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Disaster: Day of Crisis


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4 hours ago, Dcubed said:

Both of them are Wiki-Wiki-Wiki-Wiki-WONDERFUL anyway ;) 

A slick fifth :grin:

I'm off work this week so I reckon I'll finish Disaster in the next day or two!

I cleared Chapter 18 this morning. It really is one hell of a day and yet not a single hair out of place on Ray's head!

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Wish I could replay this right now as well! I've forgotten most about it (no surprise there).

I do remember having more fun with this than I expected. I bought the game mostly for the adventure bits, exploring the apocalyptic city and looking for people to help. Wasn't particularly interested in the rail shooting bits, or the driving. So I was surprised I had fun with those as well for the most part, and that it all worked together better than expected. For the driving part I actually had an extremely uncharacteristic ritual of switching to the Wii steering wheel. I hated that thing and never used it for Mario Kart, but for some strange reason, I did try it out for this game, and it felt better to me, despite the hassle it was.

I forgot this was from Monolith. Would still like a sequel,


where you have to outrun the meteorite

from the ending haha. (and I also still want a Baten kaitos sequel and port of origins)

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11 hours ago, Sméagol said:

For the driving part I actually had an extremely uncharacteristic ritual of switching to the Wii steering wheel.

You know how you're never the only one to do something?

I do exactly the same thing.

Anyway, keep in mind that @Hero-of-Time has yet to play through this yet, so your last paragraph is defo a spoiler.

Edited by Glen-i
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54 minutes ago, Sméagol said:


It's a bonus though, not the actual ending.

It's fine. It's not a game that you can really spoil. Plus, the game is 10+ years old and been sat on my shelf for just as long. Nobody to blame but myself if I did feel spoiled as I've had ample time to get through it.

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5 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Great is a bit of a push. :D It is fun though....at times.

Have you never played it before?

(Quote taken from the  N-E Café thread, as I want to keep this Disasterous thread going) :D 

When I said that the game seems great, I mean, it looks like a game which surely has moments of greatness in amongst all of the unfolding chaos, it seems to me like a title which is very much a product of its time, but one which represents an important time in the developer's history, plus it sounds like it has a lot to like about it, as it's unique when compared to other games of the era.

That's the impression I get from it, and no I haven't played it, despite owning it for many years, I believe that I even bought the game second-hand on this forum, though I'm not completely certain who I bought it off, but I do remember buying Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn and another game from them, at the same time. :)

Perhaps now is the perfect time to play this game, and when I next swap out a console, to set up another, or get a permanent space for the Wii set up again, I'd very much like to give the game a try, to see what I think of it, as all of this talk about the game from back in the day and recently has inspired me somewhat. :peace:

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I finished the game this morning.



Yeah, I have mixed feelings about the game. I was enjoying it at the beginning but as the game went on it really started to drag. By the end of the game I felt like the developers were just throwing in any movie scenario they could think of. Saying that, I was both very surprised and happy to see Hard Rain get referenced. It's a great film and the stages where the town is flooded and the dam about to break is clearly influenced by that movie.

The game does feel like a mini game collection that has been wrapped in an action movie but I don't feel like the balance or pacing is right. There are times when the levels are just a few quick mini games/QTEs but then other times they can drag on far too long. Also, the mini games themselves can vary in quality. As mentioned already, the driving sections were awful, with the controls and hit detection being very iffy. Some of the exploring mini games were quite tedious and boring.

I still think the best sections are those that feature the shooting mechanic. The lightgun genre has pretty much died a death at this point and it was nice to play something like this again. However, outside of the boss fights, I did find that a lot of the time you didn't actually need to use cover. I could just absorb the hits and heal due to the fast rate of fire I had with my weapon of choice and the amount of healing items at my disposal. I think I would have enjoyed the game more if it was just a lightgun game. 

The story was a complete throwaway experience. It eventually got to the point where I just skipped the cutscenes as I just didn't care for what was going on. I think I started doing this around the time I met up with Iris. She was so annoying and Ray, as a complete stranger, deciding to take her away from her home just seemed laughably odd. 

