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Wii for £120!!!?

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The ceiling of value for consoles will rise quickly this generation. A can of coke was like 25p in the early 90s.


It's all relative, I think. Particularly now that PS3 and Xbox360 carry the price tag they carry, the boundary is getting pushed as the whole floor will rise in people's mind.


Some are complaining even with £150, but I reckon the time will solve this problem - soon people will think it's actually not much and just accept it. Grumbling will occur no matter what unless it becomes irrationally cheap.


The argument based on microchip is probably not relevant once games hit the shelves.

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@ Bard: What are you talking about? There's still an essential part about having a company that's called profit you know. It's anywhere between 120 and 150 pounds.


Yup I know, but seeing as the hardware is pretty much a souped up Gamecube, I thought they would be able to it for about £120, which would really make my day cause im a bit skint, having spent all my money on booze and cheap whores and whatnot. :hmm:

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Guest Stefkov

taken from this new info that it is $250

250.00 USD = 133.551 GBP x 1.175(for VAT)=156.922425 GBP

so yeha i expect it to be £150, same price as cube isnt it?

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Yup I know, but seeing as the hardware is pretty much a souped up Gamecube, I thought they would be able to it for about £120, which would really make my day cause im a bit skint, having spent all my money on booze and cheap whores and whatnot. :hmm:


Yeah, well, you have to remember that the controller and sensor thingymajigs probably cost more then for a normal console and they probably spent alot on R&D with the new controller etc. And it will still be the cheapest next-gen console.

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taken from this new info that it is $250

250.00 USD = 133.551 GBP x 1.175(for VAT)=156.922425 GBP

so yeha i expect it to be £150, same price as cube isnt it?


Again you don't understand 'Rip-off' Britain.


PS3 example:


$599 = £320 (Exchange rate)


In Britain Sony Bloke has said expect to pay ~£425.


Now £320 + VAT = £375 ish. That a £50 surcharge!!


But if you young and annoyed wait until you have to buy a car, we have to pay up to £5000 more for exactly the same car as in the USA or Europe!! :mad:

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Guest Stefkov
Again you don't understand 'Rip-off' Britain.


PS3 example:


$599 = £320 (Exchange rate)


In Britain Sony Bloke has said expect to pay ~£425.


Now £320 + VAT = £375 ish. That a £50 surcharge!!


But if you young and annoyed wait until you have to buy a car, we have to pay up to £5000 more for exactly the same car as in the USA or Europe!! :mad:

i know about rip-off britain it happened with the ds of course, i just couldnt be bothered adding it in for some reason.....

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i dont mind about price as long as not something ridiculous.


Ill be at GAME for there middnight opening for first time when the Wii comes as i dont think ill be able to sleep that night knowing i can actually buy one and play it that night.

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seeing as the hardware is pretty much a souped up Gamecube
:shock: Have you actually seen Super Mario Galaxy? The system is a far bigger improvement than IGN told you. They tested an outdated development kit.


The system is not quite as cheap as you think. The inner hardware is quite expensive, and the sensor, bluetooth and high-quality disc player (Nintendo will have short loading times) won't be very cheap either. If they can get it sub-$200 without having a loss, then :bowdown:

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:shock: Have you actually seen Super Mario Galaxy? The system is a far bigger improvement than IGN told you. They tested an outdated development kit.


The system is not quite as cheap as you think. The inner hardware is quite expensive, and the sensor, bluetooth and high-quality disc player (Nintendo will have short loading times) won't be very cheap either. If they can get it sub-$200 without having a loss, then :bowdown:


Yes I know, but the Graphic and sound cards are based on the cubes Gekko and Flipper cards with some graphical enhancements (they are so similar that they were able to allow gamecube functionality based on the Wii's hardware while not needing any extra chipsets or emulators), I'd say a Geforce 4 card could pull off Galaxy graphics easily, and thats what the Xbox had. Xboxes are now about £50-70 if I remember correctly, so the majority of the Wii's expenditure goes towards the bluetooth and motion sensors, and thats hardly going to cost upwards of £70 right?

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Yes I know, but the Graphic and sound cards are based on the cubes Gekko and Flipper cards with some graphical enhancements (they are so similar that they were able to allow gamecube functionality based on the Wii's hardware while not needing any extra chipsets or emulators), I'd say a Geforce 4 card could pull off Galaxy graphics easily, and thats what the Xbox had. Xboxes are now about £50-70 if I remember correctly, so the majority of the Wii's expenditure goes towards the bluetooth and motion sensors, and thats hardly going to cost upwards of £70 right?

