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Peach: Final Smash


Peach Blossom


Somehow, Princess Peach always seems to go at her own pace. Her Final Smash will lure you into her world.




She’s got the Smash Ball and she’s ready!




Wh-what is this screen frame?!




Peach dances. Mario suddenly gets sleepy.




And finally, a plethora of peaches!


The closer you are to Peach, the deeper you sleep. And all around you is a mountain of peaches that replenish your health when you eat them.




Are you just going to eat peaches?!




Or are you going to launch your foes?!


The flowers bloom. The peaches pour down. Yes. It’s all so elegant.



We knew this one already, but now it's on the site.


So L-Cancelling and Wavedashing are out this time. I could wavedash but I never found any use for it as I couldn't manage an attack out of it so I won't miss it. L-Cancelling will apaarently not benecessary this time as the lag from most aerial attacks seems to have been removed so L-Cancelling won't really help anymore. This is what I read on SmashBoards yesterday. Momentum Dodging is new this time, you can't dodge in a given direction anymore but just dodge following the momentum of your jump and you can jump afterwards apparently. They seem to be making aerial combat a lot simpler.


After reading Ike's impressions, I can't see how Marth won't return anymore. :) And it's good to see them adding some more real costume changes instead of different colours.

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Thank god they removed some of the stupid little 'tactics'... it would have turned into Mario Strikers Charged where people abuse one method of winning.


Theres a load of new videos on gametrailers, but i assume thats already been posted.

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What a load of crap. Final Smash's are there to deliver pimpsmacking amounts of damage. Not heal it.


I can't remember if this is true, but in Melee, if someone was asleep and you hit them, wouldn't they wake up?


You hit one person, they wake up then go on a shopping spree for some peaches and heal themselves.

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What a load of crap. Final Smash's are there to deliver pimpsmacking amounts of damage. Not heal it.


I can't remember if this is true, but in Melee, if someone was asleep and you hit them, wouldn't they wake up?


You hit one person, they wake up then go on a shopping spree for some peaches and heal themselves.


It's not too bad really... you get the chance to heal yourself, then smash your opponents with a fully charged attack. It's alright, not quite as impressive as some others but if people are close to edges it can be pretty handy for getting those KO's!

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What a load of crap. Final Smash's are there to deliver pimpsmacking amounts of damage. Not heal it.


I can't remember if this is true, but in Melee, if someone was asleep and you hit them, wouldn't they wake up?


You hit one person, they wake up then go on a shopping spree for some peaches and heal themselves.


Actually it looks pretty useful. You can choose to deliver your most powerful attack, which will probably just be a fully charged side smash, or you can heal yourself while your opponents are asleep. More defensive than the others so far, but hardly useless.

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Those latest impressions posted didn't leave me with a particularly good impression of the game thus far... :shakehead I'm sure the issues will be ironed out though before release...

Same here, though the 1st game was slower and such and that rocks :)


I'm sure the game with be awesome though.


Shut your face!

Calm down.

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Finally someone besides the "hardcore professional reporters" get their hands on the game and they do a great job, instead of just getting some movies.


I'm glad about it in general, specially Peach's d+smash and different suits for the characters, but the speed part is a bit worrying, although I can't notice anything from the vids, so it must be a pro thing.

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Same here, though the 1st game was slower and such and that rocks :)


I'm sure the game with be awesome though.



Calm down.

Shut your face!




We already knew the game was a bit slower like the first smash with aerial combat more important, which is great for me and you can't really notice that much of a difference unless you're a "pro". Didn't see any negative impressions so far. Au contraire.

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Have Zell and Goron gone and done a Kurt Kobain after the wave dash removal news? I was expecting to see some strong views from them arguing why they still believe they weren't accidents and should be in.



(Kidding m8's, we kl?)

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Here are observations and impressions:


Meta-Knight. This guy is an easy character to like. some Alt colors = gold and bright pink. Some descriptions.


Up+B is his rising attack. I believe he jumps first and then attacks and he goes fairly high. The catch is that you float down kind of slow. You MAY be able to follow through with an attack afterwards...so maybe some sort of cancel. Not that I've seen it but there looks to be a window of opprtunity for it.


