chopping, whisking, beating, tenderising etc etc. It will possess loads of recipes and you can cook with other people online e.g. as a team of 4 as co-op you can compete against other people. Following a theme like "You are cooking for a wedding!" or " Prepare some nosh for a a 8 year old's party!"



Least Impressive:


Metroid Prime 3: Seriously to think they could have done a little bit more with the series. The extra left hand use is nowhere near "impressive" in my eyes as it doesnt add a great amount of depth beyond, say, giving you an extra weapon.


The graphics also look sub-par and from the gamecube, very little work IMO was put into the graphics.


Wii-Trucks (forgot the name): A truck game which just capitalises on tilting the wii-mote up and down. I can see this game becoming a 4 for 20 pound-er.


Project Hammer: I cant see anything beyond the hoaring of the wii-mote.





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Most impressive: Mario galaxy by far this is the only game that looks extremley polished and remotely close to next generation graphics.


Least impressive: Tony hawks downhill jam although fun to play it looks like an emulated ps one game.

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Virtual Console


I waited over a year for them to reveal all it's secrets, and I see some guy playing Sonic the Hedgehog. What is this? What the hell are they playing at! Nintendo lied to me, I emailed them and they said it would be revealed at E3.

No offence but what exactly did you think the Virtual Console was? :rolleyes:

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Most: Mario Galaxy, not because it looks great, but because it looks fun and the space concept is really cool

Least: Red Steel the controls apparantly need some work


On a side note, I'm really disapointed with most people's perceptions. For example, Metroid Prime3. It looks great, its almost flawless and beautiful. It runs very well, plays very well and apparently has amazing AI. The problem is, and I don't want to sound cocky, but most of you people have absolutely no eye for graphics. It looks similar to MP, because there wasn't much to improve there. The main problem before was textures and now they're great! What do you people want, I suppose are shiny, impressive and ultimately useluss effects that don't go well with metroids design.

You are also hugely uninformed, you don't need to point to the edge, there is a expert mode for people that are more experienced and it works basically like a mouse+keyboard. And Tellyn, seriously, what the hell. lol, that makes no sense.

I know this post will not bode well, as sounding pretentious, but I just wanted to say what I think. Hope you won't hate me or anything ^^

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I'll wait until I've played these games before I start making judgement on them based upon a few screenshots and off-screen videos.




That's why many people's perceptions of MP3 are off I think.


Most Impressive: Nintendo achieving their goal and the Wii getting the attention it deserves.


Least Impressive: Nothing really, just would have liked the games to be a bit more ready for E3. I would pick up all the games in the end, although some definitely second hand. Must admit though Necro-Nasia looks pretty ummmm.. yeah just ummm. Can't they have more than 2 sound files for those bugs?

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I'll wait until I've played these games before I start making judgement on them based upon a few screenshots and off-screen videos.

Yeah, afterall "playing is believing"

In terms of what I'm most excited about though, Zelda, Mario Galaxy and SSBB...naturally.

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Most: Twilight Princess (cheh, obviously)

Least: Metroid Prime 3


If MP3 is running on GCN hardware, all well and good, we can expect to see massive graphical enhancements up and coming. Compared to Mario Galaxy, which actually looks like a next gen game as Maverick mentioned, MP3 looks no more impressive than Echoes to be honest. It needs a new look.

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Most looking forward to:


Wii Sports! I just cannot wait to be swinging a virtual tennis racket with all my college mates or ecen my family at home!


Least looking forward to:


Metroid 3. Dunno why.......i just dont seem to be as hyped about this game as before......



Totally Wishing for:


Pro Evo Wii!!

oh imagine....IMAGINE!!!![/dreaming]

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Most: Mario Galaxy, not because it looks great, but because it looks fun and the space concept is really cool

Least: Red Steel the controls apparantly need some work


On a side note, I'm really disapointed with most people's perceptions. For example, Metroid Prime3. It looks great, its almost flawless and beautiful. It runs very well, plays very well and apparently has amazing AI. The problem is, and I don't want to sound cocky, but most of you people have absolutely no eye for graphics. It looks similar to MP, because there wasn't much to improve there. The main problem before was textures and now they're great! What do you people want, I suppose are shiny, impressive and ultimately useluss effects that don't go well with metroids design.

You are also hugely uninformed, you don't need to point to the edge, there is a expert mode for people that are more experienced and it works basically like a mouse+keyboard. And Tellyn, seriously, what the hell. lol, that makes no sense.

I know this post will not bode well, as sounding pretentious, but I just wanted to say what I think. Hope you won't hate me or anything ^^


Its not the graphical effects that impress me. It is excellent artistic vision. That is why I think MP looks better than Halo 2. Maybe its just the setting of the level but to me it looked linear and lacked detail and surely no can have an eye for graphics for the fact that judge of graphics is purely subjective.


I'll wait until I've played these games before I start making judgement on them based upon a few screenshots and off-screen videos.


The whole point of this is to show the games you are most and least impressed by based on what has been shown.

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The whole point of this is to show the games you are most and least impressed by based on what has been shown.


Yeah, but I still feel I'm not qualified to comment on those things. I'll bite though, and say that Mario Galaxy looks a lot of fun, and that Red Steel looks rather wank at the moment.

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Yeah, but I still feel I'm not qualified to comment on those things. I'll bite though, and say that Mario Galaxy looks a lot of fun, and that Red Steel looks rather wank at the moment.

What his man says it's true.

About MP3's "The graphics also look sub-par and from the gamecube, very little work IMO was put into the graphics."

"The graphics didn't live up"

Nothing here indicates that you people were talking about the art direction, I'm not a magician. Still, I doubt that the game won't have awesome art, since the last 2 already have. I like the way you judge games by watching people play an early E3 demo. ANd people who played the expert mode say that it controls heavenly. Still, I suppose none of this matters, once the games come out we'll see if they're any good or not.

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What his man says it's true.

About MP3's "The graphics also look sub-par and from the gamecube, very little work IMO was put into the graphics."

"The graphics didn't live up"

Nothing here indicates that you people were talking about the art direction, I'm not a magician. Still, I doubt that the game won't have awesome art, since the last 2 already have. I like the way you judge games by watching people play an early E3 demo. ANd people who played the expert mode say that it controls heavenly. Still, I suppose none of this matters, once the games come out we'll see if they're any good or not.


All I am saying is the art dirction doesn't look as good.

BTW what is this expert mode. Do you have links and sources to prove I seem to have overlooked that.

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