Not a bad game but certainly not a great one. Still, it's been sat on my backlog for YEARS and it's now finally been completed. :grin:

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That's pretty much spot on, @Hero-of-Time!

I don't remember if it's present the first time through but if you start a new game with your cleared save file, there are signs to collect in every stage.

I'm sure that doesn't sound particularly appealing but I think you in particular would maybe have enjoyed hunting them down to make every chapter just that little bit more interesting. It adds another level of ridiculousness on top of what is already there but you get a few funny lines of dialogue delivered through your Wii Remote speaker every time you grab a sign :grin:

As you say, though, Disaster is a game that is kinda fun to experience but it's definitely not a great game!

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1 hour ago, nekunando said:

That's pretty much spot on, @Hero-of-Time!

I don't remember if it's present the first time through but if you start a new game with your cleared save file, there are signs to collect in every stage.

I'm sure that doesn't sound particularly appealing but I think you in particular would maybe have enjoyed hunting them down to make every chapter just that little bit more interesting. It adds another level of ridiculousness on top of what is already there but you get a few funny lines of dialogue delivered through your Wii Remote speaker every time you grab a sign :grin:

As you say, though, Disaster is a game that is kinda fun to experience but it's definitely not a great game!

You don't need to do a New Game Plus to take part in the sign campaign, you just need to replay a level you already completed.

Something I really like about Disaster is that it has a smorgasbord of unlockable goodies for doing skillful or dumb things during the game. Secret weapons based on the ones the bosses use and silly looking costumes that actually give you passive abilities to mess with. For example, saving Iris when she falls into the river lightning fast nets you a really dumb looking frog costume that makes you immune to cold temperatures and drowning. Very useful. It also replaces Ray's voice grunts with croaking, which is less useful.

And you need all those costumes and secret weapons if you ever dare attempt True Disaster difficulty which makes the game rock hard by doing one thing, make Ray more realistically fragile. Anything more than a Pistol bullet will just flat out kill him. I did it, way back. I found it fun, even if the boss fights got way hard near the end.

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3 hours ago, nekunando said:

I'm sure that doesn't sound particularly appealing but I think you in particular would maybe have enjoyed hunting them down to make every chapter just that little bit more interesting. It adds another level of ridiculousness on top of what is already there but you get a few funny lines of dialogue delivered through your Wii Remote speaker every time you grab a sign :grin:

I'm not sure I can see myself revisiting it. I think the negatives I have with the game outweigh the positives. There's plenty to unlock, such as weapons costumes and achievements, but it will mean I have to play through the driving sections again. 

1 hour ago, Glen-i said:

Anything more than a Pistol bullet will just flat out kill him. I did it, way back. I found it fun, even if the boss fights got way hard near the end.

I think that doesn't sound too bad but the game does the sin of not being able to skip cutscenes that use the game engine if you fail a section. Having to sit through the same bits of dialogue or watch the same scene after dying would be very annoying.

Speaking of repeating dialogue, the amount of times the enemies would shout "Keep firing!" Was ridiculous. Every time I heard it I kept thinking of that scene in Spaceballs.


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Disaster DOC is really a game that is greater than the sum of its parts.  While each individual part isn't especially strong on its own, they do end up coming together to create something really unique and special.

There really is no other game quite like it (no, not even the Disaster Report games!).  It's a wonderful celebration of the best and the worst aspects of the Disaster Movie genre and it's a brilliant exploration of what can be done with the Wii Remote & Nunchuck in a bespoke action adventure game.

It's a game where you have some genuinely beautifulily crafted moments... and then this right next to it...


When you gotta eat, you gotta eat!

I do think that it's a great game overall, even if the individual aspects don't always hold up to scruitiny.  While it certainly has its fair share of issues, it is a wildly entertaining game from start to finish; where not even the most cold hearted & jaded player couldn't possibly not crack a smile throughout!

(Also I'm one of those weirdos that genuinely enjoyed the driving sections and their surprisingly realistic car driving physics; go figure!)

Edited by Dcubed
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