B. Tornado. One hit = either 3% or 7% damage..I forgot which. Leaning towards 3. you can control the tornado for a a short period after activating it and can keep it going longer by either pressing b rapidly or holding B the whole time...I forgot... Sorry. Anyways. I wouldn't say it's cheesy cause the damage is fairly low per hit but it's a very good move. The attack has no knockback power so you can get in consecutive hits with the tornado.


Down+B I used it but never hit with it. Meta knight dissapears thaen suddenly reappears. Dunno if it's an attack or not.


Foward + B. With this attack he basically puts the sword over his head and spins himself towards the opponent head first. The speed isn't great but it's useful.


Standing rapid A. Consecutive slashes all around his body. Unlike some of the rapid A moves in Melee you don't have to press the buttons too fast to activate.


Up+A (not smash) Think of a shoryuken with a sword in one hand and if for that shoryuken one foot never leaves the ground. So the range of the attack is directly above.


Run+ A - Similar to Kirby's


Metaknight is really easy to use and get the hang of, hence why it's a favorite of the folks here. Speed is fair too. Can dish out lots of consecutive attacks.





Some Colors: Red w/ white wings, black w/ black wings, blue w/ blue wings.


Down + B - Mirror Shield. Dunno what happens if a projectile hits it but Sonic's spindash bounces right off the shield. Right after Sonic bounces off the shield I think Pit can move while Sonic is in recoil.


Standing B - Arror shot. Can apparently make it curve slightly up or down. Faster or at the same speed with Link's arrows. But arrows are longer and slightly larger.


Foward + B he moves foward about 3 character lengths or so and spins his weapon. You can keep it spinning a bit I think,


Up + B Not an attack. Just gives you temporary flight ability. You glow while you do it. Very awesome.


Don't have the A attacks yet. Will try and get tomorrow. I forgot them...




Slower. A lot slower. Sonic looks to be faster. I used his reflector on my opponents but I could never seem to get them to fly up. They always hit the ground and away from Fox. Do you have to come in with a down+A first then reflect to get them to fly up? Still not sure on whether he has that 1 frame recovery.


Alternate black costume has him looking like Wolf McDonald. No Eye patch though.


Sonic: Pretty cool but I didn't get the hang of him right away. used him only once. All his specials involve spin dashing save his Up + B


Hold B -- Sonic spins in place really fast. So fast that he starts to float and then finally towards the direction you're facing. I don't know if he can do damage while spinning if you do not let go of B to launch him.


Foward + B Spin dash... You don't rise this time. The longer you charge the faster you go. This attack was seen in Sonic's intro vid.


Down + B ... He spins in place really quick. Not sure what its efffects are. Never hit with it.


Smash + A . If you hold A Sonic keeps winding up his punch in a windmill motion before releasing it into a strong standing right hook.



Assist Trophies:

Little Mac (Punchout!!!) - Dashes, jabs, and uppercuts

Excite Bikes (ExciteBike) - Run over everybody

Pokey (EarthBound) - Fires Lasers

Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Follows you and if you fall of the stage, he flies you back up saving you

Dr Wright (Sim City) - Makes buildings rise from underneath

Lyn (Fire Emblem) - Slashes

Devil (Devil World) - Makes screen move

Knuckle Joe (Kirby) - Vulcan jab (A ton of punches)

Samurai Goroh (F-Zero) - Slashes

Andross (Starfox) - Spits out tiles

Advance War Army (Advance Wars) - Walks around firing guns and tanks

Mr Resseti (Animal Crossing) - Lectures you

Jill (Drill Dozer) - drills across stage, hurting anyone in her way

Saki (Sin and Punishment) - Follows and shoots; if you get too close, he swings his sword (I played this game, and it's amazingly epic)

Nintendog (Nintendogs) - Covers Screen

Hammer Bros (Mario) - Throws hammers

Lakitu - Throws spikey koopa things

Metroid (Metroid) - Latches onto players and attacks


Summary of Adventure Mode:

* Donkey Kong stage (Donky and Diddy) : Bullet Bills blast into an island. DK and Diddy begin fighting stuff. Level begins. Giant goomba boss. Etc. etc. Ending cutscene -- DK and Diddy find bananas, then BOWSER appears and growls at them.


