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Thanks for your input, tis most valuable... I'll see if I can get her to clean it too cos it looked a bit grubby! She also has a cover on it and a transmitter thingy that she'll give me but I might see about knocking her down to £40 if possible! :heh:


As for the Sansa and Sony, I was reading this article (and the separate reviews for each player) on http://reviews.cnet.co.uk/digitalmusic/0,39029995,49292613,00.htm and they sound decent enough to me. But maybe going for the generic Ipod option is the simplest and most convenient place for me to begin.

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Zune 2 came out today... Still want an itouch though.


They're not shipped intill november according to microsoft.


The specs on engadget make it sound pretty good though. A little bigger than the Classic due to the 3.2inch screen (not by alot though, 4.3 x 2.4 x 0.51 vs 4.1 x 2.4 x 0.41), lighter than the Classic, radio comes with it, it can sync via wireless and has wifi.


Though I wish they had info on the battery life. As long as it's 20 hours or more then they've made a pretty awesome product.



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I think it's ugly, and i don't like the zune touch pad thingy they've stuck on them, and on the smaller ones, what's the point of video on a 1.8 inch screen? 2 inches is bearable, 2.5 more so.


The whole social networking side is pretty much pointless, just like the wifi side without a wifi store. Last.fm already does a great established job at the social thing, and anyone can use it, not just zune users.


I do like the fact it has a large screen, even though it's probs the same resolution as the iPod classic. which makes it pretty much pointless.

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^^^ WOW 40 minutes, you're getting slow Takeo, that's at least double the amount of time I thought you'd take to predictably slate the Zune announcement.


Personally I think it's an awesome product and should do very well. Lovely to look at as well.

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^^^ WOW 40 minutes, you're getting slow Takeo, that's at least double the amount of time I thought you'd take to predictably slate the Zune announcement.


Personally I think it's an awesome product and should do very well. Lovely to look at as well.


lol, it was obvious that was coming.


It looks great, has some great features aswell. The 80GB is priced at $250 which is the same as the Classic too.

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lol, it was obvious that was coming.


It looks great, has some great features aswell. The 80GB is priced at $250 which is the same as the Classic too.


Classic is better for me, and for the record i had already read the Zune announcement before anybody posted about in the tech boards. I was tempted to make a new thread, but thought feck it.


It's good, just the iPod is still better. I commend M$ for trying, and actually making something useful out of the zune's wifi. Although how useful 'the social' really is without a iTunes wifi store-esque thing is debatable.


I never slate M$ products just for the sake of it, i have said a few good things about the zune 2, this now being one of them:- It's a hell of a lot more thought out than the first zune.

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I don't like the Classic's looks much to be honest. I think the previous gen white/black iPod is far nicer.The Zune 2 though looks gorgeous and that trackpad thingy seems pretty handy. Lovely lovely visuals on the screen as well, that's something that was stunning from Zune 1.

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I just wish that somehow we could show the same picture to Takeo, with no memory of seeing it before, telling him it was Apple and seeing what he said.


probably that it was a load of crap. There's no escaping the fact that the new zune's look cheap and angular and yucky. It's like comparing a bang and olufson hifi with a logitech one. Contrary to popular belief around here i don't think that everything Apple makes is all strawberries and cream. I don't like Apple TV, nor the iPod touch as it stands, the iPhone needs 3G and a cheaper contract as much as Microsoft need a decent product designer. The powerbooks pre-2000 were a bit crap looking, and i'm not a fan of the Mac Mini although it serves it's purpose well. The pre-5G iPods weren't my cup of tea, and the mini i found horrible. My favorite Apple product is my MacBook Pro, followed by the iPod classic 80Gb. The MacBook serves it's purpose but i don't like it's duplo-like cutesy styling.


Just a few thoughts.

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The Zune 80 looks awesome. I think it looks better than the Classic. The headphones are great too.


If that looks cheap then I'm the most attractive guy on earth. It looks great!


How does it? It looks like it has a big screen and a few buttons on the bottom, compared with the clickwheel, or the zen micro touchpad-ness i think it's lame.


Also square edges do nothing for me. the curved classic is the best MP3 player i've touched.


And you could always send your iPod back or sell it if your in love so very deeply with the quasimodo of MP3 players.

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How does it? It looks like it has a big screen and a few buttons on the bottom, compared with the clickwheel, or the zen micro touchpad-ness i think it's lame.


Also square edges do nothing for me. the curved classic is the best MP3 player i've touched.


And you could always send your iPod back or sell it if your in love so very deeply with the quasimodo of MP3 players.


I'll see if they release it over here/what the reviews are like first. If they are great, I might just do that.

