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Trauma Center: Second Opinion


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I love pushing the limits on the patient. One of the operations requires you to pull glass out of the guys chest and refused to inject him with the stuff that stabilizes the patient, he was very close to dying but I made it in time.


But didn't you get a lower grade for that?

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I played till mission Z-2 today. I only got C grades and one B grade for the mission for practising Healing Touch. Then to my surprise I got an A grade for the first GUILT mission. I got stuck on Z-2 because I couldn't figure out how to remove that tumor. I was slashing the scalpel as told but it didn't do anything. I'll try again tomorrow.


I really like the game so far though, it's pretty challenging at times too.

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Let me elaborate on my question a bit :rolleyes:.

For the people who've played both versions, which do they think is better? To me it seems obvious, but since I've played neither of them, I can't say for sure. From what I remember from (p)reviews, is that some actions feel more natural on the DS (slicing stuff), while others are more fun on Wii (the new defib!). Plus all the extra's of course.. But maybe some people think this is more suited as a DS game?

So which one to get, Wii version, DS version, or is it even worth getting both (which seems unlikely to me)?

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Got it today, traded in Wario Ware for it, got a nice 27 euro off the price.


Only played to 1-8 i think it was, had to stop cuz was going to cinema to see Rush Hour 3.


Really enjoying it, never played the DS version so it's all new to be, when switching my tools i even call out what i want like i'm really asking my nurse for it.


Oh and teh defib rules

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It arrived today for me - really enjoying it! I've got it on hard though, which really is :|


Completed the first chapter. Things starting to get a bit more unpredictable now!


I started of doing Normal mode but accidently went up to hard mode on the Episode Title screen.I just about had all C's apart from when you do healing touch which I got a B and I finally got an A on the last one with Linda Reid (I think) where you use the laser to burn things :D

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I started of doing Normal mode but accidently went up to hard mode on the Episode Title screen.I just about had all C's apart from when you do healing touch which I got a B and I finally got an A on the last one with Linda Reid (I think) where you use the laser to burn things :D


I got the same scores as you, except I'm playing on Normal right now.

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I started off on Normal mode, seeing as i never played the DS game, figured it best.


Just did the level with the bomb, that was bloody brilliant and a nice change too


The last part i kept screwing up and losing, then i thought damn i wish there was some way to slow those things down....then it hit me, god i'm an idiot :heh:

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Gave in and got it from ASDA this afternoon. The woman behind the counter took 10minutes looking for the disk, but thankfully she found it. Got a lot of bad looks from about 15 customers behind me waiting to be served tho :heh:

Looking forward to sitting down with it, in an hour or two.


Only Super Paper Mario left now, and no more games till Christmas for me!

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Grrrr I'm stuck, and refuse to change the difficult settings to 'Easy'.


What a shock to discover that you disarm bombs with your medical kit! Sounds like an easy task, but it is proving quite difficult for me!



Game is very addicitive too. Have re-played quite a few of the first stages a few times too!


Nurse Angie... :love:


And how much does Cybil Myers look like Ada from Resi 4!

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I'm having a hell of a job doing one of them:


I think it's 2-2, where you have to clamp the thrombi with the forceps and cut them out before they move into the main bloodstream.



I know I've got it set on Hard, but I wasn't expecting it to get this difficult this quickly! :indeed:

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I'm currently stuck at the first Triti level. I just can't figure out how to stop it regenerating. I'll try again tomorrow.


The bomb level really annoyed me to no end as well, I had to do it on easy to clear it. I always accidentally hit one millimeter of a panel, leading to explosion, which was really aggravating. :mad:

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I'm having a hell of a job doing one of them:


I think it's 2-2, where you have to clamp the thrombi with the forceps and cut them out before they move into the main bloodstream.



I know I've got it set on Hard, but I wasn't expecting it to get this difficult this quickly! :indeed:


You could be making the same mistake i was making when i first did that one....forgetting to use the drain after you cut them. I thought once you cut them they were gone and the assistant only tells you to use the drain to suck up any blood :heh:


...save 5 people in 10 mins, man that was a great level, really had to push myself on the last patient, i had so little time left i had no time to disinfect my inscision after i stitched it up, just had time to slap the bandage on, finished the level with like 0.5 seconds left



The "Fallen Heroes" level, i think it's 6-5 when you have to save 4 people in a row, i can get as far as the 3rd but the patient keeps dying, is there any way to stop those tumors and pylops from forming? They are killing me, i even managed to figure out how to save the first patient without using my Healing Touch (i hate that triangle guilt) so i could use it on the 3rd patient, but still i can't keep his vitals up


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The "Fallen Heroes" level, i think it's 6-5 when you have to save 4 people in a row, i can get as far as the 3rd but the patient keeps dying, is there any way to stop those tumors and pylops from forming? They are killing me, i even managed to figure out how to save the first patient without using my Healing Touch (i hate that triangle guilt) so i could use it on the 3rd patient, but still i can't keep his vitals up


Yep I have the same problem I'm fast but I can't keep up with the dual Deftera


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