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Sony manipulating audience at Press Conference


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The PS3 could be 4d though not technicly (4th dimention is timespace not just time)


No, the 4th dimension is time.

If you have the first 4 dimensions, then you have timespace.


Anyway, it's all bollacks.

There is no possible way their console can be 4D.

Not even at that price. ;)


Spread the word! Sony are lying bullshiters, trying to tell people their console is 4D. Tell people that it can't be 4D. Tell people not to buy it, even on that point alone (let alone the price...).

They should not be allowed to steal people's money by making bollocks claims that are, to anyone who knows their physics, total bullshit.


Don't let them get away with it!

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It is bullshit!

The 4th dimension is time!

The PS3 is unable to travel through time!

In fact, the Wii is more "4D" than the PS3 is, as it can play loads of old games as well as new ones.


Remember, it isnt even a fact that the 4th Dimention is Time.


It's just one theory.

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Remember, it isnt even a fact that the 4th Dimention is Time.

It's just one theory.


Well, it seems time "is" so therefore it exists, and as after length, width, and depth there are no more manipulatable dimensions, time is the next one.


To cut along story short, Sony are morons.

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