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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Did any of you see the geeky peoples opinion about brawl?

They were talking about how it is impossible to shield Game & Watches back air attack, so that made him one of the best characters... Why not jump over it?


I've K-O'd Pit loads of times with Ganon and Bowser... tbh I think it just depends on the way you play them, also Ganons final smash pwns Pits easily IMO plus it's more difficult to avoid unless your allready airborne whereas Pits final smash I find ways to avoid getting K-O'd by it quite easily. :smile:

The point is that you'd do quite a lot better playing as pit than as Ganon.

And final smash prowess doesn't really come into the picture on fighting does it? But yeah, Ganons is one of the best, the times I've used it, it has been 1 hit.

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I've K-O'd Pit loads of times with Ganon and Bowser... tbh I think it just depends on the way you play them, also Ganons final smash pwns Pits easily IMO plus it's more difficult to avoid unless your allready airborne whereas Pits final smash I find ways to avoid getting K-O'd by it quite easily. :smile:


Seriously, the brawl meta game will be RULED by Pits.

Also, i've yet to see Ganon's F-smash (well i have on youtube)...think I might check it out now!


Oh...and dwarf...Why the hell would you jump when you're opponent is right next to you doing a move? You'd just get hit by it....

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If they're doing a back aerial, jump backwards or roll dodge backwards.


Doing that every time he jumps at you with that move would make you lose ground and depending on which character you were playing as, put you in a disadvantage when you lnad. Also, it would make you lose the ground game when which is important in the smash according to the 'pro' players like gimpyfish.

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Man I hate tripping, I trip at least twice a match. Why they chose to punish players for moving is hard for me to understand.


Its a slap in the face of those that take this too seriously.


Marth's Final Smash...everyone says its unstoppable...but I've managed to avoid it and kill Marth in the process...its great lol


tapedeck killed him self twice with it on an online match with me! Didn't knew it had that huge range.

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So Ive just put in the DVD lens cleaner and its hard to see if it has done anything at all.

In fact it was a complete waste of money because you have to go to the menu to initiate the track which cleans it up.




It's hard to discribe how shit/stupid I feel. I thought it would just operate like the Freeloader - stick it in and it'll work automatically.



Shit, its decided to load! Thankyou!

I swear this wasn't down to the lens cleaner but there you go.


Just found this cool Brawl guidage.


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Loving the evolution one.


Are there any players that actually like to use Ganondorf?...:/...Ganondorf, as much as I love the character, feels disgustingly slow and chunky the worst version of G-man out of the two imo.


I enjoy to use it, its like Ike, there's an immense sense of satisfaction when you land one of those powerful hits.

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Loving the evolution one.


Are there any players that actually like to use Ganondorf?...:/...Ganondorf, as much as I love the character, feels disgustingly slow and chunky the worst version of G-man out of the two imo.


You only need to see his running animation to understand how bad he is.


Is that andross one on Jungle Japes?

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Its a slap in the face of those that take this too seriously.




tapedeck killed him self twice with it on an online match with me! Didn't knew it had that huge range.


Damnit!! My amateur-ness is spilled for all to see...


It's unweildly at times I give-a-you that :o

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Ooof, I just watched some online matches as a spectator (which is difficult enough, with my Wii only connecting at random times, whenever it feels like it), and dear god! I don't think I can ever keep up with any of that. XD

I have trouble enough on easy fights in single player. >.>;


Anyway, without naming any characters, can someone tell me how many there actually are (yes, I'm still avoiding spoilers, and yes, I know I'm in the spoiler topic)? I think I currently have 34, so would just like to know how many there are left. =3

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Just a reminder: If all goes smoothly, you shall be pwned tomorrow...Amen. ;D


YOU will be pwned Sunday ;) , I think I can't do it tomorrow.


Damnit!! My amateur-ness is spilled for all to see...


It's unweildly at times I give-a-you that :o


I was really surprised, I thought Marth FS only worked if it was really close, I just happened to be jumping at the first time you did it.

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I was really surprised, I thought Marth FS only worked if it was really close, I just happened to be jumping at the first time you did it.


Once I was on Eldin Bridge with Marth in an online match and I killed myself with his Final Smash two times in a row. :p It's easier to use when you're on a stage with platforms and no walkoff edges.


Ooof, I just watched some online matches as a spectator (which is difficult enough, with my Wii only connecting at random times, whenever it feels like it), and dear god! I don't think I can ever keep up with any of that. XD

I have trouble enough on easy fights in single player. >.>;


Anyway, without naming any characters, can someone tell me how many there actually are (yes, I'm still avoiding spoilers, and yes, I know I'm in the spoiler topic)? I think I currently have 34, so would just like to know how many there are left. =3


Spectator can get on my nerves sometimes, when I bet on someone who does nothing but taunt all the time, or on a Captain Falcon yesterday who completely sucked and misses all of his attacks. :p Once I bet on a Dedede who only used his forward smash and even won the match


About the characters if you're counting Zero Suit Samus and Sheik as well, then the total is 37. You should have 35 squares on the select screen excluding random when you get them all.

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I was really surprised, I thought Marth FS only worked if it was really close, I just happened to be jumping at the first time you did it.


it's definately controllable to some degree. You can pull back on the analogue to gain ground again. Yet if the stage goes off screen on a horizontal plane (ala Hyrule) it's pretty hard to slow him down. However, you can take out everyone if they are all on teh same plane as you. It's all about timing yet it's not so fast taht it cannot be dodged. It's best to be done at close quarters. I've learnt this the hard way :o


And is it just me or do the rest of you make silly mistakes like missing a ledge and falling to your doom...It seems online nerves get to me or sommat lol

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