* Arena - you guys know this one. Mario/Kirby, fight, Pirahna w/ Princesses, you save one, Mario goes flying away (presumably to end up with Pit)

New Stuff: Arena, Kirby and Peach standing near each other, Zelda crawling out of her broken cage. Suddenly, motorcycle crashes into the arena. Wario hops off, pulls out a futuristic gun, shoots Zelda, she turns into a "Smash Statue" (with base), Wario cackles, picks up the statue, laughs and rides off.

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OK, spent lots of time playing today. Let's be brief for each character.


Ike: quite slow. His fair is garbage. His final smash needs to hit someone next to you to activate. It's a guaranteed kill if they have medium damage.


Mario: d-air is tornado and I couldn't get it to rise, but I suck. Fludd attack is really wimpy. His final smash pushes you across the screen if you get caught in it (contrast with Samus').


Diddy Kong: weird movement. His b-air is like Mario's and chains together really well; I used it 4-5 times in a row to kill someone off the side of Castle.


Link: he's OK. His up+b doesn't seem to pseudo-spike if it hits after the initial strike. His bomb will kill someone in sudden death.


Sonic: has a really large dash dance.


Bowser: is pretty good. His final smash is amazing and is basically a free kill (at least). Fortress cancelling, fortress from shield, and flame cancelling are back.


DK: his back throw sends you down if you use it near the edge.


Samus: can't bomb jump in the air very easily, maybe not at all. Either the timing is significantly different and no one could figure it out, or you just can't do it at all. You can still bomb jump on the ground (the bomb will send you into morph ball state). Either can't missile cancel or the timing is different to make it difficult to test. Using a bomb in the air gives significant mobility though.


Peach: d-smash has shorter range and does less damage; I used it on HugS in sudden death and it didn't kill. Her dash attack is now two hits, neither or which is particularly powerful. She can still pull beam swords (I WAS THE FIRST PERSON TO EVER DO THIS IN BRAWL -- WRITE MY NAME DOWN.) Turnips have some variety but none of them approached the power of Melee Stichface. Her F-air is still good, and her b-air is stronger. Her final smash can be shielded -- HugS had his shield up when I did one once, and his shield kept flashing and getting smaller like he was shielding something (I also did NOT get any peaches from this attack -- may have been a bug). Using her FS when opponent is in the air appears to warp them to the ground, but this may have just been them falling normally while the animation was playing. I don't think she can float cancel anymore; I was never good at it in Melee, but I tried very hard to look for any sign of FC aerials and couldn't find anything. Her usmash shows a heart at the top of her hands. Daisy is still a costume for Peach. I played her quite a bit.


Pit: doesn't seem very good; couldn't find a decent kill move?


Metaknight: very fast and lots of combos; his side b does a lot of damage but leaves you helpless after it finishes. I don't think he has many kill moves either, because I almost always saw him killing people via items. FS must connect with opponent, then it's an auto kill (?).


Pikachu: is cool. He has some badass costumes. His uair and fair combo very nicely into each other. FS is very hard to control, but if you barely tilt the stick it's not that bad.


Techniques and misc stuff



L-cancelling (MY PERSONAL THEORY: l-cancelling was made automatic for the demo, because there are clearly moves with much longer recovery times shown in some of the trailers).

Double jump cancelling (Peach/Yoshi).

Yoshi jumping out of shield.

Start as Zamus (couldn't find a button combo).

Light shield (classic controller shoulder buttons are not analog).

Cannot seem to short hop with the Wiimote on its side.




Dash Dance.

Teching (normal, wall, and wall jump).


Smash DI.

Chain grabbing (was CG'd by Pikachu's dthrow [without DIing it] and have heard that Mario can too).

Crouch cancel.

Grab items in the air with Z.

Air dodge grapple with Link/Samus.




Wavelanding; some characters seem to do something like a waveland at times. Hard to test.