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I've given back my faulty nano so might just do that as well actually. I think the new Zunes look gorgeous, especially that huge screen. Hmm, and wifi mmmmmm


wifi sharing, whoopde dooo. For all it's failings least the touch and iPhone give you the real internet, and useful wifi based things.

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wifi sharing, whoopde dooo. For all it's failings least the touch and iPhone give you the real internet, and useful wifi based things.


It's rivaling the classic, not the iTouch or iPhone. The wifi also allowed you to sync to your PC without the wires.


Stop moaning, it's getting a little boring.


I think the battery life may end up being 20 hours (rumours), not sure yet though.


More info


The screen is glass, NOT plastic

Will support lossless


There's a video on engadget too.

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wow, that's a boo-tiful interface. Gorgeous menu graphics. And the trackpad looks like it works really well. Like the big portrait screen, works well for UI functions and you just have to flip it for a nice widescreen for movies.


Nice to hear it's got a glass screen and what's that?? It actually WORKS with all past accessories? You listening Apple?


Horrible shade of green though lol. Definitely very tempted.

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It's rivaling the classic, not the iTouch or iPhone. The wifi also allowed you to sync to your PC without the wires.


then you will also know that the sync is manual only, auto sync of all your music et al is only done via a cable. again-whoop-dee-doo.


I was saying that the iPod touch and iPhone do wifi properly, where as the Zune has some lame social networking idea. What are the chances that you'll know someone else whose in the 2% of people who own a MP3 player worldwide who own a zune?! practically zero, so your not really going to use the wifi sharing thing. And the whole keeping track of what you've listened to is already done, without wifi, with last.fm which scrobbles the tracks you've listened to on your MP3 player when you dock it.


Like i said before, M$ missed an opportunity to get ahead of apple with zune when it first came out with wifi enabled by releasing a wifi store to buy music through.


I don't see how people can prefer the zune's interface compared with the classic's prettied up traditional iPod UI. To each there own, i love my classic and think it's the best MP3 player in the world, i'm willing to try a zune if there are any demo pods in stores or something, but nothing could get me back using a windows PC, nor will anything get me using the horrible WMP when iTunes is so fully featured. Thend.


wow, that's a boo-tiful interface. Gorgeous menu graphics. And the trackpad looks like it works really well. Like the big portrait screen, works well for UI functions and you just have to flip it for a nice widescreen for movies.


Nice to hear it's got a glass screen and what's that?? It actually WORKS with all past accessories? You listening Apple?


Horrible shade of green though lol. Definitely very tempted.


You mean all six zune accessories?!?! OMFGZ how did they ever manage to get that working?!?!


Only thing i like about the zune is the display, but even then it's a half-assed microsoft botch job. They have the same 320 x240 resolution of the iPod classic and iPod nano, but on a fatter screen. If they had increased resolution then it would've been a feature worth shouting about. But as it is, the screen isn't as good as the touch/iPhones higher res, larger widescreen display. thend pt2.

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So you need to click a button that says sync, whoop-dee-doo. What a hardship. It's still an awesome idea that $teve Jobs will no do doubt copy for the next ipod.


I still think that the Zune's interface is gorgeous with some really nice graphics. The trackpad thing looks fantastic to use as well.

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They have the same 320 x240 resolution of the iPod classic and iPod nano, but on a fatter screen. If they had increased resolution then it would've been a feature worth shouting about. But as it is, the screen isn't as good as the touch/iPhones higher res, larger widescreen display. thend pt2.



Oh no! Only 24000 pixels per inch! Whatever will i do!


Seriously mate, thats higher quality than most TVs! It's on a par with a 32" HDTV :indeed: Considering most video put on to it will be downloaded stuff and DVD rips the resolution is very good.


Also, what are all these Touch comparisons for? I hate the way the Touch has suddenly been elevated to the level of a technological milestone, it's an overpriced MP3 player and a poor PMP (compared to the competition). Ignoring the Touch the Zune is a pretty good product, it competes well with the other products in the market and adds a few unique features as well as a very clean interface. The possibility of a Microsoft Marketplace that serves Media Centre, Xbox and Zune seems very tempting too, i bet it isn't far off.


Im very tempted to buy one, it seems like a very good device at a good price. Best of all, i won't have to put up with iTunes sillyness :D (i.e. the whole it changing the meta tags in my library so that WMP and Media Centre can't read them)

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You mean all six zune accessories?!?! OMFGZ how did they ever manage to get that working?!?!


Fanboy bliss.


Anyway, I'm hearing some good reactions from the announcement of the new Zune. Also, with their 2% market share with a half-assed effort I'm looking forward to seeing what happens.


We all know Microsoft's constant dogging of a market does eventually pay off for them (XBox anyone?).

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