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Final Fantasy CC: The Crystal Bearers!


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Some new snippets of info:


- new character revealed: Keiss

- Keiss is a male Selkie

- Keiss guards the Alexis II air ship

- Keiss and Layle are partners, with the partnership being story-motivated. You cannot form parties in the game

- another female Selkie is yet to be revealed, and she may be romantically involved with Layle

- Playable Events: allows for player interaction during ‘event’ scenes, includes pointing or Wiimote waggling, somewhat like QTEs, some Playable Events must be cleared to progress

- Playable Event example: shoot down monsters as Layle falls through the sky

- Demon Reaction system: enemies have different patterns and will react differently to how you approach them, may leave you alone if you don’t bother them

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IGN: There's no denying it! The silence is officially over for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers. Famitsu managed to get yet another update on the game in its latest issue, complete with commentary from producer Akitoshi Kawazu and director Toshiyuki Itahan.


The major point of note in this update is the first info on a new character, a Selkie male named Keiss. Having earned the trust of army leaders, Keiss takes up a job guarding the Alexis II air ship, a symbol of peace.


Keiss and main character Layle are work partners. They're partnership is just part of the story, though. You don't actually form parties in Crystal Bearers, so you don't directly control Keiss.


Outside of the Keiss and the characters introduced in the original unveiling of the game a couple of weeks back, we can apparently look forward to one additional primary character, a female Selkie who may have the hots for Layle.


In addition to the new character, the magazine introduces a couple of new gameplay systems: Playable Events and Demon Reaction.


Playable events allow you to interact with the game during event scenes, shaking the Wiimote or pointing at particular areas of the screen. Some of these scenes have to be successfully cleared in order to progress, but in general the story will proceed regardless of your success.


One example of a Playable Event has Layle falling through the sky. Demons fall towards him, and you have to aim the Wiimote to shoot them.


The Demon Reaction system is something that we've already seen in the teaser video clips at the teaser site. The demons of the Crystal Bearers world have their own AI and movement patterns. If you let them be, they'll interact amongst themselves. The enemies react to one-another, and to Layle's attacks, in various ways, with Kawazu noting that the game includes a considerable number of patterns.


Crystal Bearers is still without a final release date, but it's certainly reassuring to see it get so much coverage of late. The wait to play will hopefully not be too long.

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Plus the main character Layle is a main character that the final fantasy series has been dying for, a character who is overconfidant in his power, not a winey teenager prick that wants to be some emo through like half the game and then the other half acting like he needs to save the world no matter what because of one little fucking event.

Yeah got carried away but GOOD, just shows that I was getting sick of all the main characters from most JRPG's out there.

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