Nah, you've misinterpreted things a bit.


First of all, the Wii hardware are indeed based on the Cube hardware, but that's only design. They're not the exact same chips overclocked like it was feared after IGN 'leaked' the specs. The CPU is the GameCube chip with three times the clock speed, four times the cache and a new instruction set - it should triple the performance of the Cube CPU. Sources also mention that the Wii has 'a lot' more memory than the GameCube.


The GPU is also based on the Flipper in the sense that it can do the same tricks as the Flipper. It's a brand new chip though, offering the latest shading technology and probably onboard physics calculation. It can do so many new things, it's uncomparable to the Flipper GPU. The Xbox had a GeForce 3, and it's impossible for hardware like that to run Galaxy. You need Xbox 360-level shading to have it look so shiny, and I expect the shading architecture to be like the 360 (obviously less powerful, but similar) in order to give that next-gen look to games like you see in Mario Galaxy, Smash Brawl and Excite Truck. The Wii has an entirely new graphics architecture.


You will get good value for money with the Wii, even when it comes to graphics.

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http:// http://uk.revolution.ign.com/articles/710/710181p1.html


Yep, I do realise that they're not the exact same chips, all I meant to say is that they are similar...I do see your point of view, although I'm pretty sure that Xbox had a Geforce 4, anyway, I dono, maybe the reason I want it cheap is because I don't think theres all that much to draw me to the next gen consoles because the Cube and DS and even PS2 to some extent are keeping me plenty satisfied as it is. I think that Nintendo will have to set a very low price point for the Wii, otherwise , picture your typical British ignoramus, he's going to walk into a game store and see some cool games for the Wii, and might vaguely percieve that the controller is a good thing (you know, in the back of his mind where evil thoughts don't run rampant) but instead, he's going to go home with a PS2 and copy of time crisis which'll run him in the neighbourhood of £40


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N64 was £150, I don't think Nintendo have brought out a console that was more expensive than that have they? GC was £129.99 or something I think... So £120 isn't an unreasonable guess. I hope it is that cheap but I'd be willing to pay up to £200 for it - but I'm sure it will be less.


N64 was £250. They dropped the price to £150 after about a month or so after release though.


Nah, you've misinterpreted things a bit.


First of all, the Wii hardware are indeed based on the Cube hardware, but that's only design. They're not the exact same chips overclocked like it was feared after IGN 'leaked' the specs. The CPU is the GameCube chip with three times the clock speed, four times the cache and a new instruction set - it should triple the performance of the Cube CPU. Sources also mention that the Wii has 'a lot' more memory than the GameCube.


The GPU is also based on the Flipper in the sense that it can do the same tricks as the Flipper. It's a brand new chip though, offering the latest shading technology and probably onboard physics calculation. It can do so many new things, it's uncomparable to the Flipper GPU. The Xbox had a GeForce 3, and it's impossible for hardware like that to run Galaxy. You need Xbox 360-level shading to have it look so shiny, and I expect the shading architecture to be like the 360 (obviously less powerful, but similar) in order to give that next-gen look to games like you see in Mario Galaxy, Smash Brawl and Excite Truck. The Wii has an entirely new graphics architecture.


You will get good value for money with the Wii, even when it comes to graphics.


Mate, are there any websites where I can find out the specs of Wii?

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DailyTech had an article saying 'Wii CPU is clocked at 1.1 GHz and 1 MB L2 cache' but then they seemed to have removed it. It wasn't very informative except for those numbers so it doesn't really matter. This is what Nintendo has to say about the specs, not really useful but hey.


The graphics info I get from watching the Mario Galaxy, Brawl and Rayman videos. Though I'm not an expert (we need pedrocasilva for that) it's pretty safe to say that those graphics are impossible without making big upgrades and changes in the graphics hardware compared to the GameCube. Bottom line is, the graphics shown say that the inner hardware won't be cheapass. It's likely that $200 is the lowest they can go for launch.

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I think people are getting carried away with a really low price, sure it will be cheaper than PS3 (not hard to do that) but i wouldnt be expecting prices less than £150. In fact, £150 seems too cheap. Id hazard my guess at £179. Either way, as they say, it will be the cheapest and a very competitive price. Anything less than or just over 200 is a steal for something this great.

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