Jump cancel shine. Reports vary. Most people cannot get it to work, but some claim you have to hold B while you press jump for it to work; they claim releasing B makes him start a "turn off shine" animation.




You will grab the edge during/after most moves even if you're facing the wrong way.


The Edge Hug: HugS discovered this. Walk off the edge and smash the stick towards the stage. You will grab the edge. Faster than WDing off to edge hog. This is called the Edge Hug, of course.


C-stick does tilt attacks if you also hold the regular stick in the same direction. This makes it very hard to CC downsmash with Peach, because holding down to CC and then C-sticking down will do a dtilt, not a dsmash. You can do all tilts using this method.


Fox can short hop triple laser. But his lasers do not go very far; they disappear after a distance that is about the length of the hole that appears in Bridge of Eldin.



YouTube Videos


E for All 07 Donkey Kong Adventure Cam Gameplay HD


E for All 07 Kirby and Peach Cam Gameplay


E for All 07 Kid Icarus Adventure Cam


E for All 07 Big Brawling Cam Gameplay


Big Brawling HD


Kirby Dream HD


Kid Icarus HD


Donkey Kong HD

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Those latest impressions posted didn't leave me with a particularly good impression of the game thus far... :shakehead I'm sure the issues will be ironed out though before release...

Gotta love the cynicism of the community. It gets loads of hands ons saying its great, just like Melee but better...but theres one which claims its slowed down (based on videos, it doesnt look like it has) and people go crazy

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Lol at what people who have played hands-on with this game have said.


Ok here's what I think of it all....


-I'm annoyed that wavedashing is out, but oh well. atleast it shuts up idiots who are like 'wavedashing is a glitch' and 'omg wavedashing will ruin online' (which is funny because i still don't understand how wavedashing helps you win...at all lol).

-I'm really disappointed this game doesn't have L-cancelling and that DI is FAR more easier to perform. I mean, how n00b friendly is this game going to be? I don't want a button basher.

-Yay at peachs downsmash being worse! Though i'm annoyed that Fox is worse (still going to kick ass with him :) ).

-Bowser being amazing doesn't surprised considering they've gotten rid of aerial lag.

-Speed of the game still annoys me; it seems a bit to slow and floaty (i mean, if there's a character with a strong up-air/up-smash he is seriously gonna kick ass with ease).

-Also, to Jordan, these 'stupid tactics' you're referring to (like dash dancing i expect you mean) don't help you win at all. Anyone with a brain can counter someone who uses any basic technique/combo a lot.

-Now, the BIG PROBLEM i'm having is edgegrabbing...apparantly it's REALLY easy to grab the edge..WHAT THE HELL! Why would you do that all? You're completely getting rid of the uniqueness that is Smash in that the levels is spacious unlike other fighters.

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Cool news, Dante, but cut down on the abbreviations, will ya? I got most of it, but some I missed, for instance DI and CG. Some of the techniques I don't know either, for instance wavelanding. I've heard about wavedashing, but I never really got the point of it.


By the way, it was announced a long time ago (even before the Dojo was up) that the game was slowed down. And to all complainers, does it really look like on the videos that the game is slowed down? I barely notice it and when I think I do, it might very well be a result of me believing I'm seeing it being slowed down. So no worries here.

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Cool news, Dante, but cut down on the abbreviations, will ya? I got most of it, but some I missed, for instance DI and CG. Some of the techniques I don't know either, for instance wavelanding. I've heard about wavedashing, but I never really got the point of it.


Sorry but I got the hands-on and infomation from the smashboards and gamefaqs.

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Cool news, Dante, but cut down on the abbreviations, will ya? I got most of it, but some I missed, for instance DI and CG. Some of the techniques I don't know either, for instance wavelanding. I've heard about wavedashing, but I never really got the point of it.


By the way, it was announced a long time ago (even before the Dojo was up) that the game was slowed down. And to all complainers, does it really look like on the videos that the game is slowed down? I barely notice it and when I think I do, it might very well be a result of me believing I'm seeing it being slowed down. So no worries here.


Yeah it's slower by quite a bit, it's the fact that most characters are really floaty that shows it off the most.


Also, i hear a few advance techniques have been discovered already lol.

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